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The Wrath of Malin - A Warning to the Government of Elysium

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A hollowing rumble sound would sound in the distant edges of the forest surrounding Elysium. Such a sound has not graced the edges of a city for quite some time in the western regions of Almaris, the sound of war drums is one that many pray to never hear in their lifetime,

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom…

Within the city of Elysium they would soon be able to hear screams and the clanking of metal as the sound of drums drew closer. There would be chants in Ancient Elven, there would be rumbles as machines of war neared closer. For those that looked out into the forests they would see light blue wisps gathering in the shadows,

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom…

It grew closer and closer, the sounds of hundreds of soldiers would be heard within the Elysium walls, the cries of war and wrath encroached upon their lands. The drumming would intensify, rapidly booming through the forests but not a single soldier would be seen.

The Drumming Stopped.


[!] A lone Voice yelled through the pine forests surrounding the great city.


To all Loyal brothers and sisters of malin, you are to flee the city. For the people of Elysium have not only committed crimes of disgust and ill-nature, but of half-breeding and plaguing the elven race with the curses of man and dwarf. The time for their punishment has come, the time for cleansing, the time for the Awakening. You have until nightfall.

[!] The voice halted and the forest grew quiet once more, where did they go? Are they still out there? Had they left? Only time will tell.




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A tired Ker would try his armour on as he would prepare to ride “I will ride for the ancestors” Aesar would say

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Sul brings his hands up to his face, rubbing at his eyes. The Ashwoods grumbles to himself. "Oh gods.. purists worse than Haelun'or.."

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A de Astrean nobleman slid his sword into his sheath, as he then gestured to the missive of the declaration of war. 

"Some imbecile Haelunorian hiding in the woods is digging up abhorrent lies to fuel his wanderlust for power on the bloodshed of others." 

((Feel free to hit me up on discord(Crines#2975) if you want to arrange some uncapped skirms))

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Lord Hieran strokes his chin from the far off paradise of Ebonwood

"So...we're not the only ones under Malins watch...Perhaps this requires some of my attention, and even investigation. "


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Pyrin Nria-Crane stared at the missive blankly before tossing it aside with a look of disgust. “Malin? Half breeding?” His brow furrowed. “They won’t get past the front gates, We have a king who cowers in the shadows and a Commander who hides his men in a fortress.” The Ker stated within his clan home. “Do harm as they wish, for Elysium has tarnished the strength they once had due to the ill nature of Eugeo De Astrea. A man without resolve or courage.”

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"Elyzium is under da protection of da Kubz of Krug." Hu-din walks off to find the Rex. 

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24 minutes ago, oryP said:

Pyrin Nria-Crane stared at the missive blankly before tossing it aside with a look of disgust. “Malin? Half breeding?” His brow furrowed. “They won’t get past the front gates, We have a king who cowers in the shadows and a Commander who hides his men in a fortress.” The Ker stated within his clan home. “Do harm as they wish, for Elysium has tarnished the strength they once had due to the ill nature of Eugeo De Astrea. A man without resolve or courage.”

Eugeo de Astrea looks through Pyrin's window. 

" Have you been even out of your home for years? None of the other leaders and I have seen you. Also I'm literally your neighbor down the street and I built that strength you speak of with my late brother, do not lay claim to Absolon's strength when you had no part in it. "

Jim Halpert Smiling Through Blinds | Know Your Meme

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6 minutes ago, Suicidium said:


Eugeo de Astrea looks through Pyrin's window. 

" Have you been even out of your home for years? None of the other leaders and I have seen you. Also I'm literally your neighbor down the street and I built that strength you speak of with my late brother, do not lay claim to Absolon's strength when you had no part in it. "

Jim Halpert Smiling Through Blinds | Know Your Meme

Pyrinn stared blankly at the man. “This is the second floor, we’re two stories off the ground. How long have you been there. Clearly long enough to see me read and talk to myself over this subject. I’m concerned over whether or not the King is stalking me.”

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As silence followed the declaration from the forest, Nisreen Reede de Astrea scurried through the city to the gardens, to halt in front of the statue of her late father, Esmond, and a candle she'd placed for her late mother, Aylin. She looked to them even still for guidance, for wisdom. "The people should be free to choose, even knowing the risks.  This isn't about purifying, this is about control. War upon the elven residing here is war upon us all."

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1 hour ago, Suicidium said:

A de Astrean nobleman slid his sword into his sheath, as he then gestured to the missive of the declaration of war. 

"Some imbecile Haelunorian hiding in the woods is digging up abhorrent lies to fuel his wanderlust for power on the bloodshed of others." 

((Feel free to hit me up on discord(Crines#2975) if you want to arrange some uncapped skirms))


Haelun'or, deep in the chaos of a civil upheaval, had little time to dedicate towards the lesser races - Veluthri Elibar'acal no exception. Drinking a cup of green tea, the leaves harvested in the wintry seasons for a fuller palette, she read through the morning papers of elcihi, rife with news of elections and speeches, of hurled insults and attacks on character - nothing, of course, related to Elysium, or non-thilln mating with other non-thilln (such was no business of the third-best publication of elcihi, the Silver Inquirer, after all). Suddenly, she sneezed.


"Heyae-?!" she exclaimed, confused - for it was a rather warm day as Malin's Welcome was coming into full swing.



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Ellathor Vanari was sitting on a sofa, in the lounge of his family castle, Cathay, polishing the fistcuff medals he won years back. When he heard the warmongering sounds he paused and looked up at the ceiling, and when the sound continued Ellathor put the medal down and turned to his sword, grabbing it and quickly he rushed up the tower, coming out the door with heavy breaths and sheathed sword in his hand and ready to face the sounds source, founding not the threat as he looked over the leave crowns of the hinterlands trees, continuing to look over, that is when he heard the voice from the forest, when it saying what it said, Ellathor furrowed his brows...confused.

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Leika remembered better from the drum's tone, having heeded it in her early years with the tribe, a sound she had never honestly forgotten. This was too primal for high elves. No, no, it was too feral. The bronze human stood from the balcony facing the gates, snatching her swords and sheathing them upon her belt.  Her eyes grew cold as each word spoken, she had never been battle-hardened, but she knew the life that twisted all her family. “Anti?” she called, inspecting and listening behind her for the emotionless porcelain voice of the sorvian “direct order insure the safety of the half breed children of Elysium.” the words befalling her lips before she even processed them. “No one will get to our citizens if we can help it.”   Walking out of the house to find her father and assist him where needed. @Suicidium.  @SirLancefart

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"Larihei, when will the violence end, - innocent people of Elysium, attacked by the terrorist rabble," hummed Liewyn, making a sip of mint tea "Right after we drove them out of Silver City... Could it be the same terrorists? Who knows.."

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Remarks to someone in his Palace "I don't recall the passing of any judgement against Elysium.... I suggest if there are crimes against Elfdom these Mali should seek Malin's voice..."

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