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Community Administrator
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Everything posted by HogoBojo

  1. Touching grass, will be back in a week.

    1. Fireheart


      grass be kinda scary

    2. CorweenieTheJedi


      when we needed him most, he vanished...

    3. Fwied


      I have been eating grass for over a year! woooo my health is amazing

  2. A PRINCELY CORONATION 14th of Godfrey's Triumph, 1870 ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY HIS SERENE HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF SEDAN To the people of Sedan, When the current Sovereign inherited the Crown, the Principality found itself in a time of great conflict and strife, right in the middle of the War of The Wigs. Raids and assassination attempts on the Sedanite people and her allies were frequent. During this time, the primary focus of the Crown was to ensure the success and continuation of the Principality of her people. Due to this, the Sovereign's Coronation was delayed several times as focusing time and resources on the war effort was the more pressing issue at hand. However, now that peace has been struck within recent years, our Realm finally finds itself at peace and so the opportunity has finally presented itself. Thus, as all Canonist Princes should be, the current Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Frederick de Joannes the First shall at long last be crowned by his Holiness, Tylos II, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon. The ceremony is to be held in a newly consecrated Church within the Royal Capital of Louisville, which shall be consecrated by the High Pontiff personally before the ceremony. All citizens of Sedan, her allies, and neutral parties are hereby invited to arrive in Louisville next Saints day for the long anticipated event. Upon the completion of the coronation, a celebratory feast accompanied with party games and contests shall be held in the tourney grounds just outside the city. May God guide us all towards the future. Signed, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I of House de Joannes, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, Head-Librarian and Founder of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries
  3. I want rep.

    1. UnusualBrit


      **** you for making me do this

  4. DENIED. For more details and reasoning, contact me.
  5. Hogo Bojo III, Co-President of the Hustler would smirk and nod at the missive.
  6. DENIED. For more details and reasoning, contact me.
  7. THE HUSTLERS “This isn’t our main thing, it’s a side hustle.” Attention denizens of Almaris, Throughout the many continents, many corporations have existed. Some have risen from nothing and became great economic superpowers, some would try to start up but would fail, and many have fallen overnight with all their gains and influence cast into nothingness. The business world is a cut throat world, one full of betrayal, deals, and above all, coin. For he who holds great wealth, land and has the might to not only hold onto those things but grow it further is truly a cut above others, a powerful entity to be sure. The challenge, the risk, the competition… All of this seems all too alluring to us. Therefore, we the signatories hereby announce the establishment of a new corporate entity of our own. We are Hustlers Inc™, a grand corporate institution that takes mina from our clients and income sources and invests it to later be divided between our members. It does not matter from which race you descend from nor your history, for we only care about your intentions and capabilities. Many businesses tie themselves down to one nation, seeking to gain wealth yet contradicting their purpose by spending mass amounts of it on the realm to fund their wars and follies. We, as a true corporate entity born of the educated, seek the riches of this land in order to fill our own pockets and vaults, not those of whom we call Kings and Princes. The business world is full of predictable loyalists tied to their realm, whereas we are fueled by our own self interests and wealth of various kinds. Where others may see us as monsters, and maybe even appear so, we see ourselves as simple creatures with a simple ideal to achieve: Wealth and Power. For we are a fair institution of true economists. Whether you seek to contract us for resources or manpower, if the deal is agreeable, we shall see it through. For once a contract is signed, it is not to be broken. Although coin is typically above all, contracts and promises are considered by us to be of the greatest value and are to be respected. Signed, Hogo Bojo III, Co-President of the Hustlers Pancho Bojo, Co-President of the Hustlers Brayden Bojo, Executive of the Hustlers Dave, Executive of the Hustlers Clover, Executive of the Hustlers Aephalia, Secretary of the Hustlers
  8. The Death of the Traveling Princess ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY HIS SERENE HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF SEDAN, THE 10th OF SIGISMUND'S END, 1868 To the people of Sedan, It is with the greatest of sorrow for the Sedanian Crown to announce the death of Princess Carolina Milena de Joannes. This is an unfortunate shock to her family, her goat, and the realm. She was a kind young Lady who cared greatly for her friends, her family, and the Principality. One of her favorite things to do was traveling and meeting new people, which she adored greatly. Until the very end, she kept up this passion and died in pursuit of something she loved. To honor and commemorate her, a funeral service for her shall be held later this very Saints Day. All who had the pleasure of knowing Carolina are hereby invited to attend this event born out of tragedy. May God take care of Carolina and watch over my family. Signed, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I of House de Joannes, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, Head-Librarian and Founder of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries
  9. Mister Panchapooza would glance at the missive. "A fellow collector. Hmmmm." He would murmur to himself. "Although the offer to trade is quite intriguing, I am really only interested in trading for these colourful eggs spread around the continent. If this Dwed truly wishes to meet me, let him collect an egg or even multiple to trade and perhaps I will indulge in talks regarding his request as he so desires."
  10. Prince Frederick I of Sedan would sign the Lorraine Cross. "My dear sister, I do hope that ye find yerself safe passage to the Seven Skies. May ye rest in peace."
  11. Mister Panchapooza would glance at the notice. "Hey, that's a rip off of my contest!" He would murmur to himself as he walked back to his shop.
  12. REQUEST COMPLETED. By this point, you should already have your Map Art. If you haven't received it or believe this to be a mistake, please contact Community Management.
  13. Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it. I'm super excited to see how this event goes. Best of luck to everyone who participates. Happy hunting!
  14. MC Name: HogoBojo Discord: HogoBojo#0001 Image: Description of Image: Tythus Quote Dimensions: 1x2
  15. THE GOAT TWINS ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY HIS SERENE HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF SEDAN, THE 11th OF SIGISMUND'S END, 1867 To the people of Sedan, It is with the greatest of pleasure for the current Sovereign Prince, Frederick de Joannes I and his wife, Princess-Consort Amicia de Joannes to announce the birth of the couple's first children. They have been truly blessed with two healthy young twins. The first child is a girl and was named Henrietta Nikola de Joannes. She was named after the late Princess-Grandmother of Sedan, Henrietta, a brave woman who was very strong willed and loyal to the Principality and her family until the very end. Due to the child being born as the current Sovereigns eldest daughter, she shall be granted the title, Baroness of Henriu. Thus henceforth, her official style shall be: Her Highness, Princess Henrietta Nikola de Joannes of Sedan, Baroness of Henriu. The second child born is a boy and was named Joseph Alexander de Joannes. He was named after Joseph Marna I, Holy Orenian Emperor, a notable ancestor of House de Joannes. Due to the child being born as the current Sovereign's eldest son, he shall be granted the titles of Crown Prince of Sedan and Baron of Ponce. Thus henceforth, his official style shall be: His Highness, Crown Prince Joseph Alexander de Joannes of Sedan, Baron of Ponce. May God watch over my family and guide our path forward. Signed, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I of House de Joannes, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Ponce, Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, Head-Librarian and Founder of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries HER SERENE HIGHNESS, Amicia of House de Joannes, Princess-Consort of Sedan, Countess-Consort of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscountess-Consort of Fauconberg, Baroness-Consort of Ponce, Avoria and Pyrmont
  16. When is the great return of sergisala occuring?

  17. A certain former Haeseni Nationalist Chef remembers his time in Vintas spying for his Government and the many funny moments and memories that he made with Omar Grimmer'Lak during the Orc's brief tenure in the Vintas Guard.
  18. Denied. Unfortunately this violates our servers tech lock. If I don't have one, neither can you.
  19. You have twenty four hours to redeem Krugmas presents before we will no longer be accepting them for exchanges. Guys it's April already...

    1. sarahbarah


      please god please i'm so tired

  20. HogoBojo

    An Inquiry

    I wish I was around when Nexus was out. I've heard so much about it and wish I could've given it a try.
  21. Howdy friends, A week ago we announced our Mission Statement to the community – which we have committed to follow as Staff. Already, we are seeing this resolution tested. The recent crisis in Haelun’or is a novel, controversial issue and I think we need to walk through our thoughts here. We based our reasoning on our Mission Statement, Community Guidelines, and the Roleplay Standards. So as Staff, we must hear and consider all sides and facts and work towards a compromise that is true to our established Mission Rating. Ultimately, we’re treading a fine balance, a) how far can we permit fully unconstrained interactions, while b) considering our duty to protect roleplay communities from being driven off the server. Here’s what we know. Starting Mid-January, Haelun’or started seeing significant downturns in their activity numbers compared to previous statistics, with significant portions of the established leadership stepping aside. In large part, this timeline coincided with the war being waged by Fenn on the nation. During this period, a new player group emerged within Haelun’or, which consisted of players from within the pre-existing Haelun’orian community as well as many new faces. This group was driven for a time by KiiwiFruiit, but ultimately desired to have Twi’s character (Ivarielle) become leader of Haelun’or. For the sake of this post, we’ll be referring to this group as “The Ivarielle Group”. Since then, both this new group and the rest of the established Haelun’or playerbase have roleplayed within the nation and each in their own ways have worked tirelessly to spark roleplay. From events to casual roleplay to a wide variety of forum posts, each group wished to generate roleplay, an important part of our Mission. However, this roleplay hit a boiling point when a week and a half ago, Twi’s character was appointed leader of Haelun’or by KiiwiFruiit’s character shortly after they themselves became leader during the downturn. This decision faced significant opposition by a large portion of the established Haelun’or playerbase, with much of the coordination being done by Gavin (Tiocfadh_Ar_La). Many of the players that had become less active returned, and rallied with Gavin to oppose this transition. We will refer to this opposition as “The Republic Group”. As we saw substantial opposition to this change of power, PRO status was not transferred but instead suspended until a mutual resolution occurred, which has worked multiple times in the past six months during periods of internal conflict within nations. However, such a resolution never occurred, and instead we saw hostility and conflict in the city skyrocket, with degrees of spitefulness and toxicity between the two sides reaching a level where following our Roleplay Standards was becoming near-impossible. As an intervention, we put into effect a cooldown on conflict and villainy within the capital to allow for roleplay to progress. Since then, there has been significant roleplay between the two sides, with nearly fifty topics being posted in the Haelun’or subforum on this matter, though there is still no mutual resolution in sight. On one side, the Ivarielle group has established a constitution to cement Twi’s character as leader, and paved a way for a new government to drive change in the city. On the other side, the Republic group has appointed Gavin’s character Maheral (cultural/religious leader) with the backing of Haelun’or’s established tradition and previous constitution, and held an election in which Puffables’s character ran unopposed to be the Sohaer (leader of the nation), as well as posting an updated constitution. Neither side recognizes each-other’s legitimacy, and have their own Discord servers and claims they should be given PRO of the nation. How we reached a decision. We will never know what people’s true intentions are – we’ve heard accusations of OOC schemes, self-interest, and spiteful actions on both sides. However, we operate under the assumption that all of us are on this platform to have fun and create an environment where there is enjoyable roleplay. Speculation on what we do not know is just that, speculation. It has no basis for decision-making; we have to look at our rules, guidelines, and standards. Following the system outlined in the rules, PRO is established as follows: “Primary region owners (PROs) of nation tiles, capitals, independent settlements, or lairs must be the active roleplay leader of the nation, settlement, or lair.” Both sides have a claim to leadership backed by legitimate roleplay. An analysis of both the recent activity data (since March 23rd) shows a fair majority of the roleplayers in the city are part of or support the Republic group. These numbers skew even further towards that group when we look at historical data (3 months prior to March 23rd), showing a clear majority. However, the portion that are part of or support the Ivarielle group is not insignificant by any means, and we can not simply dismiss them and stifle roleplay all together. We want to allow both communities to continue to grow and thrive, though it is clear that they can not do this within the same city walls. The resolution. As we reflect on this information—we also must judge it in the context of the Mission Statement. Effective now, the resolution consists of three points; - Puffables will be recognized as Nation Leader of Haelun’or. - Haelun’or will receive a one month raid, villainy, and war cooldown. - The current conflict cooldown will stay in effect until mid next week. We are aware this will quickly put an end to the opposition in the city, and likely lead to much of the Ivarielle group withdrawing from Haelun’or. We do not wish for them to be without a place to roleplay, so we have offered; - A settlement and build paste, free of charge. We are working with Twi to finalize a location and will continue diligently on this—minimizing their loss of roleplay opportunities is paramount to continued growth. Is the roleplay void? No. None of the roleplay is void. However, OOC intervention requires in-character explanation: With a small militia and guerilla tactics, the Republic group managed to take control of the docks, preventing the Ivarielle group from resupplying. With supply lines cut off the logistics of keeping control of the island became unmanageable; they chose to withdraw rather than cause additional bloodshed. How this plays out from here is up to Haelun’or leadership, though they now hold the benefits of PRO and may act accordingly. We realize that this is not the ideal outcome and we hate to get involved so directly here rather than letting roleplay just happen. We truthfully did not see the crisis coming to a natural, mutual resolution and had to take action to protect roleplay communities. We hope that both communities will be able to continue to grow and foster dynamic roleplay experiences. This situation is exactly the kind that the new war rules and mission statement are designed to prevent. We are discussing where our systems failed here, and will be looking to be more proactive to prevent situations from reaching such a strenuous point in the future, so that we can ensure this first intervention is also the last. Thank you for your time and understanding, Hogo & the Administration
  22. Prince Frederick I of Sedan feels slightly guilty that he disqualified his wife from the succession of her family.
  23. "MWAHAHAHAHA. He's going after the wrong person." Nickoloss Astlius (HogoBojo) would say with a chuckle. "However if he is to come after me, my chant shall surely keep him at bay."
  24. The Treaty of Louisville 10th of Horen's Calling, 1866 ARTICLE I: ON SOVEREIGNTY The Principality of Sedan and the Domain of Rozania, also referred to as “the signatories” hereby pledge to mutually recognize each other's status as fully autonomous states. Both signatories recognize each other's right to fully rule and govern their territories as they see fit and shall not interfere with each other's internal affairs. The signatories recognize each other's heads of states as the leaders of each respective territory. The Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Frederick de Joannes I and his successors shall be recognized as the leader of the Principality of Sedan. The Prince of Rozania, Armitage Fleurgrass Roza I and his successors shall be recognized as the leader of the Domain of Rozania. Additionally, the titles held by each head of state is hereby recognized by the other as rightfully theirs, may none try to claim the titles as their own. ARTICLE II: ON NON-AGGRESSION The signatories hereby do mutually agree to refrain from direct conflict between each other. ARTICLE III: ON TRADE For the mutual benefit of the signatories, they hereby agree to allow and encourage trade and the seamless flow and passage of merchants within their territories. Additionally, a tax free stall shall be provided in the capital of both territories. ARTICLE IV: ON DIPLOMATS In an effort to ensure diplomatic relations continue and enhance diplomatic communication in the future, the signatories hereby agree to set up embassies in each of their capitals. Diplomats safety shall be guaranteed in the other signatories territories and they shall not face any persecution while there. Should a diplomat cause an issue or violate the law in the other signatories territory then they are to be immediately extradited to their home territory to face judgement from the head of state or whatever internal structure is in place for such an affair. During this time, both signatories should work together to solve the issue diplomatically. ARTICLE V: ON ROZANIAN RECONSTRUCTION The Sedanian Crown pledges its support towards funding and overall assisting with the reconstruction of Rozania, in return Rozania shall supply the Principality of Sedan with 50 minas each saint week. This shall remain in effect until both parties mutually agree that the construction efforts are complete. ARTICLE VI: DURATION The signatories both mutually agree that this pact is to be in effect for a twenty year span. Upon the expiration of the pact, the signatories have the option to renew or opt out of a new treaty. Should the non-aggression between both nations be violated then the treaty and can not be resolved diplomatically then the pact shall be annulled immediately. Signed, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I of House de Joannes, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Ponce, Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, Head-Librarian and Founder of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries HIS HIGHNESS, Armitage I of House Roza, By the Grace of God, Prince of Rozania, Restorer of Róża City
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