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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Shiredom

  1. Shiredom

    Morgue Vol. 1

    "GOD let me unsee this ****, please." Peralien says.
  2. You all haven't gotten enough Greek WW2 Propaganda

  3. Sweet Tea is absolutely disgusting, it's Plain-Tea or nothing.
  4. But nOoOoO! I want to pull some random rule I found deep in the pages of the rules that let me somehow force PVP Default so I can kill you, taunt you, and take your stuff. Sorry deary, but times are changing, now die please.
  5. Discord username: Peralien#8586 Ever played a Discord/Forum rp before? Many, including your previous ones. Favorite Sci-fi book or story? Madmax but Pirate
  6. Is Sweet Tea disgusting, answer wisely. -Sincerely, a Northerner.
  7. Peralien, Epiphyte, Former Elf. Make what you will. Discord is Peralien#8586, I'll pay Minae if you want me to.
  8. Am I based and redpilled.

    1. Bigman31


      This question is posed by the negation of reason, one against the meaning of ones life. It is with this question that comes the great responsibility of if I, an individual, should come to answer. If I answer, I may be mortified, humiliated, even hated. So I will refuse to answer this question as it goes against everything that is stood for in my individual flame. 

  9. This still stands, just putting a bid on another thing aswell. Discord: Peralien#8586 Bid: 60 Skin Name: Gardener
  10. Oh just stay down Discord: Peralien#8586 Bid: 100 Skin Name: Basil
  11. "I really ******* hate this." A human with glasses and brown hair says.
  12. Discord: Peralien#8586 Bid: 70 Skin Name: Basil
  13. Treaty of Martlett and Jackalope The Barony of Pinemaw and The Duchy of Rozania ARTICLES ARTICLE I - SOVEREIGNTY ARTICLE II - NON-AGGRESSION AND FRIENDSHIP ARTICLE III - TRADE ARTICLE IV - DURATION ARTICLE I - SOVEREIGNTY The Barony of Pinemaw and the Duchy of Rozania recognize each other under their respective status. With the Barony of Pinemaw being a vassal and territory of Urguan, and the Duchy of Rozania being an independent settlement. Both signatories will respect their borders and will make no attempt to subvert them. ARTICLE II - NON-AGGRESSION AND FRIENDSHIP The Barony of Pinemaw and the Duchy of Rozania will adhere to an agreement of non-agression, and will not incite conflict between them, directly or indirectly. Both of these signatures have been deemed to be in good morals and will announce friendship. ARTICLE III - TRADE The Barony of Pinemaw and the Duchy of Rozania enter into a trade agreement, where both signatories will be granted a tax-free stall in their respective regions. And any items sold will be subject to local regulation laws. ARTICLE IV - DURATION This treaty will remain in effect for thirty years. It may be renewed by mutual consent by both the Duchy of Rozania and the Barony of Pinemaw. In the scenario that any signatory is found in violation of this treaty, all articles will remain in effect while the signatories search for diplomatic resolution. Signed, Baroness Peralien Maevisal of Pinemaw, Knight of Pinemaw, Knife of Rozania, Member of the Der Ryder Clan Duchess Eliza Raven of Rozania, Master of Coin Duchess Nadia Buckfort of Rozania, Master of Whispers, Master of Paper, Member of the Buckfort Family PINEMAW ACTION APPROVED BY ULFRIC FROSTBEARD, URGUAN GRAND KING
  14. I did some trolling

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shiredom


      Say things like "Cringe, Based," and other things on the forums that make you the scum of the Earth while immediately getting mad when someone does the same to you.

    3. garentoft


      Is... is everything okay?

    4. Shiredom
  15. I remember falling down the cliff because you all had me build a bridge in Tierra Natal
  16. I just realized that I was on LOTC longer than you, yet I thought of you being some veteran. 


    Now I realize that I am superior to you in every way.



  17. I like Dill Pickles, Sweet Pickles are disgusting.

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