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In the hallowed confines of the Brotherhood's Armory, Mikhail Colborn, weariness etched on his face, grasped a well-used stool. Methodically counting armor and weapons, he observed battle-worn pieces, bearing tales of hardships and glorious victories "Only three more left, and then there's peace" he whispered, wiping away swaet before commencing with the armor's restoration. "Three more, and than it's over" resonated within the dim-lit space, a mantra carrying the weight of the many battles fought, and the lives lost.

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Klaus von Berkhoven would receive the last three marching orders from a courier of the Grand Covenant, then reading the orders as he stood atop the walls of the Grand Principality of Minitz.

“Dawn shall break once more, our dead finally able to rest.” The Alchemist spoke as he looked towards the afternoon sky. “Vater, Mutter, Lord GOTT continue watching over me. Continue to steel mein resolve against these heretics.” Klaus murmured to himself, his devotion to the cause of the Covenant burned brightly in his ocean-hued eyes as his gaze continued skyward.

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Hali raised a tankard to the continued cause from Numendil’s tavern. “Good weather and strong arms to the cause. I shall pray that no other states listen to the forked tongue of Veletz. Shamefully, that is Adunia’s fate.”

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Bajaba Batto looked at the missive and took a deep sigh as his eyes drifted off into the distant desert horizon and muttered to himself "They didnt take me with them the last time, this wont be much different either."

Edited by Perpltxed
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The aide to the Duke, Marusya Sarkozic, fidgets with her daggers at her desk; the paperwork having bored her for the moment. "Niet for people. For spookmen." She reminds herself, staring off at the sharp aurum. With the war finally seeing an end, she still had never raised a blade against another human. 

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"And so the sun sets on the Veletzi- Duchy of Adria once more.."

Gottfried observed from afar, his automail arm glistening in the soft moonlight

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In light of the coming battle, Offa continues his penance on behalf of the Adrian people in the catacombs of the church at Veletz, hoping that even in the inevitable defeat which was to come, the victors would not utterly wipe out the Raevir peoples from the earth, and that the people would be spared. He had heard that the Adrians had been labelled an "accursed race" and therefore that their enemies planned to destroy them utterly.  He was sympathetic to Covenant cause but still did not want to see the destruction of the Adrians. 

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