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Band of the Crossed Claw - [Beast Hunters and Relocators]


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Band of the Crossed Claw


- The Beginnings

The band of the Crossed Claw has very humble beginnings, comrades in arms, commonfolk and people seeking adventure, many of its members are or once were Hunters, and some even descend from the ones of old from which the Hunter’s code developed. The Band soon gathered volunteers and old friends from around the continent, all with a common goal in mind: The preservation and safety of both descendants and beasts. Where soldiers destroy and vigilantes fail, the Band eliminates or captures the creatures who endanger themselves and the descendants.





- Hunter's Code

The Band functions on the belief that a connection and bonding of an individual to the nature of hunting may be achieved through the many practices of proper beast slaying. To attain said connection, an individual should adhere to the rules and superstitions brought forth by the Band of the Crossed Claw of beast slayers. 

Hunters of old from the frigid northern lands believed in a connection with nature itself, something more pure and deeply nestled within the forces of the world, far from different than any religious belief that idolizes a superior entity. As groups formed and migrated, many others were influenced and saw similarities in the behavior of these natural energies present within nature; many soon learnt how to predict and even harness such power, becoming the first Oracles. Though not all beliefs are commonly shared between hunters and deeply vary based on the group’s location. The following pages illustrate what the Band of the Crossed Claw has developed through the years. [...]


(You may read more here)

The code post





- Band's purpose

From the very first days of the Band’s life, the members swore to protect the domain of all descendants and beasts alike. The Band of the Crossed Claw offers a multitude of services not only regarding beast slaying, but also on relocation and safety of creatures. The Band is a community that prepares and trains its watchmen with martial training and lessons that focus on better respect and understanding the nature of monsters and otherworldly creatures. Being a fellow Talon is not, by any means, an excuse to harm and destroy the natural environment in which beasts thrive.


The Band is a monster slaying company, and as such will provide you with the training needed to face the many hardships of contracts, its principle however, is on the preservation, relocation and safety of beasts of all kind, magical or not. The Band will safely and effectively approach the threat to avoid damaging its ecosystem, unlike a rallied group of soldiers or citizens who might do more harm than good. Any member can take and complete contracts after consulting with a higher ranking officer, and keep the amount of coin that was agreed with the contractor. However, at least 15% of the gain will go towards the Band’s upkeep.


A Recruit will be considered part of the guild once their oath has been pronounced. The guildhouse of the Band offers rooms and living quarters for all members in need and a member shall always find a roof to rest under in all of the Band’s properties.



- Raven's oath and code of conduct

To uphold respect and honor, the Band holds its own code of conduct with 4  principles every guild member is expected to follow.

I. Neutrality

I, while under the banner of The Band of the Crossed Claw, swear to never don the Band’s uniform while pursuing any political actions or involvement in conflicts that do not concern the primary interests of the guild. I will never take contracts that directly endanger the lives of the descendants or potentially harm them.

II. Brotherhood

I swear to respect the Band’s banner, my fellow watchmen, and promise that no blade will ever spill their blood by my hand. I will not thieve onto their possessions, they will not be neglected of their reward for my own greed, and all which is gained from a contract will be shared amongst the Band equally.

I swear to uphold the utmost respect for the ranks of my superiors, to never question their authority and orders, to never betray the Flock, and to stay true to my words. I will never lie or plot against my fellow watchmen. I will instead report any concerns to The High Flock or my commander should I deem it necessary.

III. Respect of Nature

I swear to never harm a creature without a good reason. I will only hunt beasts for contracts or necessity. I will not tolerate abuse against animals done by fellow watchmen, and I will be loyal to my companions as they are to me.

IV. Knowledge

I swear to prepare myself against the upcoming threats, and that no watchmen nor myself will succumb to danger for my negligence. I swear to never bring a watchman not prepared to face the dangers of a contract.

Code of conduct

  1. The High Flock has the final say.
  2. Respect the band's name.
  3. Do not harm your fellow guild members, they are your brothers and sisters.
  4. Help your guild members and find strength in them.
  5. No coin is greater than the band’s unity.
  6. Never harm a creature or animal nor for the ill intentions of others or your personal gains if not for strict necessity.
  7. Never harm a descendant unless for self defense.
  8. Never rise a blade first, but defend the Band's mission and purpose.
  9. Do not delve into any form of dark art.






- Ranks

The Band has by no means a strict militaristic approach to hunt, however, in the face of danger and chaos Leaders must arise from the group and conduct each and every Talon in a single direction. Mutual respect is shared between all ranks and a brother or sister is made no less important than another for their grade, only knowledge and experience elevate a Hunter.

Each guild member can be promoted to a higher rank through nomination or simply asking. These promotional concerns should be brought to The High Flock for consideration.


The High Flock, council of the Band.

The council is formed by a close circle of people devoted to the guild. Each person in the council is responsible for maintaining their assigned position, subordinates, and paperwork related to their field. The council acts as one, taking decisions as a group and electing a spokesperson.


Master Sealgair

Captains of the Band, experienced monster hunters who are meant to oversee the training and coordination of the guild members. They are assigned by the Council. At least 1 Master is always present.


High Talon

The High Talons are considered the veterans of the guild; those who have shown great dedication and interest. They may coordinate up to 3 guild members under their command, forming a flock. 



The Talon title is awarded to those who have shown interest and dedication in the upkeep of the band. They are the ones that should hold the majority of the sparring sessions for Recruits.



In order to become a Novice, one must prove themselves as a Recruit. With this rank comes more responsibilities on contracts. These responsibilities will be given by their assigned commander before each contract begins. Novices may also help with sparring sessions for Recruits if their High Talon allows it.



Recruits are officially part of the guild. After swearing the oath, the Recruit must take part in a sparring session with a higher ranking member in order to show their current skill. Additional training may be needed if certain Recruits cannot prove that they can survive while on a contract. Recruits are expected to gain the knowledge necessary for contracts either through self-studying sessions or lessons hosted by the guild. Only basic self-defense is required.



- Additional Ranks

The Band at its core is not only composed of warriors and hunters, all members are guaranteed to find a purpose better suited for them. Within the guild there are several additional ranks that include blacksmiths, cooks, librarians, scribes, triage doctors and spiritual leads, all making their part to aid the Band in its mission.


- Application Form

To begin your apprenticeship within the Band and become a Recruit, you will first have to get in contact with the Council, either via forwarding a letter to a Councilor directly, or by leaving a compiled application form at the Guildhouse.


Application format:

(Leave a comment to this thread with this format compiled)

RECRUITMENT CURRENTLY CLOSED. ((Last updated 26 of September 2023))



MC Name: 



Character’s name: 

Character’s race

Any particular skills:

Affiliations and Allegiances:




The Hunter's code plays a big part in the guild's activities, the beliefs written in the document aren't enforced, but should be accepted by your character if you plan on joining the band.

Our goal is to participate in server hosted events as well as create fun custom storylines with player run events. There will be times when events cannot be hosted and we will do our best to at least get 1 event every week or second week. That’s why we also encourage our members to create their own events for the guild! We’d be very happy to bring activity to other communities who are also interested in having events hosted in their settlement/nation.

We want to bring a bit of a laid back approach to the guild, there will be times to rank up and experience the challenge of working for something, but also the fun and games of participating in activities and events.



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MC Name: Zolla_

Discord: Zolla#5586


Character’s name: Adaranth Mösu

Character’s race: Proto-Elf

Any particular skills: Powergamer

Affiliations and Allegiances: None for now

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On 4/1/2023 at 11:35 AM, Zolla_ said:

MC Name: Zolla_

Discord: Zolla#5586


Character’s name: Adaranth Mösu

Character’s race: Proto-Elf

Any particular skills: Powergamer

Affiliations and Allegiances: None for now

We have reviewed your form. The band welcomes you amongst their ranks.

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MC Name: NLThomato

Discord: NLThomas#4337


Character’s name: Andrillian

Character’s race: High Elf

Any particular skills: Alchemist

Affiliations and Allegiances: Celia'nor

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MC Name: ImWolfie 

Discord: ImWolfie#1001


Character’s name: Bodhi Cottonwood 

Character’s race: forest dwarf

Any particular skills: na

Affiliations and Allegiances: Urguan/hefrumm 

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43 minutes ago, NLThomas said:
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MC Name: NLThomato

Discord: NLThomas#4337


Character’s name: Andrillian

Character’s race: High Elf

Any particular skills: Alchemist

Affiliations and Allegiances: Celia'nor


1 minute ago, Bodhi CottonWood said:

MC Name: ImWolfie 

Discord: ImWolfie#1001


Character’s name: Bodhi Cottonwood 

Character’s race: forest dwarf

Any particular skills: na

Affiliations and Allegiances: Urguan/hefrumm 

We have reviewed your form. The band welcomes you amongst their ranks.

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MC Name: Olandyr

Discord: You know


Name: Marta

Race: Descendant

Any particular skills: I am strong, and resilient.

Affiliations and Allegiances: This Band. 

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58 minutes ago, Olandyr said:

MC Name: Olandyr

Discord: You know


Name: Marta

Race: Descendant

Any particular skills: I am strong, and resilient.

Affiliations and Allegiances: This Band. 

We have reviewed your form. The band welcomes you amongst their ranks.

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MC Name: Cloutfather_

Discord: You have mine


Character’s name: Rhys Cerusil

Character’s race Helf

Any particular skills: nah

Affiliations and Allegiances: Celia’nor

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On 4/3/2023 at 5:26 AM, Cloutfather_ said:


MC Name: Cloutfather_

Discord: You have mine


Character’s name: Rhys Cerusil

Character’s race Helf

Any particular skills: nah

Affiliations and Allegiances: Celia’nor

We have reviewed your form. The band welcomes you amongst their ranks.

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MC Name: Nozgoth

Discord: you have it


Character’s name: Fintan.

Character’s race: Wood Elf.

Any particular skills: Wisdom.

Affiliations and Allegiances: None.

Edited by Nozgoth
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MC Name: WFS_Kairos

Discord: Kairos#2913


Character’s name: Gail

Character’s race: Human

Any particular skills: Alchemy

Affiliations and Allegiances: Throrbad Grandaxe and Durothil Wilhelm

Edited by WFS_Kairos
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2 hours ago, Nozgoth said:

MC Name: Nozgoth

Discord: you have it


Character’s name: Fintan.

Character’s race: Wood Elf.

Any particular skills: Wisdom.

Affiliations and Allegiances: None.


16 minutes ago, WFS_Kairos said:

MC Name: WFS_Kairos

Discord: Kairos#2913


Character’s name: Gail

Character’s race: Human

Any particular skills: Alchemy

Affiliations and Allegiances: Throrbad Grandaxe and Durothil Wilhelm

We have reviewed your form. The band welcomes you amongst their ranks.

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MC Name: Orphvius

Discord: Monarch#9807


Character’s name: Sevathun Ranaleth

Character’s race: Mali'aheral

Any particular skills: Reader of fortunes

Affiliations and Allegiances: The House of Ranaleth

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15 hours ago, Orphvius said:

MC Name: Orphvius

Discord: Monarch#9807


Character’s name: Sevathun Ranaleth

Character’s race: Mali'aheral

Any particular skills: Reader of fortunes

Affiliations and Allegiances: The House of Ranaleth

We have reviewed your form. The band welcomes you amongst their ranks.

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