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To Chide a Subversive Snelf

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*Though the 'Peacekeepers' openly damage public property, their refuse is turned useful, Words painted on clay shards, easily found, left in street corners read as follows*


A load of rubbish - Medieval manuscripts blog


"Ye, ye subversive snelf, know we know where you are from, surprising I know, for who could forget the dreary tribe of fenn? With culture soaked in blood sacrifice to fiendish gods of cruel war. YE, ye subversive snelf, know one can sniff you out not for the clothes you bare or the color of your hair, but for the slavish way of speech and countenance! You BEND before princes as though they were IDOLS. You feel warm inside do you not? When you kill a brother for your master? For even in those forlorn armors and nameless guises you reek. Ye, ye subversive snelf, why is it those you wish to slay cling so hard to their ideals? Because we have some!"



"Ye, ye! Tools of the sorority! To build the princedoms of others is to enslave yourself! You WILLINGLY Bend! To quote the valah. 'Whys'theou bendeth so?' Must be pleasurable! To know your mistresses take from you your very privileges! Though one can only hope such devout obedience rewards well. After all, the pockets of the usurper is lined with gold-a-plenty from the last nation she subverted. OH GREAT SUTICA, THE LOST LANDS OF OUR YOUTH. GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN IN IN ANY UNSUNG DREAM. (Besides the dreams of the silver lubba, who personally profiteered from great Sutica's downfall, enraptured by the usurper[lovers?!]) Know all, know all. THEY are the ones who KILLED SUTICA. And they have addresses."



"YE, ye forgotten ye downtrodden know ye know that I know. Ye seek not to earn the wealth, not to take it by the tip of your spear like sweet wine from the vine, but to instead resort to subversions and trickeries to achieve your ends. Know you are not king, but despot and dictator. You snuck into the walls of el'cihi'thillin like rats(mice) on a ship. You believe that to slay your opposition where they stand is fair and just when even approached for conversation? Know now your ways are forlorn, know now your ways are accursed. The letting of sacred blood is an act despised. So despised you forever shall be. Yeye 'Kin'slayers. Yeye Despots. Yeye Snelves."



Greek alphabet - writing in ancient Greece - Quatr.us Study Guides


*Citizens brazen with blessing laugh openly at slavish snelves! Oh how they seethe at truth!*

Edited by SteppeNomad
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Valazaer lets out a small chuckle, having heard of such from one of the other blessed citizens. "Oh my, are you sure they can read?" He asks, gesturing to the streets that were covered with locust, the Lubba and Fenn.

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Naele stepped on the clay shards to turn them into even smaller shards.

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Ayliana Valwynn puts on her tin foil hat "THEY'RE IN THE WALLS" she screamed.


"And that was my interpretation of the oppositions' side!" she beamed as her family played charades within their home.


"Uh.. Ayliana.. you're not supposed to say words.." Her sister Iphys said, holding back a laugh.


"Oh.. uh.." Ayliana slowly lowered her tin foil hat.  

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"For a self-professed 'warrior people', these strange island-mali do much nonsensical talking and no fighting; they do much dying, though," a Snow Elf observes.

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A Fennic Peacekeeper looks over the missive, a yawn gripping him as the island-folk batter each other with nonsensical speech.

"I suppose they're right, I cannot read this at all. It's entirely nonsensical to me, I wonder why."

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17 minutes ago, SteppeNomad said:

You snuck into the walls of el'cihi'thillin like rats(mice) on a ship.

The Silver Lubba noted that "We got in the same way ye got in, through the citizen doors, rather not have ye callin' yerselves rats." alongside a slight chuckle as he reads further "Ah look, Sutica, a state they warred because we looked weak, called us ghosts. Guess ghosts of the past can haunt ye, aye?"

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Seabreeze, guard and parkour enthusiast of Ivarielle, and the rat that attempted to give Ayliana a fish one time, and was also a Pirate-Captain-Rat, Bane of Haelun'or, Banana Brawler, The Great Divider, Under Tail Seabreeze, Hair Eater Supreme, Taco Maker Initiate, Magician Wizard, Orange Cube Creator,  Sea-Salt Chocolate Enjoyer, Tea Consumer, and the one whom wrought out the very soul of a guy by hissing at him, looked over the missive.

The schizophrenic rat immediately began to talk into a room filled with literally no one else in a quiet desk room in Haelun'or, since his friends had gifted him an office since he was also now apart of E.L.F with the Blue Berets.

"What is this?  I cannot read, why I am being quoted on this, where am I?  Where are my homies and why is it so dark all of a sudden?  And why does it kinda smell sorta.. Funky... In here?  Where is my fishing rod?  Where is my bananas, and why am I talking into a room full of nothin-  I mean er...  Yes this is completely against what I have seen!  Ayliana and Ivarielle the homies, they gave me a banana and some corn nuts!"

The rat proclaims as he realizes that he didn't even have a missive and was just imagining it the entire time, as the rat soon looks towards his personal cut out doll of Braxus Ni'leya, stroking it gently as he put it back on the shelf of other High Elven Literature such as the missive that discussed 'High Elven.... 'Blood lines'"  As soon the musin walked outside, hoping to find some more food at the least, for the feller was never without hunger

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A Senile Old Sutican ponders on where the great and powerful Haelun'or managed to find someone more senile than he. Repeating to himself over and over again "Fascism is when someone you dont like is leader. Fascism is when someone you dont like is leader. Fascism is when someone you dont like is leader. Fascism is when someone you dont like is leader. Fascism is when someone you dont like is leader. Fascism is when someone you dont like is leader." ((Etc))

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