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Everything posted by TeawithFrisket

  1. "My Oh my..... maybe my kids would love to go." a princess stated to herself, sliding the missive under the doors of her kids @AnimeWolf0080 @Heartesy @Kanapes @LuxyLucy @HIGH_FIRE
  2. An Elfess princess seemed to….tilt her head Ina bit confusion. She tried to get a better angle of this missive to understand it further. “So…. Im almost certain this is a trap to ruin relations. However, im inclined to show this to our high princess and head of diplomacy… they may even have a nice laugh.” She shrugged @JJosey (Gamma)
  3. Soon Alchemy won’t be an FA but just common knowledge 🥲

    1. Turbo_Dog
    2. PrinceJose270


      Used to be common THEN turned FA. So Doubt.

  4. “I love seeing dwarves fight, the best and most creative tactics come from the smaller groups. Maybe it’s true, smaller body gains bigger brains” an Elfess questioned herself pondering this thought about the dwarven anatomy
  5. Golden Clover Document|RED|III: Solarii History I- Sol’Gunri and the start of Sun Mali. Initially, The Mali’solarii were not much different from the kind of the Mali’Asul. Whereas they were known as Desert Nomads the ‘Solarii were more of a moving village, setting themselves in places where the fields were wide open and filled with flora. In this setting, we begin our story. The Sun elves were a Semi-nomadic group, moving from place to place, plain to plain guided by the spirits in forward to find their land of promise. With such, they traveled lightly packed as they had to leave behind as much as they could. Bigger nations would find their breadcrumbs in camps left by them. Or simply the junk and untouched fireplaces. However one day the Elders of Gunri blessed by the father's wisdom; decided enough is enough and together they walked the Astral plane, to speak to Solaris himself and his lessers in communion. There they asked him for a place to call home, and that their children were exhausted from hiking, and their wives were but dreading standing while holding their wombs or babes, and resources are becoming more scarce where ever they go. Solaris then with a tender nod instructed the twin spirits of Guidance to lead them to a land, However, Kiara being the Guide of the hunt and mischief, pointed the Solarii to a land that was filled with puss, blight, and drought. The elders believed there he will show the power and love which he had for his believers. Once they made their way to the shores of the Imperial ground and then set sail across the ocean they found a land which was almost uninhabitable near the southern shores. The land was but blackened and filled with gripe and curses unbeknownst to their spiritualist. However, Solaris failed not to arrive at his promise and then commanded his own to create the first shrine in this land. The Hunters brought their most recent catch, the masons began to carve something small with what stone and clay they had. Carpenters presented the Speaker with different versions of totems that were supposed to resemble Solaris by scrolls gifted to them by ‘Ker and Urukin. When they began their chanting in their ritual, they began to stand silent as the speaker chanted, their heads lowered, knees knelt to the black ground, and their arms out embracing what little light came from the morning star. In a moment, the skies opened to a blue horizon, and the land shined gray as soon such gray turned into brown, then hazel, and soon green, flowers began to bloom and nature took its hold as the land was healed. This miracle was known as the Healing. From such moment, it was deemed that this land in which their naked feet sat was their home. The first Leader was deemed a Jarl, or Gerl’halim. Itorin Harolis and the Sol’talonii of Harolis were but the first to lead the Mali’Solarii in their new home. Genesis In their haste to make their habitat permanent, a series of Infrastructures were made to keep order, and a hierarchy was placed in forward to persist those who deserved recognition through their hard work or those who did. Harolis were known to be ones with a greater fist and a bigger ego, so their achievements were only great in the battlefield not in the areas of politics and or domestic affairs. Unlike the Harolis men, which worked in the field of war and militaries or labor, the Women of Harolis were of the peacekeeping kind, handling internal and external affairs which included diplomacy, the Wife of the Gerl’Halim, was the one who would sign alliances or treaties while also handling the cities affairs both culturally and socially. However, this did not stop their females from also being excellent warriors however this would not be the case for the Harolis but their other families. In Sol’Gunri were around five elder families, each elder family was made such due to how many elders each family had, most had one Mali’ who was over the age of six Hundred seasons. Sol’Harolis, Lutan’timasi, Si’hasame, Mah’nel. Each of these families made up the Elder council. With each giving one Elder to the jarl to console with, and most at the time of Gunri, would be men. Each family dedicated themselves to something and had their traditions which they carried out solely by themselves. Originally the Mali’Solarii suffered many instances of threats from outside forces and or nations who wished to visualize them. But through careful negotiations and strategic thinking. The jarldom of Gunri (Former title) stood its ground of liberty. However, this was not for long. The beginning of the end, But the end of the beginning Sol’Gunri struggled in its incursions against the darkspawn invaders. ‘Pon the 22nd age in Almaris, during the tenth Nordling war. The World while at war, ignored smaller allies and cities which suffered due to the savagery of bandits and raiders from sea and land. Darkspawns like specters, vampires, and men covered in wolf hide began to trot in the land of Sol’Gunri, and the first war of Darkness was waged. The jarldom suffered heavy casualties, and its efforts to push through the lines of the combined forces of Dark mages and the undead were but horribly stale. However, some key battles created time in which the Solarii were able to make a plan of evacuation and safely initiate it. Battle of Camp Ritaaris The battle of camp ritaaris was a decisive one for the Solarii, as it cut Mali from sea Acess in the northern front, connecting their allies from ever reaching the Mali’Solarii in time. Knowing this, Sel Go’Timasi, Commander of the Sol forces needed to retake the camp to safely evacuate their fellow countrymen. He set forth a platoon of men to the western side of the camp and had them instigate the darkspawn forces to take aim and engage them in a firefight of cannons and arrows. Whilst such was happening a force of his men on horseback snuck into the camp by using an opening they had made and began to fight off the pale knights and mercenaries who camped within the checkpoint. Reinforcements came but when they got there the Sun elves were able to retain such camp and hold off long enough till their own came around. Battle of Carnis Bridge Considered one of/if not the bloodiest battles in Solarii history, it was even said that the speaker who was still at the village suffered a major heart attack, in shock at how many souls were lost in this battle, and had entered the Astral plane. The battle of Carnis Bridge, better known as Thill Bridge, resulted in a cut of 60% of the population of Sol’Gunri. During this time, a major wave of men and women joined the forces defending the city from total corruption. In such a scenario, the battle of Carnis saw three Commanders killed back to back two of which were killed upon the same moment of promotion. After the battle of Camp Ritaaris, it was believed that the only way to safely leave the land was through the northern port, which was captured by the enemy darkspawn and mercenaries. Due to this intelligence, the Elders agreed to make a full-force attack on the port city of Ma’er-psot (Sea Port). However, the enemy already heavily fortified, have managed to set up a large parameter wall of wood in front of the city itself, while it at the moment seemed climbable, the only issue was how many enemies lay within the fort itself, gaining an amassing amount of numbers every month. However, that did not stop the Sol forces from launching their first-ever wave of calvary and archer forces into the open-field battle. There, the darkspawn forces threw almost everything they had, from alchemically coated ballista bolts and cannon balls to sending in knights of darkness into the herd of men and women warriors of the Sun army. The first wave was sadly decimated leaving an account of 43,000 dead women and men, seeing brutal casualties and all kinds of nasty forms of horrid treatment given to the survivors of such war in the dungeons of the Vampyr-infested caverns. Meanwhile, as retaliation their first commander was assassinated in an all-out brawl skirmish in the open fields, as the forces of darkness began to ascend the hill from where the sun elves stood. After a hard-fought victory the Elves were able to defend their position, however, suffered the heavy loss of their commander, and not soon after a new commander was appointed, Batris’Timasi. Batris saw the battlefield a bit differently and he had an idea. The enemy held up a heavy defense in the ground while their only opening was from the seaside port, however, knowing this- he requested that the elders bring their reinforcements on water and this was denied. So Batris came up with a new idea and began to prepare such an idea. In the middle of the night, the Sol forces came up to the gates and knocked only to attempt and full force rush into the city, however, were met with a line of crossbows aimed at their ‘ambushing force’. In such a battle, another three thousand men were lost to the overwhelming amount of bolts coming into range. This however did not stop the new commander, however as implicated, the dark forces knew of his plan prior, due to a turncoat spy within the Sol forces. The Commander of Wat’tariors gained intel that the dark forces were making one last push through the thill bridge, a quartz bridge that was untouched by the war however it was a key point in crossing the delta that separated the village and the port. With the command of the leading figure, the forces met within Thill Bridge, and began to engage in ranged combat, cannons, slingshots crossbows, and even simple hunting bows were used in the battle only to clash within the thick bridge of quartz, this bridge however would soon turn red and clump with meat and gore as many fell, in such battle, the commander died quite rapidly as the battle began. It was recorded at the sound of “CHARGE!” an arrow struck the commander in the temple killing, him, and around the same moment, the newly promoted commander kane’Hasame was also shot in the heart by a bolt, causing both commanders to depart this world earlier than expected. With no commanding officers promoted, the heir to the throne of Gunri Isel’Harolis would lead the charge against the forces of darkness, finding a wedge and pushing through slaughtering all the enemies and clearing the port city just in the nick of time. The battle was then deemed Carnis bridge, as the battle had left hills of corpses in the land, and a quartz bridge deep red as a Redstone gem. It soon became clear that it was now or never and so the evacuation began soon after the battle had ended. With such, the people of Gunri trekked all over the land, reaching the city only to witness the price of war. From It, they could not Identify their loved ones, or their sons and daughters. They only understood that war, in its essence was a creation of darkness itself. And the price to embrace it is such. Within the port city ,a new issue arose that caused many to lose faith in the Gerl’halim. The Coup De’tat Coups are never so casual within the community of Malin's descendants, A coup de’tat is always known to be some form of human savagery or simply a form of a sick plot against one's ruler, a dishonorable act of bringing a majority of the country against the man or woman who is supposed to be dedicated to serving the populace as they are served by them as well. Initially, the idea began after reaching the port city, the Gerl’halim had forced one of his relative's daughters to marry his son after his heir found a foreign dark elf, which the mali’Solarii boy took interest in attempting to take her hand. The dark elf girl was well known in the village, even so- the keress was not Extremely dark in speculation, rather she was purple or light-colored skin, so the sentiment of racial or simply skin color was out of the question to many within the city, as they too also had dwarven and human neighbors. However, this displeased the Elders of Harolis and Hisame, and soon plotted the death of the girl. However there was one issue, while the people knew the keress and the Solarii heir were in love, the boy seemed determined to take her hand in a union. They separated the pair for a night and using such opening the wife of the Gerl’halim assassinated the keress in the river delta amongst all the bodies laid on the battlefield. However, this was witnessed by an elder woman from the treeline. Her name was Katlyn’ Ethros, went to the boy and told him of this, and the boy- outraged, doubted the elder woman, and what was then recorded was a large search party for the ker. When the body was then found, Isel’harolis marched into the long house & demanded to know why her mother or father would allow this to happen, two sides were then created, one which was filled with the intent to keep the bloodline pure of any other kind of Mali besides aherrals or thills, and the other was filled with the intent to keep the freedom of choosing. Understandably other issues also piled on, as the citizens were unhappy with the amount of progress that went into the ‘evacuation’ The jarl asked “Why should we leave, when the fight ended?” only to be responded, “The fight may have ended but the war has neah been settled.” Another issue is the city ran out of food, and no farmland was made. The jarl demanded no farmland was to be soiled in such grass stained with blood, in a mocking tone. The city furious with such demand revolted into a skirmish, one which lasted a few hours before Isel Harolis ended himself in his room. The citizen devastated when they found his body and captured the Gerl’halim and his family leaving a boy of nine seasons and a girl of equal age alive. After so the elders deemed him unworthy of his title and crown and removed it from his head, as well as the wife's necklace signifying they were no longer the lords of the people nor the Gerl’Halims which Solaris promised. Words were exchanged and soon an Itori’ harolis, 800-year-old mali, and his 600-year-old wife were hung above the only tree which stood at the top of the hill among the bodies of dead warriors. From such, the Elders with their wisdom and the consol of the spirits, set off to find a new home in further lands, and soon they would. In a farther land up north. The Inner Workings of Sol’Gunri Sol’Gunri was an Isolated village, controlled by four elders from infamous clans who were notorious for their workings and responsibilities within the village itself. Each family held up some sort of pillar within the village walls. And because of that, each family had their own thing accustomed to their professions. Gunri was a Patriaricle Monarchy, composed of no public government. Its structure was handled by elder Elfs who lived a longer life. And had many experiences either in battle, hunting, economy, and agriculture. Some were traders some were merchants, some were experienced mercenaries who embraced the path of Solaris and some were simply just scholars looking for new pieces of world knowledge to obtain in their travels with the solSolariihat they too became one of them. The Economy trades The solarii, while isolationist, did not trade much with great countries and or realms like Haelen’nor or Elvenesse, or Oren. however, they did much trade with the Qualasheen seeing them as a noble yet not ambitious group of nomads Due to this the People of gunri commenced much trade with smaller groups. Even some mercenary groups as well to obtain weaponry and teachings on how to make siege equipment. The Solarii gained much economic boom from fishing and sea products. Deep dive scavenging and treasure hunting. However, its economy crashed during the War of Darkness as the people suffered a lack of trade imports and exports. Foreign Affairs The Sol’gunri affairs were always hidden in the public eye, because of this a lot of actions and allies were rather unnoticed or unseen. Therefore it did not have much impact on the world. Many of its alliances were minuscule The qualasheen was one of many, however, they were not much use to the Solarii, as they only saw them as a trade power during their time as the Fhakir oasis. Internal Affairs The Solarii was a prideful bunch at their beginnings, each family to themselves as the Lutan’Timasi, Si’hisame, and Sol’harolis never seemingly got along. Widely known that each family at the time found no known common ground unless it made sense to them. While so, the citizens struggled to educate their children, books from the qualasheen were never in common language, much was in Elven as the common books were much more expensive than the elven kind. So common was much more rarer to learn than the common Elven tongue. Many of the city turned to spiritualism and believed only the spirits held the key to the future of their race. In such cases, the populace began to look towards their spiritual lessers and prayed for guidance. Many who were trained in medicine prayed to Kisly (Akezo) some who were hunters prayed to Kaira, and many prayed to Solaris commonly if they were not a shaman. Conclusion In the end, The Gerl’halim and his people laid a foundation that made the current Solarii, what they are. The bodies and blood spilled gave a chance for future generations to survive and furthered their chances of reuniting and creating a utopia where they could live in utmost peace and prosperity. Time however was not always on their side, and with the rise of Tarmatha came new challenges and similar threats.
  6. First Orialis of the Second age. 1 Issued on the 13ths of Fox's Calling In the year of the Sun 53rd of SA ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ After a well-needed period of grieving and prayer, and the finding of our culture. It was time that the Solarii people enacted the ritual of the dead. A night of passing and respect one that would be recorded in the memories of masses. In the time of Sol’Tarmatha, the first Orialis was conducted as a Non Spiritualist ritual to pay respect and a final goodbye to those who passed both honorably and fairly. The ritual was a sacred ritual amongst families, however with the heavy losses claimed by the Mori’quessir in the Great Mori Conquest. We of the governing body of Helious and the spiritualist following within our city decided it would finally be a good time to say goodbye to those who have fought for us, or passed. Human or Elf, orc or dwarf, halfling or adunians. We are all descendants. And The Principality of Helious wishes to call upon her allies and friends, within Amathine and yonder to bring their deceased to pay respect. And to also pay respect to the brethren of Brev who have fought bravely for descendant kinds' survival. Orialis is a ritual formed in Sol’tarmatha as a non-spiritualist act before the battle of Sunapsis and the re-founding of the spiritualist following. It is meant to be a ritual where the people come together to pour the ashes of the deceased or lay the body and/or the remains to rest on a pyre in an open field, or in a raft to send off into the open ocean, upon it Ambers of fire would fill the sky alongside the smoke signaling their passing to the astral plane, or in shaman terms the Ancestral realm. We invite all shamans and people of Amathine to attend this ritual if need be also to bring their deceased if they wish to lay someone to rest and send them off. ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★───── ─────★ Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes, don’t resist them, that only creates sorrow, let reality be reality. Let things naturally flow forward in whatever way they wish. -Lao tzu Signed,
  7. 13ths of Fox's Calling, year 53 of SA.2 After much investigation done by the Sol’tarrio, and the allies of the Munnel family. It has been founded after many long days, months, and years. That we of the Sol’Talonii of Munnel, Declare the Crown Ac’luzx (Crown-prince), LEON SILVER-MUNNEL Missing and killed in action. After much investigation, the only thing we could of retrieved was the crown of his Highness, and nothing more. Further more the ship tagged HSH Ac’ahern was nowhere found within the suspected wreck, only minimal pieces and its flag were also retrieved allowing us to assume the ship was destroyed either by natural causes or by a foreign entity, unknown to our people. However, after further investigation such case was debunked after his departure from almaris was before the warning missive and report of the brothers of brev. Leaving no nation's navy capable of destroying the ship entirely. Her Highness Ac’Luzxi (Crown Princess) Ember An’na Munnel, was left what was of his remains. It was estimated that about fifty men and goblins, who assisted His Highness in his voyage also died within the ship.
  8. As one whos been around communities, some are less pleasent than others, some have just really thick skin people who dont give much care to their own words or practice T2BS. Its truthfully bad that communities have their bad apples, not justifying them. An apology would be dry from me, but I'm sorry you have such issue in these communities you have been in. Tho you should talk to Moderation, they are a helpfull bunch!
  9. Least Favorite lore to read and why? You been here for 10 years. From the time of being a normal player to being a fairly well known Lore staff member, how has it been affecting your view upon the lore of this server. It’s evolution and creations? As a Story member who deals with a lot of lore or events, what is some advice for both new and mid game players would you give about them creating lore or going into an event?
  10. A shieldess ponders who this one is. The old lady scoffs at the missive finding this funny. ”as my children say, KeKw”
  11. My used to be mage would speak backwards elven when casting spells try then apples
  13. “Norland…allied….with mages…. Oh no” said a certain princess from her room
  14. I was like a smol bean when I watched it
  15. +1,000,000, dead man tell no tales
  16. Are the others need to be taught IRP? if so please place a redline stating in the general explanation of the lore that everything in the lore must be taught irply. Or read ofc
  17. Many ups and down over my past years both irl and LOTC. loss of friends arguments that were not necessary lots of regrets in the end, I find myself alive. Waking up, giving my 100% to my daily Irl duties or my LOTC quests for greatness. I have issues of my own, and some I cannot explain in public. To those who know you know, and sometimes to find the drive to strive is the hardest grind in all aspects of life and E-life. Some have asked, in the midst of loss, despair, and moments where I’m backed to a corner, how do I keep laughing, smiling and telling others to keep pushing foward. My anwser is I don’t tell something I cannot do or haven’t done. My father always told me “Life is an action, to say life is one thing, to do it is another. Just never say and do- death or you might find yourself in the character creation screen.”
  18. (Thought this was a pk post)
  19. “Damn these filthy Valah” said the sun elven princess reading, as she ponder for a bit, wondering if her people could assist the qualasheen
  20. “what is it that the oyashi say? Oh yes. NANIIIIII?!” An Elfess stated from afar in the souther tropics
  21. “Eh? UNCLE?! Oi…this is just as bad as Johanne. Aye she’s also here, we are the last recognizable Vuillers. Sad ain’t it, an end of an era. Come share a drink with me.” Said the Ruff Vuiller man
  22. +1 actually making them an intreasting MA/ flavor rp magic to play in
  23. Ember breaks down once more the loss of her husband and brother in the same year, sounds of crashing and breaking within the palace. Screams of agony and pain echoed as an Elfess was fueled with hot blood rage.
  24. Ember lightly smiles at the well formatted yet lazy written missive. A weary smile, she does plan to go with her kids if possible.
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