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Tyranny. The word should be anathema to any self-respecting uruk. A word which elicits the very same vile scorn as any abomination of dishonor.


And yet, you have allowed the weakness of tyranny to enter into our nation's seat of power. Remember the stories of those who would wield their authority as a weapon to remove the unfavored. Of my predecessor, Drokon'Ugluk, who deemed exile and execution a necessity to preserve the unity of his Empire.


Our Rex has failed in his duties. He has exiled a diligent and loyal servant of Krugmar. He has stripped his most loyal vassal of their land. He has allowed these very same peoples, orcs by the title of Honorary, to be stripped of all power and status as nothing more than lessers. He has shown he is incapable of being a just ruler, favoring the goals of his clan before his nation.


Thus do I, Wargoth of Ugluk, call to challenge the Rex of the Iron Horde to honorable combat. The Rex Klomp is our sacred tradition from the very beginnings of time. No force of law, nor force of spirit, may inhibit its judgment.


Your concerns are well noted, citizens of Krugmar. Knowledge of my corruption is very much an open secret throughout our lands and beyond. Fears pass from unsealed lips like a virulent plague. So it is that I shall openly share my plans for our great nation. For it has never been I to breach the sacred truth.


Under my supervision, I would tear down all that is not in alignment with our ancient traditions. All unneeded stations, all superficial titles, and all authority not derived from either the Rex and his Dominus, or from the varied Clans of Krugmar is to be immediately expunged from our government.


Dubtly, the establishment of a zealous task force devoted to the investigation and extermination of all that is not in accordance with the ancient traditions of orcish kind. The seeds of the burz-menace are so entrenched in orcish society that they must be removed by force. The current Rexdom has proven that it is unable to cull such vicious insurgents.


Gahktly, the dissolution of the impure and disgraced Clan Akaal into its constituent clans, as had been prior to the establishment of the Horde. The clans of Akaal have proven unworthy of their heightened status among the ancient clans of Krugmar, provoking distrust among even their closest allies.

Futhly, the gradual surrender of powers from the Rex to their constituent clans culminating in the complete and total abolishment of the Iron Horde and the title of Rex. There is no Rex but KRUG ALMIGHTY. The false legacy of Rax is to be expunged. From then on, all dealings are to be conducted individually by Wargoths and their trusted Elders. Only in the case of dire national emergency, such as in the case of foreign invasion, are these liberties to be denied.

Rex Kybal’Akaal. You have one cactus week to consider my claim. I will not tolerate bureaucracy as an excuse for tardiness. I will send you a personal letter for a time and place should you accept my challenge.





Edited by Vilebranch
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"WUB DA ZKAH!" Da Almighty Minitaur of legend looked upon the missive shocked as he munched on his sandwich. The Sandwich had roast beef, bacon letus and tomatos and da funny spicy cheese as the goblin was but a hint extra. After munching upon the contents and chewing the Gobbo made a profound comment "Ergag hruff hruf gru Ha-Qarkah." What he said would have sent chills down the spines of those around him yet his mouth was full... truely he needed to be told not to speak with his mouth full. 

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"HA-QARKAH. PURGE THE UNCLEAN. THROUGH QARKAH'S FIRE THE BUURZ SHALL BE CLEANSED! I will place my spear, and my shield, behind Skorkon. For he has sworn before kezt and has never broken his ladly vows! Down with cursed tyrants. May they be dashed against the walls of Krugmenistan's bloodiest temple. May they be made pure, or made flat." The hoplite held his silvery spear 

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A bronzed warrior, returning from time over the sea looks upon the sorry state. The lads, punished unjustly. The brother of his sun banished. And yet, he rallied. Polished helmet with sharpened horns pointing cruelly forward. "The Buurz... You had warned me of such thing since the time of the Blood Pharaoh, mi bruddah... We had kept the oaths, we had kept the ladly vows since the time of the admiral general of the land... And now, these Akaal... They have betrayed the kruggers with their impurity, with their darkness and tyranny. You will have my spear, the spear of the Lady of Victory behind you, my brudda... As I call upon, and summon all the lads..." As he looks upon his oldest, and most beloved Bronze Lad. "Skorkon'Ugluk, my truest brudda... May we remind da bruddas dat ebery ork a rex!"

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