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On the Matter of Indefinite Bans


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Staff has been unbanning people who doxx, post pornography and gore in discords, and do fucked up shit for the past couple years idk what y’all are expecting to change

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there is way too much NL glorification and worship on this thread

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I'll be honest, I know very very little about recent bans or what many of these people even are accused of doing. I've heard a story here and there, so I don't have any place to speak as if I know what I'm talking about when it comes to the individuals and I won't attempt to. However, I do have general opinions on these topics. I've been part of LOTC for a long time, with long breaks in between my active periods and one reason I consider never returning is toxicity. Aka doxxing, ooc political bs, so on. I get it my my dude, this is a block game but I'm here, when I'm here, for enjoyment, for story, for roleplay, that's why we should all be here.


Toxicity ruins roleplay communities. It should be punished.


Now, when it comes to doxxing or doing things that target the literal person behind the screen, not their character or actions within the community, I will never feel bad for anyone who's permanently banned for that. It's disgusting and needless. When you have to resort to those things, you aren't cool, you aren't edgy, you didn't win, you're the loser. Hot take? Shouldn't be.


Certain actions should receive not only harsh but swift punishment with no remorse. I saw some posts talking about "leaders were banned, that's bad" in short. In theory, yes, leaders being banned is bad for the community they lead but if it's leaders who not just break rules but break serious rules and target people behind the screen, they should 100% be handled roughly.

Even if a leader is an RP role, it usually ends up being an OOC role as well. You are an example, you run how things are done (generally), you guide a sub-community within LOTC. If you are the one, as a leader, being overly toxic, doxxing, being racist, whatever, you are then setting a theme in your sub-community and now you are doing greater harm. If there are leaders who genuinely did some bad shit, got banned, I don't see how their actions that got them banned can defended because they are a leader? The ban should be /supported/ because they are a leader.

Again, there is literally not one individual I'm targeting with this because like I said, I know very little about the specific details. I also want to say, staff can 100% do too much. I've been in many communities where staff have guidelines for how rules should be handled and because of ooc cliques or general bias, those rule guidelines are thrown out of a window and people are banned when they should have gotten warnings if anything at all. There are always questionable staff decisions in every rp community I've been in and it's very clear that staff can be humans like the rest of us, all the bad and good that comes with that. 


Though just because one staff decision was bad in your eyes, or one community member did something from this group, doesn't mean a blanket should be put over many people. I'm sure there's been many staff decisions over the years that people disagree with, many bans, rule changes, whatever it may be. Though again, as someone who often considers if it's worth being here because of all the toxicity I hear about, I'm damnnnnnn sure that there's many people who deserve their bans, leader or not.


I also agree that probably regardless of the action, people should be contacted and communicated with once/before banned. I saw that issue come up here. Something that really sucks is being banned without any knowledge of why or any chance to defend. Everyone should have the opportunity to defend themselves at the least. 

Edited by Thedeadoor
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14 hours ago, Orlanth said:


Let’s also not forget Admin and Mods being blatantly biased towards one side or the other during wars. 

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i like reading reddit posts in voice chat with my staff friends, we laugh because people think it will change anything, but it will not


the above is accurate and this is funny, i hope more players are banned for no reason



(i like hugh and nectorist tho)

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This is an issue which most people will shrug off until it winds up affecting them as well. This is an issue which needs to be acknowledged and there needs to be something done to actively change this issue. I'm sick and tired of members within the community receiving astronomically long bans for reasons which are illegitimate. I'll refrain from putting forth my own personal tinfoil-hat opinions into this conversation, but it is a known fact that throughout the past few years that there have been several incidents where these kinds of excessive bans were handed out by moderators who undoubtedly acted with bias; usually done to benefit the community that they are biased towards.


Is that what happened with some of the players who were discussed within this post? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not going to mention my opinion. Either way:


Excessive, long-term bans with questionable reasonings behind them need to stop.

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More bans. Make new people take the reigns so folk can stop toe sucking. 

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Well thats true, cant tell otherwise

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Allowing people who did major bad stuff just because the population of the server is in decline is the dumbest excuse I've heard in a while for letting scumbags back on. Let's unban all the groomers aswell, I mean we need all the players we can get.

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