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A Polar Concurrence


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Sir Guillermo Rutledge would put pen to paper to record his thoughts on this day. He may expand this in a future paper for the Royal Balianese Academy. 


It is with great reluctance I will turn my sword upon the heartlands. Balian and Haense will answer the call of our fellow Canonists to protect against this neo-Renatian cult masquerading as my homeland. My family is of Adrian stock and it saddens me to see the great deception of the Pertanaxi Promise. All that awaits the eventual subjects of Pertanaxi Princes is blood and fire. Ves felt that twice. Once at it's sacking and in the intestines of the hellhole of Helena. The blood and potash eventually fed the longest reign Canondom has in the records. The issues with the Pertanaxi fire is it eventually runs out of fuel and will consume itself. The may win a battle, a war, or a crown but will eventually fall to their own flame. Those who plot against their liege time and time again eventually face that from their own vassals. 


We will once again look into the flames of the heartlands. Will we be consumed or be its master?


With that, Guillermo would roll his scroll up and set it away in a drawer of his desk at the Academy. 

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51 minutes ago, kazoo said:
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BREAKING NEWS: Balian sent a 10 person support squad to Aunn to help out in raids!

ten minutes later:

This just in: Balian and Aunn’s combined rally of 40 couldn’t get a single kill on Adria’s 30 man rally and were utterly defeated.



try to be normal


An elf spectating from afar wonders if there will ever be long-lasting peace within the heartlands of the human territories.

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2 hours ago, Valkirey said:

"One free city, united by a single and true cause. The people of Adria have no reason to fear a fickle alliance." A young fighter snickered within the camp. 

"Shut up Elf!" says Brandt towards the fighter, who clearly has elven ears protruding from the helmet. "You don't even know human politics! Go back to the woods, ELF!" Brandt makes a shooing motion towards the nearest jungle.



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Karl beams as he read the missive aloud to his cousin, Theoderic von Theonus. "Gott does watch down on us." He said a quick prayer after having finished reading, his resolve strengthened for the coming days. Donning his armor once more he walked into the square of Neu Brandthof. A hand resting firmly upon the hilt of his blade, ready for whatever came next.




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7 minutes ago, Deets said:

Karl beams as he read the missive aloud to his cousin, Theoderic von Theonus. "Gott does watch down on us." He said a quick prayer after having finished reading, his resolve strengthened for the coming days. Donning his armor once more he walked into the square of Neu Brandthof. A hand resting firmly upon the hilt of his blade, ready for whatever came next.


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Theoderic nods along as his cousin reads the missive. "That He does, cousin." He picks up his armor and sword and follows behind Karl while making an attempt to calm his nerves. 

Edited by Tremerus
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Jan Wilhelm bided his time within Minitz as he prayed for twenty days and twenty nights that peace could still be found.  

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Jimarcus Rowe, knight of old, screams into the void. When would it end?!?

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"Fadir, fadir! What's the meaning of all of this?" A young Erik Edvard tugged at his father's ( @tcs_tonsils_ ) clothes in worry.

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Kor'garr's brow furrows as he looks over the announcement. Grey hands crumple the paper slightly before taking out a large quill to note comments or observations from the flowery language.

"Zeemz dah peepul uv Kanun ahr nub az uniyted az dey kleym." He ponders for a moment, shaking his head at some errant thought until filing away the missive under "Zhara Clan Waghz".



In a future Kaktuz Weekli? Hmmmm....


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After a few months had passed- another signature and Coat of Arms had been added- this new missive replaced any old ones present throughout the realms on notice boards or similar structures.

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