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[✗] [Scion Amendment] Modifiers



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Add redline / edit wording to Arcane Scion

Bolded = Changed/added


- An amended connection allows Arcane Scions to experience reduced voidal poisoning, and a much more subtle connection to the void, in exchange for a weakened potency in their casting- such as a 6 meter range of spellcasting, a halved manapool, and only ability to cast spells Tier 3 manacost and below.



-A scion may cast anything of T3 COST and below.

-This means a scion may downcast a T4 spell to T3 so long as it has the ability and have learned the spell.

-This also means a scion may add modifiers to spells so long as it does not make the spell above T3. Such as Ice, or Blue Fire and Combustion.





I think Enwreathe was made with intention to be used with Scion. Also, I don't think Scion needs anymore nerfs. It's at a fine spot as we are. Go ahead cancel me.

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nah this shit is stupid asf

nerf scion again i cant let pcswift have fun

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Scion's already retain above-average strength, can get any other 2 slot magic that permits tainted souls [Kani + Misc + Dark], and get to make the most out of some of the closer range spells while [Under ST verdict] not getting casting fatigue until they completely expend all of their mana. 


I think it's annoying ST comes out 2 years later after saying "Yea, we intended this" to say "actually, we didn't :3" but Scion's could be fine without ice/blue fire/combustion.

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t3 spells means t3 spells, not manacost. scions don't need a buff after their well deserved nerf

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Like seeing mini-amendments. Allows ST to pick between A or B with the 'counter amendment' being made. At the very least I am (not) certain a clear ruling will be on the Forums at the end of this.

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Scions legit get to circumvent the whole nerf of being a voidal mage, which is their weakened body. That in of itself is already so powerful. Do not amend Scion to allow spells to be lowered in tier, amend the actual spell itself. 

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This lore has been denied.

Bla bla bla this was already decided by ST when we made nerf. Intent is that Scions can have T5 modifiers on T3 spells. Aaaaiyah.

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