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[✓] The Corruption Of Magic


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That Patron however is still an Aengul. If you don't know what a cat is, it doesn't stop the cat from being a cat.


You still didnt answer the second part of my question T_T


What exactly does it do to the holy magic user?

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The power of the Aengul is corrupting, so just like everyone else— They're physically weaker.

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Not 'corrupting' but a presence too great for the mortal body to handle.


Is semantics but, yeah.

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I would not necessarily say that the Lutauman is any weaker in the sense of base physical strength, more so that when he/she focuses into their magic they expend their mana and physical energy at a much faster pace. I picture it like a superhero with superspeed is often depicted, while they may be very fast an obvious drawback is that when they push their body to that limit (akin to a Lutauman receiving a blessing) they burn through extreme levels of both energy and mana in a relatively short amount of time. This is why they are often substantially weakened after their blessings fade. If they are not working to be in better condition (physical and mental) and constantly fueling themselves, then a Lutauman will ultimately fail to pass a certain point in their training.

I would even go so far to say that in order to keep up with the physical toll of their spells, a Lutauman would probably be constantly working to be among the strongest of orcs. This explanation would make more sense to me as a true orc wouldn't purposefully practice a form of magic that made him weaker. Not to mention it seems more logical in that while a Lutauman may receive a blessing of _____, this blessing does not make their actual frame more durable. If their physical frame is not up to the feats they perform, then they risk facing some very serious damage to their body structure itself after the affects of the blessing wear off.


Edit/Clarification: I'm not saying that Lutaumen are both the most physically strong orcs and also very powerful shamans, only that they should strive towards such. The more physical endurance and strength the Lutauman possesses, the better they can handle a more potent blessing. The ideal would be for a T5 Lutauman to be one scary motherfucker without magic, add a powerful Ancestral blessing to him and he should easily reach that 1:5 combat ratio.

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I don't see contract magic there, or puppet making

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I like it, i personally play since i use dark arts magic that my character always hurts himself if he plays with dolls, that's why he is physically weak but mentally strong...but still crazy...


Fact is, i like this.


What i believe is soul puppetry corruption (Or how i play it):


Soul Puppetry is a curse magic, you can set curses on people.

If you choose the magic, you earn your own curse.

This curse will split your personallity in two, the good and the bad side. But the bad side is stronger and will grow in power if you make the magic. So it happens that your mind will be kind of crazy. Mentally you will be strong because your evil mind tells you always new ideas and plans but physically you will be weak, forever.


Sometimes it happens that you fail a soul bound totally (roll 1 of 20 and you are screwed), this will cause a ultimate backfire, this will weaken you even more and sometimes your mind or your body will pay a price. (More crazyness, lose a body part or live with a disease forever)


The most dangerous thing about soul puppetry is the backfire, you always earn a chance at cursing yourself, even if you are tier 5. Also, you must use your own energy to set a curse or just to interact with the puppet. This is why soul puppeteers are physically weak and sometimes crazy.


I guess, the subtypes of dark arts are similar in their corruption.

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Added contract magic and soul puppetry.


On the note of Lautauman: The issue with making it not behave as it makes you weaker over time is that Lautauman would effecitvely do nothing until one is past T3. Since realistically if you don't loose strength and you shouldn't be stronger your magic isn't helping you much, if you understand what I mean? How do we get past that, Ming?

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Maybe have orcs only go up to T3? T4 and T5 still exist but they're reviled by the orcs as those who take it too far?

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Perhaps you're confused Lago (or I'm confused). The issue is that if we take Mingpow's approach a Lautauman simply wont get better at their magic until T3 is passed.

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  • Soul Puppetry: Curses to a degree act on the user with their corrupting power. Making them weaker as their body is constantly under corrupting stress.
  • Contract Magic: Same as Soul Puppetry.

I'm sorry Connor, but Contract magic does not curse the user, nor corrupts them, it's actually quite safe on the user. I'll say what it actually does.


Contract Magic: To properly write the contracts, the user would need to spend extensive time reading and understanding the words and their meaning, as well as properly writing and carving perfect symbols. This would turn the user more into a scribe than a fighter, but the magic itself does not harm or weaken the physic. Some fighting capability is retained, but they would never be able to defeat a warrior in a one on one fight.

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Is that not properly balanced than? According to the rules, one should only be slightly more powerful than a fully armored opponent by T3 (assuming this is referring to the caster's own species). If that's correct, then it's scaling itself exactly right. Up to T3 a Lutauman would be on equal footing with an orc using his combat skills alone. By T3 the Lutauman would begin to be able to put his power to use with a relatively high rate of success. Assuming we're sticking with a basic blessing of strength, then the Lutauman would have an upper hand in the fight. Around T4 the Lutauman would be able to combine his orcish strength and fighting skills with the blessings of an Ancestor in order to gain a more significant boost in his combat ability. Finally at T5 a Lutauman would be considered a master of the subtype, allowing him/her to summon greater Ancestral spirits with stronger blessings. At this tier the Lutauman is expected to be able to successfully combat 4-5 fully trained and equipped soldiers.


It is fairly obvious that even before T3 an orc would typically have the upper hand against a trained soldier of any race other than his own. Whether the Lutauman is slightly weaker than a normal orc (which still doesn't make much sense) or not would make little difference as even a lesser orc is still a seven to nine foot tall, angry, green Scandinavian man who likes to mix steroids with his Muscle Milk. Oh, did I mention that he's also been training since he was about two years old and most likely killed his first opponent before age fifteen? Pit that against a warrior of any one of the other humanoid races and I think it's fairly obvious who I'd be betting on. Spoiler is relevant.




It is important to remember that the Lutauman's shamanism alone does not count for an offensive ability itself and he must rely on his own combat prowess to come out on top in most situations. Unlike the Elementalist, who does not need to maintain his martial combat skills due to the direct offensive capabilities that come with the subtype. That is why it is necessary to maintain the Lutauman's strength and combat abilities outside of the points I already laid out in the other post. The Lutauman simply uses his shamanism to enhance those traits which he already has or to grant himself a new "ability" for the duration of the blessing.

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I always liked to think of Druidism as having more of a mental impact- as the Druid's mind brushed with nature, he would find himself more and more distant from his own consciousness. The more one tapped the power of their link, the more frayed their mind becomes, till things like a sword flying at you really aren't that noticeable in the grand scheme of all the flowers around you. Food for thought; I always figured that was a little more interesting than /gets tired or /is weaker. 

 I share these thoughts on Druidism. And I feel as if a connection with nature would render a Druid physically healthier, not weaker. 

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