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The Abundance of FailCRP....


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To be honest. Yeah I relate to this. While yes, I do make the same mistakes sometime it does not get as bad as the example you give when someone tries to exploit your emote. And the PVP default at that point gets a little frustrating when you spent 3 hours CRP OR even being in a emote Debate (Which I seen some last over a little an hour) Literally a lot of this behavior comes from a few things.

1. Main character Syndrome. Some people would do this so they could feel validation or pride within their characters. Don't get me wrong. A pink tag/new player will have this phase. It's okay. It gets really annoying when you have someone that play for years do this. 

2. PVP goons/PVP default. A lot of the time a debate is happening OR said side is loosing they would do anything to try to enforce PVP to happen. I seen AND been in situations where they will try to switch CRP to PVP just so they can have a chance to win (Which usually is OOCly motivated._

3. Finally, OOC targeting OR the opponents disliking each other, I seen too many times where someone will try to powergame, Metagame, emote Debate, Or whatever is under the book To clutch against someone they dislike. I was of Victim of such AND nearly became a suspect. I been in vc with people that are crping with someone they don't like and at times would meta or powergame.. It's quite crazy.

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In before this get's locked.

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This has happened to me several times in the past few weeks and it's immensely frustrating! I do my best to extend kindness and give ground and take hits, and it's impossible to enjoy it all when you're the only one who takes hits, and gives none! Good faith CRP is important, and I don't understand why people refuse to do it. How is the rp enjoyable without any give and take? For silly pixels?! 

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failCRP sucks, but i think a major issue is people dont try at crp, and then they get pissed when the opposite doesnt either.

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ive also seen alot of this in the past and it frustrates me to no end, the issue with "we can just PVP" mentality is
1. we are on a ROLEPLAY server, if i wanted to play minecraft for PVP id just log into a bed wars server or a factions server.
and 2. the PVP mentality i feel discourages newer RPers to grow and learn better RP, why would i try to improve my CRP skills  when i can call PVP default and click my way out. maybe im just being a poor sport but its getting ridiculous  

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Thinking about the time a powergamer held me and my friend in crp at 4 in the morning because he (in his words) "was bored and had nothing better to do" and every time we acted offensively he would try to argue oocly

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I've began to enjoy CRP again within the last 6 months after turning to pvp for a year or so. To be quite honest, some of the newer players don't have the right teachers for CRP or are too stubborn to learn it properly, and it can lead to situations where you wait for an hour for a mod to come and no good solution can be reached. I've tried to keep most CRP simple and easy to understand for all parties involved, but it turns to points where some people complain too much and won't listen to mods even if the CRP is valid. It is annoying, but I don't see any reasonable solution to it, but am open to talking about one more openly if any ideas come up.

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43 minutes ago, Jihnyny said:

failCRP sucks, but i think a major issue is people dont try at crp, and then they get pissed when the opposite doesnt either.

TBF, I think it’s mostly new(ER) players who don’t try at CRP. Not the pink tags, but the people who have been here like a week or two and think they shouldn’t have to CRP because no one taught them how to.


It’s kind of like when you’re in school or at work, and you have a manager or teacher who doesn’t tell you the instructions for the project or duty you’re meant to complete, and expects you to know how to do it- then you’re meant to present your task in front of others, and you go, “I literally had no ******* clue what to do.”

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I have the same feelings as a lot of people in the comments here:

1. LOTC is a ROLEPLAY server first and foremost, PVP imo is useful in large-scale conflicts where emotes can be lost easily. Though if you want to consistently get into PVP, there are other servers meant for that exact reason.


2. Since LOTC is a ROLEPLAY server, there is a certain standard in combat roleplay we can all agree with and that standard is above the "I stab you in the heart"-like emotes two or three minutes into a fight or tanking hits.

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16 minutes ago, Digit_005 said:

I have the same feelings as a lot of people in the comments here:

1. LOTC is a ROLEPLAY server first and foremost, PVP imo is useful in large-scale conflicts where emotes can be lost easily. Though if you want to consistently get into PVP, there are other servers meant for that exact reason.


2. Since LOTC is a ROLEPLAY server, there is a certain standard in combat roleplay we can all agree with and that standard is above the "I stab you in the heart"-like emotes two or three minutes into a fight or tanking hits.

W take, sums it up perfectly

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there's something to be said about how some people will intentionally make CRP insufferable so they can OOCly tire their opponent into ceding to pvp

I think the server's at a point where it doesn't matter what kind of rules we impose or how we change CRP because nothing will ever change the nitpicky skallagrim HEMA CRPer from pausing the entire ordeal so they can point out that you didn't emote the exact cosmic angle with which you swing your sword. good-faith RPers know how to foster positive interactions no matter what. none of the dumb micro-details or lack thereof will ever matter to them because they aren't necessary and should never be, because bffr nobody likes reading or emoting them

CRP is very daunting on an OOC level because unless ur RPing with a friend, u can never be sure if ur about to get into a 5 hour brainmelt of a fight or have a pleasant experience, so I think a lot of people jump the gun and go into it expecting the former. they're already preparing to argue in looc before anything's even happened and it makes the entire encounter extremely fragile OOCly. whether or not there's a tangible solution other than the regurgitated opinion of  "improve server culture," who the hell knows

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It says a lot when the only significant (in my experience) CRP has been with friends/people I know and can work with OOC to make sure there's no powergaming.


All the other conflict has ended either in PVP, or the emotes have been pre-written "Halt", draws sword emotes.


I don't generally play characters who focus on combat for these reasons. It's at a point where it's much easier to play a non combatant, and to just lose every fight than it is to spend 5 hours of play time arguing about what damage a sword might do to armor.

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1 hour ago, Lirinya said:

It says a lot when the only significant (in my experience) CRP has been with friends/people I know and can work with OOC to make sure there's no powergaming.


All the other conflict has ended either in PVP, or the emotes have been pre-written "Halt", draws sword emotes.


I don't generally play characters who focus on combat for these reasons. It's at a point where it's much easier to play a non combatant, and to just lose every fight than it is to spend 5 hours of play time arguing about what damage a sword might do to armor.

this too! i can count on one hand the amount of enjoyable crp interactions ive had

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Yeaaa- not to mention that how crp up to date as far as Staff is concerned is Simple ''the side with more people and being able to resonably bullshiet they way out of injuries due to armor wins''

As regardless of if something makes sense or not they keep it to ''actions'' which boils down to the people getting atacked just having to emote dodging while they allies hit. Regardless of the sense the emote would have. 

If you dont know already, how our rule system is like this:

-Everyone gets one major action, be it atack or dodging

-You CANT dodge more then one atack even if you can come up with a emote that easyly blocks both. At least one must be a hit.

-You CAN litterally cancel out a atack emote at you as long as you make a emote dodging

-You CANT counter atack unless you take a hit.


What does it all mean? 

Side with more people gets two people to emote deadly attacks at one person making them take eather. When this is done and even some people can get they attacks in the people emote dodging, while others atack again. In short, regardless of what the side with less people does they cant Physically win. Unless, they take the injuries but brush the injuries off due to armor [how do I love orcs ''slashes'' at full plate mhm.].

Or when its a 1 vs 1 the fight can just go forever as one guy Dodgers another attacks.


Me complaining about rules aside- that's how it looks like at the moment and it sure does let those ''best I can do is two lines of emotes'' bandits to just get away with they thing no questions asked.


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