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5 years of the Pole


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Hello from greyscale Poland.

I am here for exactly five years now but it is the first time I am doing AMA. Feel free to ask about anything really...

This is all, have a good saturday.



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Fav char and why? Most memorable RP moments? Fav LotC military uniform? Your ideal LotC alt-history scenario? What nation would you want to be an NL of and why?

Rank your three fav Alstreims

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2 minutes ago, PecenyRohlik said:

why do u still exist





I still exist because I am a human being with no existential crisis (though this server may lead to one), even though I see black/white/grey each day I think I am quite a positive and happy individual.

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24 minutes ago, LithiumSedai said:

Fav char and why? Most memorable RP moments? Fav LotC military uniform? Your ideal LotC alt-history scenario? What nation would you want to be an NL of and why?

Rank your three fav Alstreims


Fav character:

Borys Jazloviecki - He was a real Lechian chad, good Canonist and friend of Ulrich von Alstreim. Fought agaist Orenians at Savoy and got Jazlovieckis their nobility. Very good character though could have played him a bit longer.


Most memorable RP moments:

Robert (@Traveller) shouting at an Orenian party - "What is even this wig cult?"

Red Waldenian Knight moment

The day we stopped Valecu and Sug from leaving the Savoyard court

The Wall RP

Founding the Blue Bonnet Tavern to honour the Lecho-Daelish friendship

Sneaking into Grodno while von Dracos were standing in front of the gate

Getting captured by Adrians and sitting in their prison for two hours because nobody had the keys to get inside and execute me


Fav LoTC military uniform:

It has to be the Argent Legion and the Eagle's Watch (both good in different ways)


Your ideal LoTC alt-history scenario:

This one made me think a little but in my honest opinion the best possible alt-history scenario would be:

1. Savoy not getting nuked, making Miko and Mordu the ruling couple until Milen's son was old enough to get crowned as our new Prince, killing all the traitors (nuking Daeland and Redclyf)

2. Grodno not getting destroyed during the Harvest Revolution but rather siding with Acre before King Frederick was killed (I have always had a weakness for "peasant republic" type governments), later backing Alstion during all that Gambit did in Balian, if it would happen of course.


What nation would you want to be an NL of and why:

Well the two nations I have truly been dedicated to are Savoy and Aaun. Both communities brought together people I call friends, and it is good contact with the community (in my opinion) that ensures a good rule for NLs. Looking at it now I'd say Aaun of course...


Ranking my favourite Alstreims:

1. Ulrich Lothar von Alstreim (most interactions with, good memories and memes)

2. Heinrich II Lothar (because I play him...)

3. Calliope Renata (based nun and a good friend of Matthias Jazloviecki, also many good memories)

4. Corwin Alstreim (because he killed a mother and a son...)

22 minutes ago, Myochii said:

top 5 jazlos


Uhhh well

1. Borys Jazloviecki (venerable, father of Jazlo noble status, argent knight)

2. Maciej Jazloviecki (margrave of grodno, a funny vampire guy)

3. Otton Jazloviecki (brother of margrave Maciej, good guy but a Dracula LARPer)

4. Holy Sir August (strong Lechian dude with chad jawline, always dedicated to GOD)

5. Pontiff Tylos II (Fiodor was a good man with funny hats)

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why r u the best pole on lotc?

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14 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

why r u the best pole on lotc?


Because I am myself (a Pole), never tried to be anyone else really


It's very nice you said that though, best German.

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any specific favorite memories we had together? other than that one VC time.

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another question
favourite brother out of boon and bane and why...

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10 minutes ago, exoo said:

any specific favorite memories we had together? other than that one VC time.


Except of destroying your Tank with @Optimus420 I'd say the Harvest Revolution and all the time we spent at Grodno

Just now, Myochii said:

another question
favourite brother out of boon and bane and why...


Sorry but it must be BOON, killer and mastermind of the B&B's, a shadow leader and emperor of mankind


I love Bane too though, don't get me wrong...

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1 hour ago, Olox_ said:

3. Otton Jazloviecki (brother of margrave Maciej, good guy but a Dracula LARPer)






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1 minute ago, Traveller said:





Numendil and, with no shame, Adria. I seriously like their build...

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Top five COA's on LoTC (I know the top 3 is mine)


Ten reasons why elves are worse than humans


Top ten High pontiffs??????


And last question....How's life in Poland? 

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will you ever play an orc?


will you ever play a dwarf?

what do you plan to do in the future in LotC?

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