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To those seated in the Royal Duma,


Degeneracy has long been a plague in our Kingdom. Unfaithful, vile creatures have free reign to barge into our lands, alongside those undesirable, setting a horrible precedent in our city, and vassal holdings. Children are exposed to immodesty, such as individuals parading around the city in more skin than clothes. Then there is the case of savagery, such as Ologs clearing out our bustling streets as they hurtle into the city. They yell unintelligibly, their only reply being the locks of doors sliding, and a headache for our Brotherhood of Saint Karl. Our Kingdom is of Canon, not defiled beasts, so do not let these degenerates continue to batter our city’s principles, and faith.


Lord Petyr Baruch





A bill that defines the crime of degeneracy, and those considered degenerates.


I. Necessary Definitions
Ill-dressed: Immodest clothing, revealing excessive skin, up to the discretion of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl.
Undesirable: An individual deemed degenerate by the Crown.


II. Additions
Ch. VIII. “Regarding degeneracy”
    VIII. I. Let those who are deemed undesirable by the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska be guilty of being a degenerate.
    VIII. II. Let those who are considered Orcs be considered undesirable.
    VIII. III. Let those who are considered Ologs be considered undesirable.
    VIII. IV. Let those who are considered Goblins be considered undesirable.
    VIII. V. Let those who are considered ill-dressed be considered undesirable.
    VII. VI. Let those who are considered degenerate be barred from the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.

Introduced to the Duma by Lord Petyr Baruch in 529 E.S.

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Ser Rickard gave a big thumbs up. The dominoes had started to fall after the first bill, all evil was sure to follow. "Jerry is still allowed though right?"

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"A bold stance from a boy who eats pinecones," Siegmund Weiss drawled in idle contemplation. "Nevertheless, it seems he has had a stroke of genius with this bill!"

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Alekszej Korvacz read the letter carefully, reading each detail before sighing "Oh by GODAN it jest just a Bill of Racism.." He mumbled quietly after "They mutter about war, but they fail to realize this will anger our allies as well." The Alderman began to prepare for the next Duma, it was going to be an intresting one.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, GMRO said:

Ser Rickard gave a big thumbs up. The dominoes had started to fall after the first bill, all evil was sure to follow. "Jerry is still allowed though right?"

"Ai, Your Excellency! I-I rejected someone at the gates for these reason, a-and I met abuse for it. 'Cultural' is niet a dobry enough reason to wear nothing at all, especially niet with the weather we have."


The young Alderman and Royal Herald Ratibor nodded affirmatively, after the Lord Marshal had taken the time to read it out to him.


"W-Who is Jerry, though?"

Edited by ContestedSnow
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*Haenseni elf blinkes a few times after having read thru the misive... Questioning to himself* "Alright why do humana need to have a problem to everything...? Let people wear what they want come on." *Sighing as he shook his head slowly yet musing for a moment about the other part* "I am only racist to the children runing about being idiota..." *Not gonna denny the fact.* "But I see the point with baning the green-skins. Been quite a pain most of the time as the mentally stable ones rearly visit." *Clicking his tongue as he noded his head having not too many complains about that bit*

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Maiteas Vander, would open the letter, and begin reading.


"Ah think Petyr, has a bonnie idea!"


The boy would exclaim, with a fist bump in the air, upon finishing the reading and his self-mutterings.



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“About dam time” Rickard Nord remarked

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A paranoid High Elf's eyes began to twitch wildly "Oh no, oh no! The half-naked wood elves... they are back! They are evil! Something has to be done..." Raziel befan to calm down.

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