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A Renouncement of Knighthood

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+Your Royal Majesty + all good citizens of Hyspia and Haense, and the dastardly Nobles that doth rule over such good people;

To what end do we desire peace? 


It was through strife that I grew up, the same strife that many Adunians do. This difficulty  shapes our people, many of us know this well. The rebellion of Norland, the fall of Cartref Mor and finally the rise of Numendil. This place is now giving us a false worship. It taught us what our ancestors had fought so hard to defend against the war-borne sons of Horen; peace is our end goal. We share this same blood, though diluted, and feel this same call to conflict and bloodshed. It is only with our conscious efforts, and ancestral experience do we turn a blind eye to this calling. We regularly consult our ancestors and speak to them, diving into a wealth of knowledge and experience only attainable by the great houses that no longer walk this earth. They do not call for war, despite being warmongers in their time. Nay, they call for peace, an end to conflict, and a prosperity for small peoples everywhere. Nobody knew this better than the now deposed Lord of Hyspia, Cesar II.


It was he that gave me and my kinsman a home, despite receiving nothing in return. He, who sought an end to conflict and peace. Yet, how did you evil farfolk treat him? A coup. Haense, Balian, Urguan, Numendil, Aaun; make no mistake of Hyspia’s actions. It was not a desired transfer of power, it was a forced abdication. An abdication that only happened, not because Cesar II had no power, not because he was backed into a corner; only because his mind was thinking of us. Thinking of the people who have nobody to fight for them. Victims of war, victims of famine, injustice, prejudice. He knew that internal strife would cause many of his people suffering, and when faced with the decision of giving power or fighting for it, he chose the path that would lead his people to a better era. So I must ask Haense; why they had watched. They  watched as one of the greatest men of our time were forced to abdicate for a council of evil men. Bound by greed and a lust for power, strictly against the Creator’s wishes.


And finally, these two ideas now bring us to the conflict of Caelia. Caelia is a fledgling vassal, made of great men. Proud of their heritage and their people, who do not yet know how to play on the great stage of politics. Instead of allowing a peaceful resolution, letting diplomats talk to each other, and this small incident run its course, You evil men of God, decide to instead forgo your scriptures and scrolls, and push for an unnecessary war. This, I can no longer stand by and watch. So I now implore you, you great nations untainted by greed and evil; Urguan, Aaun, Norland, to leave this alliance, and similarly renounce your position in the Covenant. Do not tie yourself to nations of evil, greed, and sinful acts, lest it reflect poorly on your untainted lands. Numendil, honor your ancestors and what they believe. As well, renounce your position in the covenant.


This purposeful escalation of a claim of banditry, banditry that may not have even happened, resulted only in gain for the ‘victimized’ side. The victimized side of the most powerful army on the continent, certainly nothing more than a joke. A weregild of ten thousand mina, for a small mistake. When such an act happens to the best of us, we do not begin talks of war, battle or pillaging. Nay, especially in such a position of power it is your place to forgive and forget. But you do not.


Many of you may not have heard of my name, I have mostly kept to myself and my kin in my life. Times change, as do the ides of war, and I am to change with them. Ask the Knight-Commander of Hyspia of my genius in battle. Ask the General of Brolwic of my wit. And finally, ask the Marshal of Haense of my reliability. On top of these facts, my worst Ranger is worth five of your best. So if you wish to continue your lustful expedition into the heart of the south, it is We, who will be your strongest opposition. 


+Your Royal Majesty +hus, let this be a letter to all Men of God, who live in fear of Him. I renounce my title of the Commander, and my Knighthood of Hyspia.


+Your Royal Majesty +ay your Ancestors watch over you.





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“Oh GOTT.” Dame Monika spoke as she looked over the writing. “Vhat zhings have happened in zhe desert. . ?” She wondered.

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