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Everything posted by HogoBojo

  1. Frederick Stanimar de Joannes stares into his wardrobe, looking through his clothing. "Hmmm." he'd mutter to himself. "Maybe I'll get something made for such an occasion." The young man would proceed to leave his palace in search of a tailor befitting such a task.
  2. ABDICATION OF A CAPITALIST & CHEF, 1858 ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY HIS LORDSHIP, THE BARON OF HUVAARDIA To my fellow Sedanites and her Allies, I have served the Sedanian Crown for many years with the utmost loyalty and dedication. Quite some years ago, I migrated to the Principality of Sedan during its early days. The Principality was currently under strife and conflict, however I saw a home for myself and a Realm to build my Regional Branch of the Bojo family. I settled in a modest house in the town of Louisville, ready to start my new life. I joined the military and served alongside many others and fought bravely for the land, eventually becoming a Commander. This realm is one that I continue to fight for to this very day. As the years went on, I befriended the noble Prince, Leopold I and went on to become his Royal Treasurer after he and I lined up in our ideals for the economic prosperity of the land. From that onwards, I started my hard work towards this goal. Starting with updating the various stewadry and economic ledgers, ensuring they weren’t tampered, improving their formats, and constantly keeping an eye to make sure that they were up to date. Over time, I worked with many towards this noble goal of a functional economy in Sedan. I fondly look back to this time remembering all the work I did beside Peter de Joannes, the High Steward and later Regent, as well as Dr. Benedict Green, the current High Steward of the Realm. My time working beside both of these individuals was enjoyable and without them, I could not have done all that I have accomplished. I am proud that I got the pleasure to work with them and get to call them some of my greatest friends. Over time, the Principalities economy slowly increased with the Crown Revenue stream starting up. Such funds would allow for better military funding, prize money for festivals, and overall ensuring the Principalities smooth running. Through all this hard work, I was eventually granted the title ‘Baron of Huvaardia’ by Prince Leopold I. This title, which originated during the Sedanian Rebellion, originally belonged to House von Hasfield. The family was loyal and was known for their military contributions. Over time, the Barony title became associated with loyalty and valor. However, the family died out, thus the title was returned to the Crown. Eventually, I was granted this prestigious title, one which had historical significance. I was beyond humbled and grateful for such an honor. Thus my commitment towards the Crown strengthened even more that day, something that I did not believe was possible. Thus years went on, and I continued to support the Sedanian Crown and people through much. The Destruction of Rozania, raids on our land, and much more. I even worked alongside Caius de Ravensburg on drafting the first concept of the laws of the Principality. However, such laws are still being expanded upon and officialized, my work still stands nevertheless. My loyalty, dedication, and contributions can not be doubted by none. There is no room to doubt as to what I have done and who I stand beside. But all these years of hard work have led me to think of a simpler life, one of retirement. Thus, I shall officially be announcing my Abdication as Baron of Huvaardia and Patriarch of the Sedanite Bojo Line and retirement as Royal Treasurer of his Serene Highnesses Government. I’ve talked this over with the Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Frederick I, and he has given me his blessing and thanks for my many years of hard work. All my current titles shall be inherited by my Eldest Alive child, Boja Boja. May she serve the Sedanian Crown, her people, and the Bojo family well. Thus, I hereby proclaim the following, with immediate effect: I - The Barony of Huvaardia and seat as Head of the Sedani Bojo Regional Line is hereby abdicated to my Rightful Heiress-Apparent, Boja Bojo. II - All properties and assets that I hold within Sedan shall be transferred to the new Baroness of Huvaardia, Boja Bojo, spare a small amount of retirement funds. III - I hereby officially resign from my position as Royal Treasurer, effective immediately. IV - I will continue to serve as a Commander in the Sedan Military until the end of the Urguani-Oren War, upon which, I shall retire from my last held position and travel the world. Signed, His Lordship, Hogo II of House Bojo, Baron of Huvaardia With Approval From, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I of House de Joannes, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Ponce, Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, Head-Librarian and Founder of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries
  3. Frederick I, Founder and Head-Librarian of the Frederick Library would laugh as he read the missive, tossing it into his crackling fireplace. He would proceed to mutter to himself. "The Predecessor Library may have contained many books of knowledge, ye, but it was a place of emptiness. The only thing of value contained within were the texts. But with so many sections restricted, it created a divide. Even the one thing of value to the Library, was something that many could nae even enjoy. Furthermore, no conversation, no laughter, no talking about the many texts would ever ensue in the Library. It was a place deprived of entertainment, fun, and socialization." He'd say as he scratched his chin, confused at how the Eternal Library could be any better then the new one. "For a place about sharing knowledge, there was a lack of communication and intrigue for sure. Alas, the Successor strives to change this, bringing life back into the hallowed walls. I do understand the Librarians of the former Eternal Library did try their best, but I shall relieve them of their duties now and lead the Successor henceforth towards greatness."
  4. Liberation of a Library 12th of The First Seed, 1858 “The need for knowledge sprouts from us all.” An army of Elves, accompanied by volunteers and mercenaries would storm the Capital of the Illegitimate State of Haelunor, in an attempt to take control of the city. The goal, to show the power of the Silver Princedom and take control of the city. The mighty warriors would travel by boat, reaching the secluded isle with relative ease. Upon reaching the shores, they would climb the steps of the Capital, the gates drawn as they neared, allowing the troops to enter the city with no resistance. Not a single troop was in sight. The Liberators were welcomed, with no present citizens opposing the righteous takeover. As the men and women liberators entered the city, they spread out to seize all aspects of the city. Some of the notable targets seized were the Citadel, Tavern, Military District, and of course, the Eternal Library. The takeover of the Library was headed by Prince Frederick I of Sedan, alongside several others. With no resistance, the Library was completely under the control of Frederick and the other accompanied warriors. The man would proclaim himself the Head-Librarian of the Frederick Library, and rename the building accordingly. The sign out-front would be changed with all due haste to reflect such. With the Library gates taken over and entrances guarded, the Library was completely under control. Throughout the days and nights, the gates would be watched with a keen eye from the greatest of gatekeepers, Altheya Valin’dar. Over time, many fellow fighters would come by and visit the Library, reading the various texts and conversing. Truly this Reformed Library was a glorious place, one where the company of others and intriguing unique texts could keep one entertained for hours upon end. May the Glory, Knowledge, and Prosperity of the Frederick Library continue for all Time. Due to the recent events that have transpired, we hereby proclaim the following: I - The Eternal Library is hereby dissolved, effective immediately. II - The Frederick Library is hereby proclaimed as the official successor to the Eternal Library. III - All the assets, land, and building of the Predecessor Library are now transferred and belong to the Successor Library. IV - Frederick Stanimar de Joannes, First of his name is hereby proclaimed and recognized as the Founder and Head-Librarian of the newly established Frederick Library. V - Altheya Valin’dar is hereby appointed to the position of Gate Guard of the Library. VI - Durin Hammerforge is hereby appointed to the position of Head-Guard of the Library VII - All signatories may bear the title ‘Liberator of Libraries’ for their efforts in the acquisition of the Library. VIII - All signatories agree to rally in defense of the Library, should the need be deemed necessary. Signed, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Ponce, Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats, the Haikaprier, Head-Librarian and Founder of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries THE KEEN EYE, Altheya Valin’dar, The Bookkeep, Gate Guard of the Ancients and Frederick Library, Keeper of Knowledge, Protector of Time, Liberator of Libraries THE MIGHTY SMITH, Durin Hammerforge, Forger of Monk Stavz, Handsome Dwarf among Handsome Dwarves, Champion of Eating Competitions, Veteran Potato Farmer, Ally of the Sedanite People, Loyal Head-Guard of the Frederick Library, Liberator of Libraries
  5. Skin: Red Grandeur Bid: 375 Minas Discord: HogoBojo#0001 I raise you 25 chips, err I mean Minas… Yes Minas…
  6. Skin: Red Grandeur Bid: 325 Minas Discord: HogoBojo#0001
  7. Minecraft Username: HogoBojo Discord Username/Identifier: HogoBojo#0001 Item Name: ArchMonk Hugo's Staff Description of Item (Pictures/Text Description): https://imgur.com/a/a9eCzxQ Extra Notes: Please make the retexture for the Golden Hoe item
  8. HogoBojo

    big guy

    Howdy, me again. All applications are reviewed in order from Oldest to Newest. Although it appears as your application has luckily already been reviewed and accepted. Feel free to reach out to me with any further questions. :)
  9. WARTIME EDICT OF TAXATION, 1857 The 23rd of Godfrey's Triumph, 1857 ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY HIS SERENE HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF SEDAN, To all citizens of Sedan, The war with the Empire continues to wage on, as it has for many years now. Due to this, it is within the interest of the Crown of Sedan to proclaim the temporary suspension of taxation within the Realm. This suspension is to act as a motivator for new citizens to migrate and for pre-existing families within the land to expand and thrive, despite the ongoing conflict. The Crown also does not wish to burden its citizens with tax during this time of strife, for such funds should remain with the people for any additional costs that this conflict may cause. This edict shall remain in effect until the end of the war, when a peace treaty is signed. His Excellency, the High Steward, Dr. Benedict Green shall ensure that all the necessary paperwork and arrangements are made to see to this temporary transition. May Godan watch over you all and ensure our victory over the Excommunicated Heathens. Signed, HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Frederick I, By the Grace of God, Sovereign Prince of Sedan, Count of Louisville, Haverlock and Döbern, Viscount of Fauconberg, Baron of Ponce, Avoria and Pyrmont, Protector and Lord of the Valley of Goats and the Haikaprier HIS EXCELLENCY, Doctor Benedict Green, High Steward of Sedan
  10. HogoBojo

    big guy

    Howdy. Welcome to Lord of the Craft. I hope that you have a great time here! :) Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
  11. Howdy. This is something that I am aware of and a concept idea was worked on in the past. I believe it was put on the backburner due to a certain forum related issue. I'll look into the possibility of updating it. Thank you for your feedback.
  12. The Lord of Sutica would smirk as he left the city alongside his fellow Suticans, cleaning off his weapons of Elven blood. "Justice will always prevail! Long live Sutica and her Eternal Glory and Justice."
  13. Sutican Might Eternal 13th of The Amber Cold, Year 59 of the Second Age. Sutica Eternal, for Freedom, and Prosperity Sutican men of young and old travelled forth towards the Haelun’orian Capital. The men whose home was long gone still wished to uphold such patriotic values of Freedom, Trade, Equality, and Prosperity. Thus they marched forth to bring liberation to the High Elves, those who opposed the Sutican values. The Butchers In the Barracks The men of Sutica, totaling in ninety strong, marched on towards the High Elven Capital. Upon reaching the gate, they successfully took a hostage, baiting the High Elves inside to draw near the gate, causing a crowd to gather. The captive outside was searched and executed afterwards upon his distasteful actions and gestures. His blood and guts would splatter over the front gate, his corpse remaining lifeless, slowly decaying to time as all things did. Upon the death of the captive, the Haelun’orians clearly were upset, thus the inner gate was drawn and two hundred soldiers entered into it, prepared for battle, with hundreds more inside awaiting the liberators. The gates opened briefly where a brief back and forth ensured with no success at casualties on either side. The Haeluno’rians would close the outer gate, retreating back into their city. The brave Sutican men laughed at the Elven cowardice as they approached the citizen doors near the gate where the recent encounter ensued. With great skill, they picked their way in, chasing the Haeluno’rians further back into their city. The High Elves would further retreat back into their Barracks, cowering in the courtyard. However, the mighty Suticans and their justice would prevail, for Lady Sutica is mighty fine and inspired the warriors with a great intense thirst for Justice. Through scouting, they climbed atop the rooftops, where a back and forth ranged fight ensued for several hours. As the Sutican soldiers drew nearer and nearer, the Haelun’orians retreated further and further back, leaving the Barracks Courtyard and retreating back into the Barracks building itself. However, no wall, no lock, no building was mighty enough to fight the waves of her Lady Sutica and her people. With due haste, the Suticans took control of the Barrack walls and gate. Thus began the siege of the Barracks itself. Several balcony entrances were breached as the Suticans entered through there among other unexpected entrances. Where least expected, the forces would rush in, slaying soldier after soldier, moving with haste from location to location, working together, wave after wave like the Sea. In the end, the total of Haeluno’rians dead would total hundreds, close to the thousand mark. There were no survivors from Lady Sutica’s Justice. Sutica Eternal and her Justice Everlasting. Signed, Lord of Sutica; Baron of Sutica; Old Guard of Sutica; New Guard of Sutica; Potato Farmer of Sutica; The Embodiment of The Concept of Sutican Nationalism; Additional Sutican Watchmen
  14. Hey guys, I'm announcing my legitimate claim on the Imperial Throne as all humans are related. See you on the battlefield. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tabby64


      hogo for emperor!!! 

    3. Eryane


      id abdicate to the bojos

    4. mika1278


      I affirm my allegiance to sir Hogo of Bojo

  15. “Ave Sedan!” The young ‘Goat Prince of the Future’ would yell, overjoyed by the glorious victory.
  16. +1 You deserve this one Chief. o7 You've accomplished a lot on Moderation @GMRO and I enjoyed working alongside you as a Moderator and continuing to work with you from time to time as an Administrator. Thank you for all of your hard work and enjoy retirement my friend. Take it easy. Cheers.
  17. What made you want to join Lord of the Craft, Minecrafts Number One Premium Roleplaying Server? What made you want to join the Moderation Team? What's a random fun fact about yourself? Music suggestion?
  18. "Oh well." The young Crown Prince of Sedan says. "It's a shame that they did niet take advantage of such a generous offer. They had their chance but they chose to live as peasants. Good riddance." He'd say, spitting on the ground.
  19. HogoBojo


    Your application has been put on pending as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows: → Your character can’t be notable or a ruler in your application. If you wish to become a ruler or well known, do so in character when you join. → Your character can’t be born outside of Almaris, please change this accordingly. → Your character can’t be excessively wealthy. If you wish to amass wealth, please do so in character when you join. → Please tie in your character's ambition to your character biography. → Your Skin does not match your physical description. Please fix this accordingly! Whether it’s changing the physical description or your character's skin. If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, please message me on Discord HogoBojo#0001 to let me know, or if you don’t have a Discord, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki, and I highly recommend joining the LotC Discord as well. → https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page → https://discord.gg/7sTjWYX
  20. HogoBojo


    Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft! Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg HogoBojo, or if I’m not online, you can find me on Discord HogoBojo#0001. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do... /creq [message] … along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible! After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out: /creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk! I highly recommend you join the LotC Discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide! → https://discord.gg/lotc → Lastly, For guides, tutorials, and how to request help from a CT member, please head to the New Player Hub found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193743-new-player-hub/ In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides. Below, I’ve linked the settlements you may be interested in based on your character’s race. → https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Nations_and_Major_Charters If you aren’t interested in any of those, take a look at our Settlement Guide Hub! → https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Settlement_Guides
  21. HogoBojo


    Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to reason, though here are the changes that would need to be made: → Your Character Biography is missing a lore reference! Please remember to include at least one! These can be major events, wars, religion, etc. Here are some links that may help you find some! https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Almaris https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Races https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Nations_and_Major_Charters → Your Character Biography is a bit short. Please include at least 6 sentences. If you don’t know what to add, I recommend thinking more about your character’s backstory! Think about where they're from, what their parents were like, why they are how they are…? → Your Powergaming Definition is on the right track, though it’s not quite there. Take another look at our Wiki’s definitions for help, and I recommend including an example so I can tell you fully understand! Please elaborate on it further. https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming → Your Personality Traits/Quirks must include at least one significant negative trait. This can be anything that is a significant fault in their personality. → Your Character Goal is a bit lacking! Please try to make sure your character's fear connects with their biography! → Your Roleplay Scenario Response is too short! It must be at least 4 sentences long and include at least one piece of dialogue in quotes, and one action! → Your Roleplay Scenario Response is written in first person! Please make sure to write in third person while talking about your character! → Your Skin does not match your physical description. Please fix this accordingly! (Different eye colours.) After correcting the above things, you may re-apply at any time. If you have any questions, please send me a message on Discord HogoBojo#0001. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki, and I highly recommend joining the LotC Discord as well. https://discord.gg/7sTjWYX
  22. HogoBojo


    Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to the reason: → You have multiple applications up. This application has been denied, while the other one has been left up. If you have any questions, please send me a message on Discord HogoBojo#0001. If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki
  23. Caedric Edvardsson would mark down the date, always excited for food, especially a feast. “Sounds like good fun to me.” He’d say to himself, thinking of all the food and fun to come.
  24. I'm not. Bump your DM with me and we'll get it sorted. I'm not. I'm not. Former LotCer. I will not. Why would I? Checkmate. Why would I? Checkmate.
  25. Surprise, surprise, I do want to help the Community. :) Although I can see that you want something aside from that. I won't list it all or go into super detail or we will be here all day. I'd love to improve the application process for new players and just make it easier overall, as well as reducing the wait time for them. To me, the improvement of applications, running smoothly will increase player retention, as many players accepted don't even bother to log on as it takes too long to get accepted and they lose interest. As seen with the Krugmas Event, I also would like to bring back Community Events as it's a nice change for Community Team Members from the grinding of application, and nice for players as they can have a fun experience and maybe get to know people that they normally wouldn't interact with. I also want to make a few structural changes to ensure that the work flow is smooth and efficient, but also not placing too much work, stress, and pressure on members of the team. If you're genuinely curious and want to here a long more in-depth list and explanation, I'm always down to vc about my ideas. Why would I need to do that when I can get free Potatoes from people like you. :) Honestly my favourite roleplay encounter has got to be when I walked up to @Aidoro's character and he invented the "Hogo Bojo dance". It gave me a real good laugh, and I enjoyed seeing a bunch of Haeseni players and others doing it in character. Between Steins;Gate & Assassination Classroom are definitely tied for my top spot/are my favourites. Steins;Gate is just straight up awesome. The shows core premise is based off of a post that an alleged time traveler posted. It's a really unique show with a lot of surprises and an amazing plot. Overall, it just was a joy to watch. Assassination Classroom is another great one. It's also unique, but in a different way. I honestly don't want to explain this one or give anything away. It's a real wacky show, and is better if you just watch it with no context. It's one of the best, but personally I have a few preferred over it. Gonna re-watch it hopefully soon at some point though. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. Yes. Honestly my plans for this are rather complex and all over the place at this time. It's sorta hard to summarize in a comment reply on an AMA. 100% down to discuss it with you if you like. But in short, yeah I have plans to address and hopefully improve player retention. Still think it's gotta be Hogo Bojo, hands down, the former Haeseni Royal Chef. I really enjoyed playing this character and seeing the development that he's undergone through his long long time alive. From joining the military to becoming a Chef, to being in a Chef brigade in the military, and all the other stuff afterwards and in-between. BogoHojo is not a account nor a persona. So uhhhh...? The plan is already in action. ;) I'm not. I'm not. You're a pretty cool, chill guy Fwied. Wish you didn't leave the craft man. I'm not.
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