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[Accepted] [LAIR APP] DISTRUGESTADT | Adstrom


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Harbor of Machine, Magi, and The Mad











Lair PRO MC Name: Adstrom


Lair PRO Character Name: The Iron Baron Vincente von Distrugere



Lair Members: Adstrom, Balmakka, Benleft, RoamingRonin, AndrewTech, Proddino, Marsloll, Glassyskies, TheGreasyChef, and GajaTheMessiah 


Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight/draw at least three on the map):





MAIN CHOICE - Snow_Lake Tile 9

2ND CHOICE - Snow_Lake Tile 7

3RD CHOICE -  Snow_Lake Tile 8


Lair Lore (supply link to an existing creature or other lore if being used as basis for this lair) (1000 words minimum):





[!] In a nameless and dim library somewhere, somewhen, a Distrugebot begins to tell a tale to listening ears unknown.



[Told from an in-roleplay perspective, NO META!]



The Beginnings of Vincente

To understand DISTRUGESTADT, one must first understand Distrugere. An aspiration that can, at times, become most difficult. The man who calls himself the Baron was not always so. There was a time when an aspiring blacksmith desired little in life but the cinders produced when hammers struck hot steel. That was until the art of alchemy, amongst other things, drew his interest. Upon the apex of his teachings, he suffered a fatal error incurred at his own hand. This would forever alter the trajectory of his destiny entirely, or so Vincente believed. 


The Visions of Fate and Hauntings of the Alchemist

Now blinded by his vainglory in more ways than one, Vincente transformed into the eccentric persona that would come to define him. He spent many sleepless nights recovering from his near-fatal tragedy, but this would not last forever. When he was able to sleep again, he began to suffer strange hallucinogenic dreams of grandeur, omens, and prophecies presented by figures of his past. Of course they were nonsense, derived from close proximity to mind-altering herbs most certainly; but he believed them, and that was enough. They called him to reform himself, to take his fate into his own hands, to enwreathe himself in metal and become DISTRUGERE. 


And though he did as his dreams told, this did not sate the strange sirens of his sleep, for as his exploits grew and his abilities furthered, they only became more ravenous to haunt his mind. Cleansed free of prediction, his interest in Alchemy had left him plagued by the potionmaker’s toil. Material sigils and otherworldly runes danced in cruel orchestra amongst his thoughts. He became possessed with unearthly delusions, ever-pursuing artifacts, great discoveries of alchemy, and secrets of esoterica that simply were not to be found. They started to drive him mad, and Distrugere realized that this thirst and subsequent search for powers unknown to the world could not be exclusive to him alone, nor could it be achieved by his lonesome either. 


The Hiram King and Consequence 

Thus, a coalition was formed. It was composed of a handful of idiosyncratic individuals, each as driven and unusual as the soon-to-be Baron himself. They sourced their operations out of a casino in Celia’nor, entitled ‘The Hiram King’. It was here that the mental framework for DISTRUGESTADT found its first footing. Research of the scientific arts and studies of all things magical were combined, and curiosities followed to odd ends. 


Together they pursued their incongruous endeavors, chasing after endless arrays of arcanic ‘skeletons in cupboards’. But with their actions rooted in oversight from external eyes in whichever nation they traveled to, they found much complexity in bringing their intentions to fruition. This led to Distrugere developing a much greater ambition of his own. He recognized that if one was to remove their political ties, affiliations, and beliefs, and then act independently of them, much could be achieved in unrestricted cooperation. Without the confining purview of a city-state or sprawling government, research and study could be had without hesitation and hurdles. Furthermore, he realized that the pleasantries and workings of humanity were fickle. To find true dedication, like his own, he would need to construct his own assistants - his own soldiers. So, as the Hiram King faded to dilapidation and his companions all dispersed, Distrugere resolved to bring these newfound possibilities to reality. Redefining himself under the faux title of BARON, he set to preparing for what was to come. 


It began with the gathering of resources, as all of Distrugere’s time was sacrificed within the confines of a ramshackle laboratory in the dark. Here, he began to assemble a legion of metallic automata. If he was to remain steadfast to the impartiality which he believed to be a necessity and the resolve he knew was required to meet his ends, it would require soulless soldiers of steel; DISTRUGEBOTS, as they came to be named. With his clockwork robots in tow, he began to traverse the new land of Aevos, mapping the terrain and searching for the location where he would construct this ideal fortress. After many months of unending hunt, a snowy clearing in the far North was found. It was desolate, eerily private, and the view of the body of water nearby was captivating. It was safe to assume that the cold was favored. So it was then that deep upon the frozen peaks of the Ailmere cliffs, the first stone of Distrugestadt was laid by the hand of the Baron. 


The Rising of the Midnight Sun 

That first evening, while camped out within the overlook that he intended to make his home, the Baron observed something that inspired him deeply and cemented his decision to select the region. Naturally, when the sun set against the Northern ice, it bathed the snowdrift in resplendent golden beams. This wondrous environmental display enticed Distrugere, and he strangely entitled it the Midnight Sun; a name which would soon be translated to refer to the collective members of Distrugestadt as a whole.  


With his place chosen and his architects already built, Distrugere set to work immediately. A volley of Distrugebots were assigned to the task, and the whole lot of them were relocated to the mountaintop - in addition to all of the Baron’s goods and resources. For long months they toiled in the snowcaps, establishing their castle in the cold. It came from nothing save stone, sweat, and steel. And when it was completed, it was a grandiose thing. But there was still work to do. Distrugere immediately began to draft a series of tenets to be followed by those within its halls. They ranged from enforcing principles of neutrality, to even dissuading violence. The will and judgment of the Distrugebot was absolute, and it was to be followed.

The Baron was sure that with these measures in place, his fortress could realize its potential: to be a haven to those who practice the pure arts, whether magical, alchemical, academic, or beyond. The gates of Distrugestadt would welcome all, even madmen and machines. But it was also more presently a place where Distrugere could continue to strengthen his army. Robots are built to build more robots, formulating an endless cycle of creation and therein power. The Baron believed firmly that he and his machines had crafted the finest laboratory in the realm, and he was committed to giving it the greatest of uses. The plan was set. He would spread the word of it, now complete, and he only hoped that the wise minds of the world would converge. It was only a matter of time now, he surely thought, until his infinite pursuits of the ever-escaping unfathomable would be at their culmination. It was almost perceived as an inevitability, with the cooperation of the many, resolved and facilitated in an atmosphere where their odd aspirations were nothing but stoked - not unlike the coals of the many hearths that dotted the halls. And below those hallowed halls, a clockwork army would brew in silent preparation for the Baron’s more sinister interests. 


And so, with everything finally in order, the Baron ascended to a high peak to observe the whole of his creation. He could not withhold his pride, his astonishment, or his fervor. Both arms shot out, reaching high into the unforgiving skies of the dark. To him, it was a spectacular thing. Decades of tribulation and effort finally coalesced into a tangible close, all of his endeavors were made worthwhile, and all of his sacrifices washed clean. A new beginning.  


He was Vincente von Distrugere, and he had bared his grand ambitions to the world.


[!] The book is closed, and the Distrugebot’s tale is concluded.



Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required, give dimensions):








The central element of Distrugestadt, where all laboratories and workshops are situated. Accentuated by its grand telescope, the tower is where all work within the fortress is to be conducted; whether that be observation of the stars or creation of the alchemical. 



Where all will enter and exit. Additionally, it features a minor overlook atop the rampart, where DISTRUGEBOT gatekeepers will keep watch through the snowy nights. Just beyond it lies the main chamber, where a feast hall and common room reside. 



The smallest of the trio of towers, this is where Distrugere’s own chambers shall be located. 



Fully named the spire of solitude, this tower is where all studies of the arcane are to be delegated. Here, a library will be established where any are welcome to meditate and find peace in the quiet of the hearth. 



This grouping of ramshackle wooden homes provides shelter to all of those who dwell just beyond the castle walls. This will be extended to guests of the fortress as well and includes the likes of the smithy and stable.



Finally, this rectangular building of stone denotes where all of the DISTRUGEBOT guards will centralize their efforts, and find rest in their completion.


Why can this group not fulfill their roleplay niche in an existing settlement or nation? (Give a detailed answer and examples of how this has not worked in the past.):


Distrugere is extraordinarily eccentric, and often operates under atypical means with rather shadowy motivation; a mad scientist, absorbed and beyond obsessed with his work, who believes that the entire world would be better off under his jurisdiction. This is an archetype that is inherently bound to clash when presented within the setting of any nation, merely by nature.


Above all, Distrugere values the art of the tinkerer and his crafts of the machine. The true heart of Distrugestadt will be that it is in essence, a fortress of ever-moving parts. With all its true inhabitants besides Distrugere being machine, it will become a hub for automatons of all kinds, though dominated primarily by the Distrugebots, who are commanded solely by the Baron himself. This sort of machine army is something that is merely impossible to achieve without division from the barriers of a nation. An attempt to formulate a band of objective robotic ‘soldiers’ who do not answer to any political power would most certainly be met in a negative light in these settings. Distrugestadt serves as a recruiting ground as well, as one of its primary motivations will be to continue the unending growth and construction of machines, building the perfect, emotionless army. The underlying motivations behind these steel warriors may not always fall into line with a nation's overall interests, creating a stark area of conflict - especially since they answer only to Distrugere, who may very well one day turn them upon the world in conquest. 


How does this lair add to the greater world around it? How will its existence benefit its roleplay group and the server at-large?:


The main purpose of Distrugestadt is to garner two specific kinds of roleplay, in which cooperation from a community is central to its success and survival. The first of which is of course the expansion of the automaton playerbase. It is at its core a lair filled with robots, where animii and smoggers will be practiced in full at all times, dictated by Distrugere to all kinds of aberrant plans. Built for the precise purpose of roaming the castle grounds, the chambers and laboratories of Distrugestadt are to be guarded and lived in by these machines. The entire roleplay environment will be constructed around them, and with them in mind. Fundamentally, the automatons will be created to uphold order among researchers, facilitate all studies conducted within the halls, create more automatons, and carry out work of their own to more secretive extents ordered by the Baron himself. Essentially, it is inviting the chance to carve out a largely automaton-based environment, offering that piece of lore the foundation it needs to flourish with purpose at a larger scale than found anywhere presently on the server. 


While the castle may be far away in the North, its gates will be open to any who desire to find them. I have found that typically lairs are created with the purpose of constricting a niche from prying eyes, but I intend to do the opposite of this, instead creating a focal hub where many niches can clash and find unique interaction together. A place where many practitioners of various feats and magics can come together to study, share their work, and commune in harmony - for better, or for worse - so long as Distrugere and his robots approve of them. Furthermore, it is by no means intended to be a “teaching institution”, however, animii especially will certainly find intentional growth as more and more automatons are made and taught the art which created them. In addition, the organic flow of these coordinated efforts between players will with no doubt craft an avenue where the spreading of the arts is invited to be natural; an ideal that is, in my opinion, innately beneficial to the health of the server.



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Accept it or else..

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I agree with all the points brought up in this post. Hope to see some real change on the server soon! 👍

i need moar reagents i need moar reagents bigger tier potions ! 

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build mecha gojira right ******* now 

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Deep within a catacomb did Distrugebot Prime lurk, scanning tomes, scrolls, and etchings alike.


And so Prime, first of its many brethren, GREW.

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woohoo! awesome! I love DISTRUGESTADT. that one my favourite. top 5 DISTRUGESTADT of all time. one chance at DISTRUGESTADT. waiter, waiter, more DISTRUGESTADT. mom can we have DISTRUGESTADT? give me just a little DISTRUGESTADT. hand it over, that thing, your DISTRUGESTADT. i wonder if they got any DISTRUGESTADT. a little DISTRUGESTADT never hurt anybody. 

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Wow so cool and awesome what a cool and awesome build i can't believe anything evil and/or nefarious would ever happen at such a happy and wholesome place like DISTRUGESTADT. It just sounds like such a cool and fun and awesome place wow so awesome and what a cool build I love DISTRUGESTADT...


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If BARON DISTRUGERE has a million fans, then I am one of them. If BARON DISTRUGERE has ten fans, then I am one of them. If BARON DISTRUGERE has only one fan then that is me. If BARON DISTRUGERE has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against BARON DISTRUGERE, then I am against the world.

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Aww yeah, I love DISTRUGESTADT! Ain't nothing ever happened at DISTRUGESTADT! Do you like DISTRUGESTADT? I do too, but not on this DISTRUGESTADT any more, because I want you to accept it! I'm talking no felonies! Evil? In this DISTRUGESTADT? Never heard of it. What is it? No one has ever explained it to me. Please accept this DISTRUGESTADT! Ay, psst, you like this DISTRUGEBOT? Well guess what, THE BARON's got two of 'em! 'Cause of... circumstances! Just accept this DISTRUGESTADT!

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Application accepted. You will be contacted by staff on next steps.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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