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The Karenina Edict, 481 E.S.


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The Queen Sofia read over the new Edict, and she felt her heart swell with delight. She was a firm believer of all being equal, and her gaze slipped over the sweet baby Isabel within her crib as the child slept soundly, a palm settling over her stomach once more with a quiet hum. "Don't ever let anyone tell tu who tu are, mi Isabella, tu are equal always, mi Hija." She settled a kiss against her childs forehead, before moving to find her husband to give him a kiss as well!

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Amaya Milena smiles warmly at the published edict, knowing well that her first child would inherit the Kingdom, regardless of its gender.

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Emma Karenina's heart, though long since stopped beating, swelled with pride. All that had been sacrificed and worked for, by countless women before her, was beginning to become worthwhile. "Ah. Little Georg, continuing where ea and mea ladies had failed."  The prospect of an equal and celebrated Haense seemed more tangible, now. It was a thought to warm even the coldest in the Seven Skies. 

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Ruslan would cheer at this edict, proclaiming "About damn time!"

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Laurelie de Pelear would have jumped for joy at the missive however she didn't in fear of breaking hip

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Some dead, cynical Haeseni wonders if the Barbanov bloodline will have a curious gene where all firstborn children are male in the coming years.



Loving this change though, sad it's taken so long for it to happen.  Wild as hell for lot of nations on this server to have only permitted male characters to rule them and shunned a lot of women for so many years.  Glad to see more steps taken to destroy the mindset of "women are only good for making events"





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Fable smiled a grin of warmth as she peered over the edict. "FIA you beautiful woman! Fockin lovely!"

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