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Everything posted by TeawithFrisket

  1. “They first say, don’t interfere with the war of Norland and Urguan, or you will get the steel of the haense men…THEN THEY JOIN THEMSELVES!” A crown elven princess scoffs at the hypocrisy
  2. THE PACT OF THE BRONZE SUN Agreed on this the 24th of Fishermans Wake, of the year 42 SY - The Principality of Helious and Sulianpoli, the bronze city This document refers to the Principality of Helious, and Sulianpoli, the bronze city ; hereafter referred to as ‘signatories’: ARTICLE I: SOVEREIGNTY The signatories, do pledge mutual recognition of sovereignty and agree: I. THAT the power of rule of each signatory in their respective territories shall be fully respected by the other; II. THAT the signatories accept the authority of the Principality of Helious and Sulianpoli as representative of the will of their peoples and thus the signatories shall recognize no other position claiming such. ARTICLE II: NON-AGGRESSION The signatories enumerated do mutually agree that any forces affiliated with their banner, nation, reigning bloodline, etc., shall not engage in military action against the other signatory. If such were to occur, the signatories shall endeavor to resolve the issue diplomatically. I. The Signatories formally enter a pact of non-aggression. II. The Signatories refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another. III. Residents of Sulianpoli are protected while in the Respective territories of the Principality of Helious, And Vice-versa so long as they act within the laws of the respective realms. IV. Attacks from third parties residing in the territories of The Signatories will not be considered acts of aggression, but must be dealt with by the government of the offending party's residence. V. Guilds or mercenary contracts stationed within the territories of The Signatories will be subject to legal prosecution if offending the pact in city limits or on citizens of either city. ARTICLE III: COOPERATION I. Citizens of The Signatories can, if they are found in the act of a crime, in the territory of the other realm, they are to be sent back to be punished within the laws of the victims realm. Further more if the Perpetrator is one from another realm, A representative must be sent to the other to attend the trial, the representative may defend their person in trial. II.The Signatories, shall help each other in times of need for the purpose of aiding their ongoing efforts against dark magics, Azdrazi, Vampires, and other such ‘blights against nature’. III.The Signatories, shall assist each other in the construction of their respected realms capitals, using resources that are required for constructions, And 400 Mina shall be funded towards the build of Sulianpoli in which case Sulianpoli will pay in return the funded amount upon the completion of the city itself to the Principality of Helious ARTICLE IV: TRADE I. The Signatories shall be allowed to enter each other’s territories in order to trade whatever items may they be selling, unless it breaks any of the aforementioned articles, or the laws of A Signatory. II. The Signatories shall each be granted a tariff-free stall within the lands of the other by an appointed member of the Signatories citizenry and/or government. ARTICLE V: DURATION I. The Signatories agree to enter into a pact of the aforementioned clauses, for the Duration of their Realms construction and when Sulianpoli pays the debt owed. It may be renewed by mutual consent of both Signatories upon its expiration. In the case where either signatory is found by the other to be in violation of this treaty, all articles will remain in effect, while the signatories search for diplomatic resolutions. ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ Signed, His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz Kni’ich Ou’ Sol’Helious, Taur, a’ Ruke ou’ Alterk, a’ Lunderia, Magin ou’ Vali’mae, Co’tr ou’ Voclia, Cond’pos ou’ Oblen, Vaton ofu’Achyae & Sievis, Gin ou’ Sen’nyor, Patriarch ou’ Munnel, Ac’Luxz ou’ da Mali’Solaril Her Serene Highness, Sorise Munnel, Ac’Luxzi Kni’ich ou’ Helious, Tauria, a’ Ruchess ou’ Alterk a’ Lunderia, Magine of Vali’mae, Co’trine ou’ Voclia, Cond’pess ou’ Oblen, Vatoness ou’ Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Gine ou’ Sen’nyor Matriarch ou’ Munnel, Princess ou’ da Mali’Solarii Her Highness, Ember An'na Munnel, Co’trine ou’ Yagrasylvvy, Gine ou’ Silme'pol, Ambassador ou’ Sol’Helious, Sil’rumeiry Sentinal ou’ da Sol’ tarrio, Ag’Luzxi ou’ Sol’ Helious, Heir lu da Sol'talonii ou’ Munnel Adorellan An’asul, bronze elf representative
  3. Ember seemingly awoke from the deep meditation under the ocean filled altar, she opened her eyes, her sea weed locks floating amongst her pink tulip hair. She looked up as she began her ascension to the top. The farseer pondered about what she saw, what she read, what the stag was… one thing was certain to her ”This isn’t the spirits, but it’s also nothing daemonic…what is it?” She asked as she arose from the altar of the Water spirit drenched in salty waters
  4. An Injured Frisketa only watches from over the shoulder of her brother, she refused to cry infront of others but for once in a lifetime she could not stop the water works, in her angered silence she seemingly said “otro mad, First Abuelo, Esper, now tu, I didn’t event get to say goodbye…”
  5. The Crown princes smile at their first pact "Small baby steps, oooohhh, E' cannot wait to see what the future holds, but E' will cherish this present" Ember continued to decrypt the scrolls as she continued writing
  6. “Adventure ey?” The hyspian asked pondering this detail ”…I don’t have anything better to do with my life so why the hell not….Vale…I’ll prolly sing a ballad too.” She claimed
  7. “BWAHAHAHHAHA….. Valah…. I hope Haus is ok… or Mr.ashwood as if that fact.” Ember claimed as she knew other purple eyed mage ”then again what sin have they committed again? It seems like this Stanislaw father just wants to eliminate mages…”
  8. Ember seemed to cringe, the sun cringed
  9. “I do enjoy learning more of the cosmos, a wonderful discovery!” Ember stated from her office
  10. “I can break your curse, we can break them, together. Stop avoiding me… I won’t die or leave your side” Memories echoed passed the shieldess as she remembers her hands holding the daesmond as soon, the old lady sighed a small glimmer of both passion and distraught came. “I tried…we tried….I will look after Soren…” and from such home a boy with similar golden eyes looked down upon his mother, he played his ukulele but Ina. Soft tune “Maln huh…. I wish I met him….”
  11. “There is a path to redemption, I have discovered it a long time ago.” the Shieldess stood within the walls of The small stronghold as she went outside and sat down for a hood cup of joe. She reminisced of the day her jawline told her of the Emerald knight, fallen before her. And then her Aunt who came in tears after failing to save the Ishte. “Nevertheless she’s with our lord now hopefully , our paths will meet again. And if not, then I hope in the next life we can share a good milkshake or cookies.” the vigil stated once more a small crocodile tear fell from her eye.
  12. The Skies blew upon a Wynasuls hair as she looked down at her hands, her purpose, her meaning to life and her creation was being threatened.... but she pondered if she fails would she fade away without her blaze.... the moth went in a endless search "None shall stand.... none shall crawl."
  13. Ember nodded in approval of this "Rarely do people focus on the small things in life."
  14. The Elven princess would awaken from her sleep, midnight as the stars flicker brightly from her newly fixed window “they never get clearer”
  15. “I guess we won’t go if we weren’t invited… they truly see us as lessers” Ember frowned knowing her predictions are true
  16. “Band wagon” says a elven crown princess
  17. “And Valah once more waste Ink, poor squids I say” an Elfess speaks as she keeps up with the news of the human realms “Vampyrs can’t have children can they?” she pondered a bit as she read the letter she gained a few days back. ”By Solaris…”
  18. “Hmmm?” said an elder lady from the farther lands in her stronghold “see this my dear apprentices this is what we call a conundrum” she gave a small chuckle as the paladin sighed afterwards. ”Sadly the child is in a better place than this realm. Only our lord knows”
  19. “Hombres…” a hyspian princess rolled her eyes ”Valah Men…” a Elven princess rolled her eyes
  20. 13 years on this server holy cow! Why is it you don’t allow for new races to happen? What kind of lore themes are you most interested in and why? What’s ur favorite piece and your most disliked piece of lore and why?
  21. “If My own people do not want me around, Then I shall go elsewhere!” A ker maehr said as she began to swim to the dark ship which was stowed in the shores of savoy in Almaris. This memory echoed in the mind of a sun Elfess when she came across the scene, as The ker knights began to clean, she noticed that the winds were changing. A ravaging storm was to come. The tides arose in her city by 2cm, she pondered what is to happen? maybe it was time to convene to the spirits “I must understand what is happening, for our fight is not in the flesh but in the spiritual.”
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