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Atlas all over again


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Hey there everyone, just going to make a post about recent events that have occured, rules simply don't exist anymore on this server, and its staff playing favorites.


Ex. 1: Banditry in Adria

I was with my group of Frostbeards, we were banditting roads in Adria. We killed a couple people, then sat out on roads. A group of 8 showed up, halted us, then 5 minutes later Orlanth and Wolfdwg (ferrymen/adrians) showed up on horses. Curious...they very clearly should not be able to join the fight. However, a mod claimed that they were "Close enough, and theres 10 minutes that allows people to join." Sure, rule was linked fine. We lose a 10v5 

Ex. 2: Urguani Raid

Adrians raided Urguan, and when we halted them this time, we did not initiate pvp and waited for 5 minutes for fluffycop to join. However, Fluffycop was not allowed to join "Combat had started, because you halted them" Curious....

Ex. 3: Urguani Raid 2 Electric Boogaloo

Ferryman come to urguan to raid...we ring bell, but not according to rules? People log on, but metarallied...because bell was emoted improperly...? We can't log in our own city's square I guess...

People are on, and we wait for crp to be over since we can't join.  But for whatever reason, we can't halt them as they leave, and then they get tp'd out... The ferryman are allowed to leave, for...no reason? Because "You can't camp crp" ermm, that has been ruled as allowed since the rule was established.


Whats the point of the rules if every gm has a different interpretation?

Billions must crp.

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7 minutes ago, DeusVult said:

.we ring bell, but not according to rules?

you need to emote 3 times to ring a rally bell, especially during crp

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mod rulings should always be consistent, its a shame that they never are and nobody seems to care

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MFW Norland has a higher pvp to crp encounter ratio then Ferrymen

MFW Ferrymen came 2 pvp crp because there out numbered by  like five crp for three hours then choose to leave and void rather than PVP LOL

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9 minutes ago, creamynoteblock said:

you need to emote 3 times to ring a rally bell, especially during crp

You'd only need to emote it twice

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As a new player within the LOTC community I feel extremely discriminated against simply due to who I am associated with. Moderators always rule in the opposing sides favor( norland/Adria) by making up temporary rules to fit their own personal narratives in specific situations. All I ask is a fair and unbiased opinion when a moderator is required so that a fair environment is maintained here on LOTC! 

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