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Everything posted by Shmeepicus

  1. o7 Godspeed King. See you sometime in the future maybe. Please go easier on me with your Renekton next time thank you.
  2. IGN: Shmeepicus Discord: Shmeepicus#4701 Bid: 250 mina Skin: Colonial Red poggers I get a free skin anyways try and outbid me, peasants.
  3. Eirosan stopped upon seeing a new notice posted upon a tree. He nodded his head slightly with the words. “Should be parting the Uruk’s head’s from the rest of their foul body rather than giving them refuge where we would see none.” He sighed, leaving the notice where he found it.
  4. "Aren't you like.. dead or something?" Asked Ser Lukas.
  5. Legend Henry. Shame I only got to interact with you once IRP but got to chat with ya loads in the DMs and a handful of times in VC. Godspeed bruv, DMs are always open if ya wanna chat. 💪
  6. IGN: Shmeepicus Discord: Shmeepicus#4701 Skin: Legacy Bid: 300
  7. IGN: Shmeepicus Discord: Shmeepicus#4701 Skin: Legacy Bid: 200
  8. Based, down with the monopoly! Marx would be proud!
  9. “Exciting.” Says an Old Knight, laughing slightly at the drama playing out in the Church.
  10. im the reason you can load the forums 😎

    1. Shmeepicus


      and kinda Kowa ig

    2. Urahra


      thank you, king

  11. Name: Lukas Jokic Age: 84 Race: Adunian Prior Relevant Experience: Served as a Holy Knight, protector of the High Pontiff. Theoretical degree in 1.8 PvP combat.
  12. I kinda like Vortex ig.

  13. Discord: Shmeepicus#4701IGN: ShmeepicusSkin name: EmeraldBid amount: 130
  14. Discord: Shmeepicus#4701IGN: ShmeepicusSkin name: EmeraldBid ammount: 110
  15. don't fall back into the trap
  16. Discord: shmeepicus#4701IGN: ShmeepicusSkin: Revolt and EmeraldBid: 50 - Revolt | 25 - Emerald
  17. The Holy Ser Lukas Jokic frowns somewhat upon reading the missive. "I'll give the writer the benefit of the doubt, given Owyn III's previous actions," he'd plainly remark, folding the notice up and placing it into his pocket.
  18. so when will ST budget increase so I can do events?

    1. Deer__


      When will it increase so I can have my vault items...

  19. key note on family 😄
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