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As Issued from the An'asul estate

18th of Malin's Welcome, Year 97 of the Second Age





{Art by Pengzhen Zhang}


"An epoch to lay the foundations of permanent progress. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! You are the chosen one, child. Blessed by Larihei’s realisation of the nature of the State and our inherited Nature, I will guide you into the future. A completed century will only be the start."


- Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar



Blessed Citizens of our State, our home and refuge…


While many of you know me for my rather clamorous ways of ensuring the progress of our blessed bastion, I am indeed  a servant of the state, a vigorous one who sacrificed their whole being to the betterment of our kin. 


Unlike others, I do not seek to abolish institutions to install myself as the absolute power of the State.. Powers and responsibilities should always be distributed among the blessed; ‘tis to allow the ever so progressing mali‘thill to actively participate in the political scheme of Haelun’or but to also prevent one individual becoming the absolute force, a dictator. 

We have seen this from time to time, the last time Sohaer held absolute power they attempted to erase the most blessed Maheral from our history. The last time someone we called Maheral held absolute power, she ended up being a fraud. This we have seen, and this I promise will never happen under the guidance of myself, democracy shall prevail. 


This I promise with my ever so dying soul, Haelun’or will be reinstalled as a nation great among the nations of the realm. We shall be the epitome of a functioning democratic society and never shall we be blinded by mundane terms such as “Regent-Sohaer”. 




And so, this is a promise to the Motherland itself, to the mali’till and citizens of our Blessed Bastion…


  • The Silver News shall be promised full autonomy as per functionality. The editor in chief shall be promised funding to ensure the prosperity of the paper and the government shall not dictate the functions of it. 


  • Elsillumiran shall function as always, Okarir’tir will remain as their commander and Sohaer their Commander in Chief. Maheral as the head of state shall rule over the aforementioned. If changes are needed, they shall be directed by elokarir'tir. 


  • Magic has long gone untouched within our nation. I promise to start the distribution of magic myself within the blessed bastion, and once my pupils have graduated they shall take upon themselves to teach. Magical institutions will be reinstalled, and Haelun’or will once more be the home of magic as Larihei intended. This includes any and all scholarly subjects we are able to teach to the masses. 


  • After a long lasting war, I believe instead of enemies we should aim to befriend the nations within the realms. It is no lie, we were close to extinction and were it not for the miracle that happened we would all be nothing but blood stains upon the silver isles. Never shall we raise unnecessary arms again and under my guidance we shall aim for peace. 


  • Certain council meetings shall be made public; the citizenry invited to listen as elheial'thilln converses about the topics of the nation. Public assemblies as started by Sohaer Uradir shall be reinstalled and will take place on a scheduled basis. 


Many things, but I believe change is exactly what Haelun’or needs as for now. We have had Sohaeran closer to identical to one another, yet no change has happened and now we found ourselves almost extinct. I could write a novel that will take centuries to finish if I was to write everything that I seek to change, however instead of that I wish to have you citizens come speak with me. Come, have a discussion and we shall exchange words and ideas on how to make the nation a better place for all 'thill. 


 I am Usamea An’asul and a vote for me as Sohaer of the Silver State, is a vote for progress and health.










Laurir Usamea An’asul




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Marellon perused the missive, before nodding with approval. I never realised Usamea was so affiliated with Haelun'or.. nonetheless, they will make a fine choice. I do hope they succeed. 

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Alucard looked over Marellon’s shoulder, studying the missive he held “Well at least she has quite a nice idea for elCihi… ne that I care though.” He sighed, patting Marellon on the head before walking off - making noise as he packed for the two.

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"Well, I could already forecast the winner." Notes a High Elven scholar as he sorts books in the library. "And that might be the one that bothers to contribute to society and shows face. Not one turned into some decrepit creature that destroys living things around it."

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