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[Amendment] Azdrazi - Enkindling / Creation

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Old - Enkindling 
- Each Trial can only be completed weekly. At the end of the week, the Whelping is to show their offerings and merit in whatever they’ve succeeded. If it is insufficient, then the Trial is forfeit and must be redone.

- One of each type of these trials - therefore three in total - must be carried out. The Whelpling’s wardren glows gradationally for each trial completed.

New - Enkindling 

- If the whelping was a Herald for 10 weeks prior to beginning their wardren trials,  each trial can only be completed weekly. At the end of the week, the Whelping is to show their offerings and merit in whatever they’ve succeeded. If it is insufficient, then the Trial is forfeit and must be redone. In this case, the whelping must complete three trials total to complete their wardren.

- If the whelping is a new herald (lass than 10 weeks), or not a herald at all, each trial can only be completed tri-weekly. At the end of the third week, the Whelping is to show their offerings and merit in whatever they’ve succeeded. If it is insufficient, then the Trial is forfeit and must be redone.  In this case, the whelping must complete five trials total to complete their wardren.


Becoming a Nephilim is an end-game situation for a character. It should be something that gives time for trial and error for those pursuing it. This amendment rewards committed individuals that partake in the heraldry process, and ensures that the CA process is not rushed or compromised. As it currently stands a brand new character can be turned into a Nephilim in three weeks. This amendment would require 13 weeks minimum for a brand new character assuming that they become a herald instantly, or 15 weeks assuming they do not become a herald. 

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Can I be grandfathered? Thanks

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I completely agree with this proposal. I'd even suggest making it 3 months. As is players can just walk in and get their wardren on day 1 and a few weeks later there's a new azdrazi on the block. I imagine the azdrazi community is happy to see new azdrazi CA's, but it devalues the CA if there's 30-something azdrazi running around with hardly any relationships or work with the community. (the community doesnt actually have this problem rn, but what if!!)

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going to be honest

magics and creatures as a whole need to become way less of a time sink to allow for a cultural shift of ppl learning and not being so attached to characters bcos you have to commit 10-20 weeks to learn a magic

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I actually disagree with this amendment. This is an artificial time gate that does nothing but burn people out, and this has not really been a problem so far.

This also does not address the possibility for non heralds to become azdrazi, which is in the current lore.

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I think Azdrazi should be able to get pregnant 

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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