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Everything posted by TeawithFrisket

  1. “Oi it’s betteah to ‘Ave one than ‘ave nun” a mid aged Norlander told a veteran @Pancho
  2. Frisketa looks at her banana brained brother, knowing he may be the one to end up in one of these by accident.
  3. Hope things are going well for you life is filled with the unexpected, but know that you have made unexpected friendships that believe and love you like a homie. o7
  4. A shieldesss frowned pondering if rune would ever return to help fix what was once lost. Even if it was desecrated things can be cleaned and made new.
  5. An old shieldess looked at the missive happily. She gave a very well needed grin as she stood up, to once more clean the new halls
  6. A farseer princess after seeing so many visions within one night of sleeps wakes up sorely dehydrated and parched as she places a hand over her face. “What…was that.”
  7. Best realm leader in the 5 years of roleplay what is the one thing you wish to do even now. Or have you completed everything you wanted to in LOTC?
  8. Ember looked to her daughters and son pondering if they wish to go @Heartesy @AnimeWolf0080 @LuxyLucy @Kanapes
  9. Frisketa was awoken by the sound of her siblings calling to her and medic staff reporting to her parents about her aunt going into labor. “IM NOT MISSING THIS ONE MIERDA MIERDA CESAR LEVANTATEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” @Wavey
  10. Frisketa Awoke in her new manor in Haense as she looked at the missive given to her A DAY before. She seemed to feel butterflies and a wrench in her stomach as she help her hand there and stood up with almost shaken legs, She was almost having a small panic seeing herself skin the top list of debutantes. It seems she’s not used to this treatment.
  11. Clock’s actually writing better than 80% of LOTC, amazing creative write. edit: after reading the other half I enjoy the transitional method you used, I can simply picture it well! A good piece truly!
  12. Solaris “And from the sight of light, I saw it all, the start and the beyond. Stars and more. The world was revealed to me when I was born.” -Solaris 1:3 Genesis... When the world began, there was nothing. And so from nothing there was something, and that something was time. From the darkness came the creator, and his wisdom created our world and other beings and spirits. He was born from the Will of faith in the light above our skies, and the light was his wisdom and the skies beyond our blue is his domain. Solaris, or known to more common spiritualist as Aztran is a being of light, The father of stars, Suns and Galaxies, he was but one of many spirits that took form of a star, that had a conscious, a belief, a want to believe and to know. And so it was that around him were but stars, just like him, who did not share this desire to know more. Solaris did not feel alone, but he felt unique because he desired to be something more than just a thought, or a creation. In his path, he met other stars with a conscious, though no desire, however, he desired to be more than just what he already was, a being. He taught the other stars, all of which opened their desires and their identity. These stars saw him as a father, a mentor. The star children or Stellabri, as he called them, are but children of Solaris (Aztran), they are considered the lesser spirits and also take different forms but are presented in the mortal realm as stars with different color's and or constellations His Discovery.... Solaris then noticed our world, he knew that light shined on all land, but he did not know, that because of his light, life bloomed. This made but the Father of stars ever so prideful, joyous to see his shine bring prosperity to the land., His shine, brought prosperity, polarity, and truth, Solaris was healing the land, From it, he discovered a Mali’aheral by named Ed’kunril, who would always look to the sky, From such, he spoke to the elf and taught him the most secrets of constellations and stars, The elf with such knowledge and wisdom he discovered those same star children. Though many called the elf insane, a set of them who were cultured by the belief of the sun & stars, the Mali’Solarii- formed the first Spiritual following of Solaris, The following of Oriasm. Through time, the Father of stars blessed lands of the past, with his eternal sunlight, with his light he blessed the first land of the Mali’Solarii and ‘aherrals, by healing its land from a flood, drying the land and nourishing it with light and substance. From this, the Oraistic followers believed Solaris had created a miracle, this would be considered the first Miracle. Solaris would take a look at the land which he blessed and saw that he gained praise for his blessings, from it, he introduce the Stellabri to the world, and from it, the Stellabri grew in size, more stars became apparent to the original belief and logic of Solaris, joining his family of stars, as Descendant kind began to name the stars per their family ways of life. These families are well known as Sol'Talonii (Sun Bloodlines) His healing… Through his time, Solaris suffered a time of Silence, The second prophet, figured this, as he was called the speaker who was unspoken. Because Solaris lacked communication with his kin and followers when they needed him most. However due to this belief, the majority began to lose faith in Solaris, and his teachings, and so they began to give in to Human and or Mali beliefs of God and (or) aspects. Due to this, the moon overcame Solaris's light, causing the darkness to overcome the lands once blessed by the father of stars and his eternal shine. This would be known as healing. Whilst the Eclipse was happening, Luvari, The Star of Night, the mother, used her energy to heal Solaris, allowing him to be able to once more commune with his believers. During this time of the Eclipse, the Kin of Solaris had been cursed and or whitewashed, Solaris noticed this and became enraged by the first generation. He cursed the once blessed Land of Sol’Gunari, and the remnants of the Mali’Solarii were forced to find a new home in which the lesser star of Pil’ri had led them to. This event led them to another cursed land in which they once more begged Solaris, and he answered once more healing the land. Tales Of Solaris… 1:1- In the beginning, there was nothing, and that nothing became something, from gas and air, came forth his light, and his light was bright. Upon the emptiness of the void, the creator made him first, the light of the world. Solaris was then born. 1:2- And from the sight of light, He saw it all, the start and the beyond. Stars and more. The world was revealed to him when the father was born.” 1:3- And for it was so that in the second day, the Star known as Solaris became aware, and he too began to think. Looking and gazing at all the skies, he saw beings ofhis own. And from it, Solaris started to form thoughts, beliefs, and logic. 1:4-And from it, Solaris moved and began to share his thoughts. “O’ for how is yea not thinking, for we are but bright lights in a plane of thoughts as well?” 1:5- But for all he said, fell but silent, till he heard the first. “Whom art thou, yea speak, be Silent, life shall be but like air, shapeless and calm.” And Solaris spoke in return “For my words fell silent, you are but a rock with light, and so you shun me for speaking thought, why don't you try my way of living, and see?” 1:6- And for so the rock of light began to think, and thoughts and Ideas flowed through its being, for it too made its logic. And from it Solaris named her. 1:7- “For you will be the first, the First of my own, the star of tides and dreams, The Ocean, of the Night, the mother, and self-conscious, Luvari.” 1:8- And so it was the first of the Stellabri. It was named, and so Solaris moved further and beyond, Soon he met other stars and began to name them as well. Ritaa, the second, son of valor and glory, pride & order, The sword. Evris the third, daughter of love, life, and fertility, the Ruby heart. Kaira the fourth, first daughter of Guidance. of the Hunt, Mischeif & misfortune and her twin Pil’ri the Guidance of Unity and Luck, family and trust, The Nine tail Foxes. Mihayar the fifth, Son of war and flame, Lord of rage and strength, The eternal blaze. And my Sixth, Sorthos the holder of Star or bidden knowledge, the black heart of balance. 1:9- But it was not the end, for when he notice the world below him, the lands of the descendant kind, he saw but blight and curses destroy the creator's dreams, and creations. Then his light began to shine, the world soon healed, and he noticed. 1:10- “My gift to you, the kind in which shall inhabit this land, and the lands which they shall grow and prosper.” 1:11- During his time overlooking the descendants. A Mali'aheral named Ed’kunril one who followed the path of the Aspects and mani began to doubt his belief, he felt that the path had no base, no true worship, no physical Being asking for praise. He wished to be a conduit of the voices of the aspects, Solaris took pity and began to talk to this Mali’. The father of stars soon began to speak his wisdom and logic to the Elf. 1:12- And from it, a culture was born, these sets of Mali, by the first speaker of Solaris, soon began to look up to the night sky, where the fathers Stellabri were. Saying that our ancestors and spirits were all in the Astral plane, the sea of stars, and from it the first following began. 1:13-Then, the prophet Ed’kunril spoke “Listen here, my brothers and sisters, beckon unto me for I speak for the light. Why are we to praise nothing when the aspects & angles share the plane where the fouls soar? For we have shared our offerings and tithed, our hunts to them, and yet we are told to praise mere walls? I say ne for I am sent by my Malani, the Malsni of stars, Solaris…to tell you the spirits, aspects, saints and more, are but where you expect them to be, in the realm of Astral fouls” The prophet then pointed Upwards. 1:14- Then one night the prophet asked, “O’ maln of stars, for how is it you work your ways, if it is so you can speak such unto me… What is the meaning of life?” But then Solaris answered “Life is a spectacle of Perspectivity, one must look to new days, to know what life has in store for you as purpose.” 1:15- However the followers began to become unpure, elven kind and sought curses which the betrayer had placed upon the world, death, deceit, destruction. It was in this that Solaris grew impatient, and so it was that he told the speakers his his law of light. 1:16- But then time passed, and the lands became barren in the heart of Malins reign, so it was this set of Mali left those lands in search of new ones. From it a group prayed to Solaris Stellabri Kaira the Guide, SO it was that they followed, to a land cursed by darkness. 1:17 From it the land they saw was but uninhabitable. Then Solaris spoke “By my will, I heal, cleanse and purge this land anew” And so it was the land flourish, and the people praised the Father for his healing, and his blessing towards them. 1:18- But time passed, as the Land of the Mali’Solarii, as they called themselves- prospered. And time did age for the first speaker, the Prophet Edmun. So it was that Solaris gave his sons directions for his passing. 1:19 And when he passed, his sons took his body and burns it back to earth. Tears were shed, for the passing, as his only daughter then took the ashes and went forth into the fields. She gushed and threw the ashes into the air, as the embers began to burn and fly with the strong wind. 1:20 -And when his prophet died, so did many stars. A shower that was unseen ever before was blessed upon the fields of which his children watched. A star fall had occurred, and one which signaled a turning point in the eyes of the father of stars.
  13. “IRON FRO’ OICE, LETS GEH DESE FOUL MEN” Says an angered woman across the camp
  14. From the shores of Failor a ‘Solarii seemed to be underwater as she began to train her water breathing by meditating under the seas, as a song played in her ears. a tune? a gold fish bumped into her as she opened her eyes to the clear waters and saw the fishy as it began to eat her sea weed locks. ember smiled as she continued to meditate only to soon rise up
  15. I’m running away from all of you the minute I spawn
  16. Upon the skies of the afterlife lord Frisket as she gave her queen a smile. Maybe one that would confuse many “Know that we are both here, because we did nothing but our best. Now Tu just watch and await others with me” Many seats lie around Frisket, many seats with different names. From the deep caverns lord a shieldess, she felt another leave this life, no expression as she sighed. A fellow familiar of the lost Wildflower had given her a missive. And left, for she knew her reaction “one less spawn, of the cursed king.”
  17. a Shieldess stood as she looked up a the staglimites hanging from the ceiling of the caverns. “In darkness our lord is still with us, This I know” “From the height of the mountain to living in caverns. The irony that we are the ones living in caves now.” Ember scoffed at this irony, she seemed a bit Frustrated
  18. Silance was in the midst of the halls of the Taln’nor Ecampment, Oem once more could not fathom sleep, she pondered where her maln was after sending her off. Her purpose still was in motion, But she could not stop pondering of what her maln was doing. “He gave me a purpose that I shall see though….I will not fail you maln”
  19. Monster rp is cool, please no moar 6hr crp with varg
  20. "The Difference is we don' allow glowin' filth to roam our stree's loike is ah sunn'ay" Amelie seemed suffice with this thesis, she believed such reasoning is why Norlanders are built better
  21. “Ready The Watarriios…ready everyone for final stand.” she said in a confident manner as she began to forge something of her own practice
  22. Username & Discord:TeawithFrisket, TeawithFrisket#0345 Skin Name: Elven maiden Bid:7 USD would that also be possible to get in a secondary pallet for an extra charge?
  23. Amelia Eiriksson looks upon the missive with a smile, finally it’s time.to return home.
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