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The Order Of Plague Doctors


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*A man dressed in plague-doctors gear yells at the temple*

"Gather, men and women, Orc and Kha, gather everyone! This is important!" You sit by him, listening to what he says. "The Plague, Garth's Revenge, still ravages Asulon! We, the Order of Plague Doctors, wish to save you from this horrible fate! We take all who wish to spread the word of Andemi, the lone survivor of the Seraph clan! He endured the plague as it took his family, his friends, and those around him! The governments of the world hide the fact that it still ravages the land of Asulon to stop mass hysteria! Do not be a part of the ignorant masses and join! We will find a cure, we will truly end this plague on and for all! We will come out victorious from this Plague, and we will flourish once again!" The man makes a muffled cheer. "The Grand Doctor Andemi makes these plague masks to save us from this scourge on mankind! He is benevolent enough to give them to those who join this order! If you swear to spread the word of this, you will be given gear by him to protect yourself! Good day, good people of Asulon, stay safe from this plague!" He says and runs off to the next major town. "To join, send the Grand Doctor Andemi (_Aeriel_) a bird.((PM me on the forums or ingame.))" he says as he runs off.

((No, the Plague is not back. This is a group of people that think that the plague still exists, but don't metagame with this. You do not have to make your main character a Plague Doctor, but you can make an alt character if you really want to do this RP.))


"Grand Doctor

"This rank is to be held by only the founder and whoever precedes him. His words spread across Asulon saving men and women as the Plague spreads across Asulon"

"Radiant Doctor"

"A Plague Doctor that has proved himself by going beyond what he needed to do and saving countless lives in the process"

"Plague Doctor

"An initiate who has shown great talent in spreading our word and fighting the disease."


"A new one to the clan, hopeful to prove themself in curing this plague."

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"((I'm an elf))"

*laughs at the man* "Are you drunk? For goodness sake the plague is defeated. What your saying is as ridiculous as claiming their will be a return of the undead. Sober up or get a grip on reality." *places his pipe in his mouth and lights it as he turns to leave.* "Humans and there grip on reality"

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*A man in a suit approaches the elf defying their speech*

"Sir, it is as true as the truth comes! Garth's Revenge is once again upon us and will strip the land of what life it may carry should we not take action!"

*The man adjusts the face-mask so it is tighter then before, as if to make sure that it would be foolproof to nothing getting in*

"I ensure that Garth's Revenge carries once again through out the land, and you should be more then your usual cautious when approaching outside peoples."

*With that the man walks off into a unknown direction and goes back to whatever he may have been doing beforehand*

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*Andemi, the great doctor, scowls at Zaroth*

"You do not get it, fool! Have you noticed the next stage of the Plague, controlling mens brains? The insane man who claimed to be a knight in Arethor had the Plague! The Flays have this plague, as the disease has warped their minds into macabre acts! Have you not noticed? Save yourself, boy, join the Order, and help find a cure for these poor souls!"

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*Approaches the man in a suit*

The elf is right, the Plague was defeated. The only way it could still be upon us, is that someone is spreading it out using the blood of some of the old victims. That is my opinion.

*Walks away putting on his mask to avoid being infected if this is true*

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*Andemi grabs Symodimi's collar and turns him around.*

"Lad, this plague is still about. Youa re smart to have the mask, but you should come with me, only we can stop this plague."

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Queen Kyral glares at the Plague Doctors, eye twitching as she states

"I was there, I was one of the Plague alchemists that helped finish the plague off once and for all. All that remains of the plague are ten vials of plagued water. However, they are in good hands. To the plague doctors, show me some proof that the plague is still here."

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*Andemi, the great doctor, scowls at Zaroth*

"You do not get it, fool! Have you noticed the next stage of the Plague, controlling mens brains? The insane man who claimed to be a knight in Arethor had the Plague! The Flays have this plague, as the disease has warped their minds into macabre acts! Have you not noticed? Save yourself, boy, join the Order, and help find a cure for these poor souls!"

((sorry I'm rping as Sel'Oul Zaroths dead))

*Seems slight shocked at the two men and shouts at the man who is leading the order, Sel'Oul Stands proud and tall** "Don't be foolish, corrupted minds?" *sighs* "The plague has ended. The leaders wouldn't lie, you should have more faith in those who lead you. It is foolish to believe that people would lie at other peoples expense. If the plague was still around the governments would have told us as it is high risk of infecting people! No matter how hysterical it gets!"

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*The devout initiate looks to Kyral*

"You have seen the insane people of Asulon, the murderers, the Flays, the Iblees worshippers? Their minds are taken by this Plague, made by Iblees himself! One mere year cannot be enough to cure a plague! You see now? You have not stopped it, it is simply disguised as insanity and evil! If you do not believe, it is your problem, for you might be next! Or you!" He points to another person in the crowd. "Or you, it could even be me that gets infected next! You must join and help us take down this scourge on the land of Asulon!"

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((Come on guys, I mean we all know the plague is passed, but do you guys all have to be such skeptics in character? It was a frightening experience in Asulon and a great deal of people died for no discernible reason then it stopped. What experience do all you guys have to deny what plague doctors are saying? Just seeing plague doctors wandering around would be frightening enough for people in the years following a massive plague that happened to destroy a new nation, and having plague doctors say it is back/never left should leave characters worried not skeptical.))

A murmur is heard passing through the throngs of peasantry who hear the man speak of the plague. Quickly news spreads between the common folk in Asulon as veiled rumors and table discussion, yet a deep rooted fear lingers in the minds of many of those who survived Garth's Revenge.

A thought prevails among those who hear the news; a topic that springs up among any sane man who has heard the plague has not left,

"What if it happens again?"

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((Come on guys, I mean we all know the plague is passed, but do you guys all have to be such skeptics in character? It was a frightening experience in Asulon and a great deal of people died for no discernible reason then it stopped. What experience do all you guys have to deny what plague doctors are saying? Just seeing plague doctors wandering around would be frightening enough for people in the years following a massive plague that happened to destroy a new nation, and having plague doctors say it is back/never left should leave characters worried not skeptical.))

A murmur is heard passing through the throngs of peasantry who hear the man speak of the plague. Quickly news spreads between the common folk in Asulon as veiled rumors and table discussion, yet a deep rooted fear lingers in the minds of many of those who survived Garth's Revenge.

A thought prevails among those who hear the news; a topic that springs up among any sane man who has heard the plague has not left,

"What if it happens again?"

((This. Most people would be afraid if someone was speaking of a plague, even after it is supposedly gone)$

*Andemi tries to calm down the crowd with a speech*

"The cure will we worked on, along with other remedies and cures once we have a place to work pn experiments with. Do not lose hope, Asulonians, for we will save you!."

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*The man in the plague doctor suit walks up yet again, raising his hands to the air somberly*

"We can not let Garth's Revenge strip us of our flesh! Something must be done to suppress or destroy it!"

*He continues standing on the ground firmly, saying it once more and preaching more about the plague and how it may effect us physically and emotionally*

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Ariana walks up interested by the commotion.

As one who personally experienced the terror and depravity of the plague, I would like to patron your work and sponsor further medical research into this terrible illness.

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