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"God Bless!" the Roach exclaimed at the grand news

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Patriarch Villorik regarded the news alone that night, in the White Comet Chapter-House.


The Blood of Ruther never stayed dormant for long.

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Ratibor signed the Hussariyan, albeit hesitantly, as he heard the news of the intrepid adventurers' journey to the land of Ravens. It seemed that the Shark and the Dragon were fiercer beasts.

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On the top of the Hand of Horen stood the Lord of Alba, Charles Reman Alstion. The grey-eyed Prince directed his gaze to the waving BLACK DRAGON BANNER that he had hoisted on the mast with his brothers the night prior. The man did not speak but offered a silent prayer to those who died in this very Palace and at the Battle of Anthill. Once the prayer concluded Charlie thought of what was to come and managed to smile faintly at the thought, for he was ready.




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Amidst the snow and spruce of the far north, Tiber of the Nauzica prowled the lands with his band of scouts in search of their quarry. The Banner of the Black Dragon was raised and soon fire and blood would be brought upon their enemy who thought they had escaped retribution. Though during such, the Nauzican curses, for he had received word of Alexander and Besilar's preemptive exploits, and thus feared on missing out himself. Regardless, there was no time for further complaining, for as Tiber crested the hill ahead, the lands of Ravenmire had shown themselves bare.   


Stilgar, A 'fundamentalist' living as a Seitch leader in the north? : r/dune

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Henry Arthur Haverlock, Duke of Blackworth, reflected on the events of that night with a frown. Aaunites, Heartlanders, whatever they had called themselves now - They had come into the capital of Ravenmire to seek blood. Henry had invited them into the tavern, spoke to them as a civilized man, and when that failed a duel was offered as retribution. It was then that the Heartlanders tied up one of Henry's men - a man of Blackworth, and had attempted to have him killed.


No matter how it was phrased, it was not Stassionites who they had faced that night. It had been Men of Blackworth, and the Duke had tried numerous times to settle the affair with words instead of blades. Still, the night ended with loss, as the Duke and his men lost one of their own - one who Henry considered a friend.


"I tried so hard for peace, Prince Alexander. I tried desperately to remain on amicable terms, even as the world around me called for blood. God forgive me, for I have failed in my mission to keep the peace."


The Duke then fell into a deep depression. He had failed his promise to his people to keep them from war. He had failed his promise to the Pontiff to attempt to mend the burnt bridges. He had failed to keep Sir Illatius alive. Still, the Duke resolved to do what he could while he still could.

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Mathilde Augusta of Stassion of Old sat inside her home within the walls of Númendil, softly sighing at the mere mention of Stassionites. "May God bless those whom He chooses. May even the excommunicated find solace. May divine grace be bestowed upon all." With a heavy heart, she retrieved a piece of paper and commenced penning a letter to her estranged "family" in Rhosmark, questioning if she could still label them as such. Mathilde had become increasingly detached and disenchanted with her kin in recent years.

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“I’m starting to think we have comedic timing.” Jon Ashford de Lewes commented to Ser Lukas, at the two dead Blackworth men lying on the stone roads of Ravenmire. The bodies were fresh, indicating that they had been slain only hours prior.


”We’ll have to find new prospects to investigate.”

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Lukas looks grimly onward towards the gore in the street, his leper's mask making any vision hard. He leans down, shifting about in his hood to peer at the dead. A grand, heaving sigh escapes the iron man before to Jon.

"His son will do enough. All boys want swords, no?"


He steps closer, leaning over the body to hear for any posthumous lisping. 


"His son will be enough."

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