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Lorcán O'Rourke kicks himself for not having been present on this momentous occasion! Instead he watched from the battlements at the rear of the city as plumes of smoke rose into the sky.

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"Yippee!" Said Emma of House Amador.

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Marius celebrates the victory from his room. "Krusae Zwy Kongzem!" He sighed, though, remembering to return to his studies. Marius hates final exams.

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Adya really hopes they didn't rip open the doors and break the windows of her windmill...

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The Royal Herald had been away from Haense when the mission to cleanse his childhood home had been undertaken. Upon his return to Haeseni soil proper, the difference was immediately apparent to the young man, however. Clearer skies and a distinct lack of blackened oil and sludge carrying south through the River Lahy and west into the Westerwald of Baruch through the Dules.


"A-At least... Waltonburg can heal now." Ratibor Radovanic noted with a thoughtful frown, standing before the smouldering ruins of that heretical factory.

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Maiteas, holding his broken hand would smile to see his Borsa's have succeeded!




The youth, would chant upon finish reading the letter/missive! idk

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Armiger Rickard Nord cracks his back as he finished breaking down the last of the door


"I need a drink" he'd mutter as he looked towards the burned down building

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"Ug blug." says the snow orc Torugr.

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The Grand Maer of New Valdev, Ioanna Kortrevich, relishes in her preparations for the Brotherhood's upcoming fundraiser, hoping this great cleansing of that beleaguered village will draw even greater donations for those brave men and women to benefit from.

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"After everything the Acolytes did fer' Valdev and it's people, this is how they are repaid." The dwarf grunted as he read the missive, "The old man was right, never trust a Haenseman." He'd long ago packed up his things from his old home in the city, and collected the last of his dues. With a pack upon his back, Rakhnar stepped onto the road and strode towards distant lands, his BSK beret having been long burnt, the last revenant of his loyalty to that accursed kingdom gone.

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