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The Wiki Team Roadmap


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Heyo everybody, your friendly neighborhood wiki manager here. Bringing you a small update and roadmap post on how things have been running during my tenure on the wiki, and our plans for the next couple months (Till the end of the year in this roadmap, though still subject to change). 




Now you might be wondering. The Wiki Team? What do they even do?!!?!?!? Although it might not be noticeable on the surface level, the team has been putting in many hours, fixing, updating and creating a metric shit ton of different pages all over the wiki, and we just wanted to fill you in on all the work we’ve done, and what we plan to do on a monthly basis. 


Speaking of the 'we' from the last sentence, I would like to introduce our Wiki Team Roster, the group of talented individuals that have been the reason the wiki has started to really transform and flourish. If you have any questions about wiki or would like to help in some way, feel free to contact any of us on the forums, or discord.



Wiki Manager - @SaviourMeme

War, Backbone & Nation oversight - @JoshBright

War oversight - @Javert

Racial Hub & Front Page oversight - @Laeonathan

Wiki Team Member - @Twandhi

Wiki Team Member - @Froschli


The list of work is going to start roughly six months ago, when I first stepped in as the Community Team manager in charge of the wiki. My priority being the creation of a dedicated team of writers who could not only keep updating the massive amount of changes and updates that happened throughout Roleplay and OOC on the server, to adding onto it with brand new topics and information as well. With that out of the way, we began to tackle the massive amount of work that would be needed to start bringing up the Wiki to at least parity with the basic information we have.


The Last Six Months

New Player Guide

Wiki Guide

The Editors Guide






Nations and Settlements update

Surge Combat & Crafting 


Wars Rehaul

Alchemical Herbs Rehaul

Several Persona Wikis

Aviary Plugin




War Rules & Guidelines

Horde v Malin'or war

Almaris Coalition war

Dozens of Characters pages

Map!!! (Thank you Laeonathan)


Lore Guide (Spearheaded by SaviourMeme)

Nor’Asath (Pending information from Settlement Leader)


Notes Plugin

Map Update 

Lore Rehaul Part 1 (Magic)

Front Page Rehaul Part 1 


Wiki Rulebook

Wiki Tasks

Map Update

Settlement Guide Directions

Realm Plugin

Vistulia (Pending information from the Settlement Leader)

Lore Rehaul Part 1 (Magic)

Front Page Rehaul Part 2 



Krugmar Update (Pending information from the Settlement Leader)

Modern History Rehaul

Map Update

Lore Rehaul Part 2 (Creatures)

Backbone Rehaul Part 1 



Map Update

Lore Rehaul Part 2 (Creatures)

Wiki Review and Assessment

Racial Hub Review

Backbone Rehaul Part 2  


Our Plans

-Staying Ahead of the Curve:

Creating and Updating pages for new plugins and updates to old ones as soon as they occur


-The Roadmap:

While the Roadmap is in order of importance it is still only a rough guideline, these are the months that we will try to complete the tasks, though it is subject to change based on the amount of work we are able to get that month, due to IRL and other more important issues on the wiki. A single wiki page can take hours or days to complete.


-The Lore Rehaul:

One of the biggest complaints from players that we’ve gotten is the amount of lores pages on the wiki that are missing important information, have incorrect information, or are even completely nonexistent. With this rehaul we will focus on creating pages for all the missing lore and updating all old pages to match the information on the forums. As well as general sorting and readability.


-The Backbone Rehaul: 

Updating the Backbones in order to make them more modern, better looking and to make them all the same design as currently many of them have different or conflicting designs. Some backbones that we wanted to specifically focus on are, creatures, magic, cities, minerals, potions, too name a few.


-Front Page Rehaul:

Updating the front page in order to make it more noob accessible and overall better looking, this has been one of the main complaints along with the updating the map for the wiki and we finally plan to fix this.




Thank you for reading,

From the LOTC Wiki Team



As I mention in my reply below, the wiki team tries to be as accurate as we can with the information we put onto the wiki, as well as changes that are being made by non wiki team members of the community. If you have any issues that you would like to discuss, feel free to message me on discord @SaviourMeme#9634 and I will try to figure out the entire situation, do not feel as if you are trying to overrule a Community Team member by doing this. We all make mistakes, and in the chance that somebody is maliciously editing the wiki it is even more important. - Saviour

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I love war. Give me more wars to write about.

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sad thumbs up cat Meme Template - Piñata Farms - The best meme generator  and meme maker for video & image memes


when is it the skin archive's/media team's turn


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Let's go girls!

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Go Wiki!

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Just remove all the magic on the wiki or put a big spoiler at the top of each section saying to go to the forums for up to date info. Same thing with creatures, there's no need to do an overhaul when each of these are often changing.

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I one-uped the post. Can I see my family now saviour?

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i've heard some of my friends complain about edits made to wiki pages by community team members that they felt were unfairly biased, innacurate, or unnecessary, especially on character pages and on historical events. for clarity's sake, how does the CT wiki team decide what pages need to be updated, and following this, how does the team remain objective when editing pages that other people have made? 


i'm asking this not to attack the team, but because i genuinely believe that the wiki can be one of our best sources not for lore but for characters' individual histories apart from PK posts, and i have some concern about wiki team members who could potentially have biases or little to no knowledge editing things that are more personal such as character pages.

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15 minutes ago, yandeer said:

i've heard some of my friends complain about edits made to wiki pages by community team members that they felt were unfairly biased, innacurate, or unnecessary, especially on character pages and on historical events. for clarity's sake, how does the CT wiki team decide what pages need to be updated, and following this, how does the team remain objective when editing pages that other people have made? 


i'm asking this not to attack the team, but because i genuinely believe that the wiki can be one of our best sources not for lore but for characters' individual histories apart from PK posts, and i have some concern about wiki team members who could potentially have biases or little to no knowledge editing things that are more personal such as character pages.

Im curious about this myself, because I have yet to hear any of these complaints that you are bringing up. So if you have examples that would be great to hear. As for the second part of the question, everything we put onto the wiki does not come from out own heads. All the information we change is changes that are officially approved by the parties, ie. via their posts on the forums or confirming with people involved or speaking with staff teams involved (such as the case with raids and wars, we confirm outcomes with the mods overlooking them).

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24 minutes ago, yandeer said:

i've heard some of my friends complain about edits made to wiki pages by community team members that they felt were unfairly biased, innacurate, or unnecessary, especially on character pages and on historical events. for clarity's sake, how does the CT wiki team decide what pages need to be updated, and following this, how does the team remain objective when editing pages that other people have made? 


i'm asking this not to attack the team, but because i genuinely believe that the wiki can be one of our best sources not for lore but for characters' individual histories apart from PK posts, and i have some concern about wiki team members who could potentially have biases or little to no knowledge editing things that are more personal such as character pages.

@yandeer yo, to answer your question we do not touch character pages unless it falls into one of a few categories:
1) we made the page
2) we were requested by the person to aid in it
3) we noticed there is something out of date about it (ie they died and the page says they are alive) and there is evidence in the form of a PK post, Forum post, or Roleplay(often asking for ooc confermation) to support this. 
4) it's one of our own persona's 

Typically persona pages are left for the community and namely the person who has the persona to do


However, let's play hypothetical for a second and say that a wiki team member did make an incorrect edit on a personal character page. There are a few things you can do in this scenario, one of which is to undo the edit with the use of the view history section or correct the page with an edit. Another thing you can do is reach out to the member who made the edit and calmly explain to them that it is incorrect, when doing this it is always best to assume ignorance before malintent.

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21 minutes ago, SaviourMeme said:

Im curious about this myself, because I have yet to hear any of these complaints that you are bringing up. So if you have examples that would be great to hear. As for the second part of the question, everything we put onto the wiki does not come from out own heads. All the information we change is changes that are officially approved by the parties, ie. via their posts on the forums or confirming with people involved or speaking with staff teams involved (such as the case with raids and wars, we confirm outcomes with the mods overlooking them).


sure! as per you reaching out to me via dms, i explained the issues i alluded to there, but i'm very happy to hear that the wiki team ensures there's some sort of consensus with the players involved or the moderators who oversaw the conflict. when i first started out on lotc, reading the more fully fledged pieces on the wiki such as the ones for adeline of alstion and cesarina of marna were really what inspired me to create a good narrative, so that's why i err on the side of defensiveness when it comes to the wiki. 


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51 minutes ago, yandeer said:

i've heard some of my friends complain about edits made to wiki pages by community team members that they felt were unfairly biased, innacurate, or unnecessary, especially on character pages and on historical events. for clarity's sake, how does the CT wiki team decide what pages need to be updated, and following this, how does the team remain objective when editing pages that other people have made? 


i'm asking this not to attack the team, but because i genuinely believe that the wiki can be one of our best sources not for lore but for characters' individual histories apart from PK posts, and i have some concern about wiki team members who could potentially have biases or little to no knowledge editing things that are more personal such as character pages.




Back in my day, a wiki team member would notify you, to tell you that your character was worthy of a wikipage, and then they would ask you to write information on it and they would put it on the wiki.


So, I was told Matthias Rutledge had enough impact on the world of medicine that he was worth a wiki page....... I wrote the page myself, using the code I learned and manipulating it to get what I want :p but the worry is also on regular people editing pages. I know that I am on a couple of people's hate lists, thus my contributions concerning Ves have actually been erased or contributed to someone else. I don't bother to go back and change it, because I'd rather not start a feud.

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4 minutes ago, 1_Language_1 said:




Back in my day, a wiki team member would notify you, to tell you that your character was worthy of a wikipage, and then they would ask you to write information on it and they would put it on the wiki.


So, I was told Matthias Rutledge had enough impact on the world of medicine that he was worth a wiki page....... I wrote the page myself, using the code I learned and manipulating it to get what I want :p but the worry is also on regular people editing pages. I know that I am on a couple of people's hate lists, thus my contributions concerning Ves have actually been erased or contributed to someone else. I don't bother to go back and change it, because I'd rather not start a feud.

Ive edited this onto the main post, but I will repeat it here again just for more visibility. If people are maliciously editing the wiki, feel free to shoot me a dm on discord (SaviourMeme#9634). I have a very low tolerance  for such things, and users that are participating in this will be warned only once, any further changes and they will be banned from having a wiki account. 

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4 minutes ago, SaviourMeme said:

Ive edited this onto the main post, but I will repeat it here again just for more visibility. If people are maliciously editing the wiki, feel free to shoot me a dm on discord (SaviourMeme#9634). I have a very low tolerance  for such things, and users that are participating in this will be warned only once, any further changes and they will be banned from having a wiki account. 

ye ye i just hadn't refreshed the page 💀

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