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Athelde Tawarenion seemed deeply troubled from the advertisement he found "Are we to simply turn a blind eye to this kind of behavior?" The young mali'aheral would shake his head as he folded the ad, placing it within his desk "This is too far, even for them"

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Thonar Frostbeard scratches the beginnings of what will be his beard in years to come. He ponders how others would recieve this for a brief moment, a thought passing through his skull "If otha's dunnae loike t'is, woi don't t'ey stop us?" This thought is gone as soon as it entered, for who can stop the Frostbeards?

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Looked at the missive and cringed. "This is asqueroso, disgusting." He spat at the ground. "How could I really consider that they had morals deep down in their corazones de piedra.." He crumbled the missive and threw it at the shortest thing he could find, target practice. 


A Kha glanced at the missive, doing a double take. She scoffed. "Rrrevolting- Haense is protecting these diseassse ridden mountain rats?" Her fists clenched and unclenched, claws digging into her own palm. "Purrhaps... I speak to the Queen about this." She schemed, the humble handmaiden might actually make a difference. Or this gets defended, and her hate for mankind grows. 

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Vithar Frostbeard, clanfather of the Frostbeards would scold his scribe for the wording used in this paper "Thes was spos'd teh beh a ransom lettah, nae an advertis'ment fer a fok'n elf auction" He'd say preparing for all the explaining he will be having to do to his dwarven kin. 

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Atthil Frostbeard raised a fat sack filled with gold "Oi bid thirty gol' pieces! An' a goat."

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"These dwarves don't know the real affairs and economy! They should have kidnapped those of Haelunor or Talanor; they are more fancy and BETTER, truly the best elves to take around. No wonder why they are in disarray, druids will bring them no profit."


Did say, an elderly elf. She did not seem surprised by the dwarven deed but she was utterly disappointed of their choice of slavery. Elven druids have no quality in the grand market of bandits and short beings. However, deep and beneath her frozen heart, she hoped none would come out from there harmed.


(I'm on the phone, apologies for the lack of formatting:( )

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Talinya looks at the poster “ask if one of them is called Lilly, I’ll buy her for 80 Mina”

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"Barbaric." Is all Raziel Amethil had to comment on the new dwarven practice of slavery for the moment. He shook his head once more and ended with, "I hope this one will get back at them."

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One of the captured elves who had thankfully disappeared during the scuffle opened the doors to his unfurnished home. "Urguan at war wit' tae Vale" he'd mumble wobbling with every step. The fellow was dragged along by a mechanical emu. Shaking and dripping wet he'd grasp for alchemical lifeblood, "Frail fleshy husk... Frail... frail" he'd repeat with trembling hands as he assembled a clockwork skeleton. The elf was soon to be elf no more.

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"Oi want em all fanks, oi'll give yeh ah bottle o' Sherry in return. Bring em o'er to Dunfarthing." Hollered a rogue halfling King from... Somewhere nearby?

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Estel sat lone at her desk, utterly awestruck and near horrified by the words on the page she held. "Eh?"

Edited by Lunan_EXE
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