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Everything posted by MisterBlitzkrieg

  1. "...And now we wait for the canonist league..." Pyeter I of Nordvegr commented
  2. "Now we wait for Adria." Commented Pyeter I of Nordvegr
  3. Cringiest rp you have done and your cringiest character
  4. GOVERNMENT NAME: Pyeter "Ye" Björnsson Mösu, Grand Prince of Nordvegr, Vavasour of Redloga, Duke of Rozania SUMMER’S OLD (AGE): 23-ish DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A CITIZEN OF PETRA?: I live in petra so ye VOTE GRANTED TO CANDIDATE: Joseph Mösu ((MC NAME: )) MisterBlitzkrieg
  5. Mens mental health month is here lads which I find to be a very important and serious topic. (Fair warning I will be pretty graphic and vulgar) The modern day narrative and popular media has centered itself on the struggles of women, leaving men completely without a voice and in the dark. We are stripped of places where we can be ourselves and be men. When a man opens up about how they feel and their struggles they are told to "man up" and "deal with it". While there is some truth in these statements, they have become a tool and phrase which is mainly used to dismiss those that seek and need help. Billboards spreading awareness for 1/4th of all suicides being women while totally ignoring the other 3/4ths of men that commits suicide is absolutely disgusting and shameful. 3/4th of all suicides equal a whopping 525000. Over half a million men die due to suicide every year. While yes, women are more likely to attempt suicide via pharmasutics and exsanguination, men are drasticly more likely to complete suicide through many more violent (lethal) ways such as hanging, firearms, jumping, sharp objects and much more. Suicides by men are 60-80% more severe than woman and if they survive then they need greater care in the hospital. Men are statisticly less likely to even recieve help for their mental health problems or even refuse to do so because of the stereotype and stigma of men not showing emotions and need to "man up". When men become victims of domestic abuse they are laughed at and made fun of, dismissing their literal trauma because of their gender. When a woman is made a victim of domestic abuse they are cared for and everyone finds it horrible. There are alot more statistics to this and things that I wont bring up due to either being too graphic or other reasons but the message is pretty clear. My message is that we need to combat these numbers. To break this vicious cycle we must first break down the stigma that men cannot talk about their feelings and their struggles without being looked down upon or made fun of neither be dismissed. Normalize that men can speak about their mental health problems whether it be to a close friend, a family member or a licensed professional. Take active steps to make yourself better. Research and studies shows that being open and talking to people about it and recieving proper suppprt will aid them in becoming better and drasticly decreases suicides. In my eyes it is better to speak to someone about my problems to recieve the support and help I need and be called a ***** et cetera by the ignorant than bottle it up inside and end up hanging off my ceiling when the bottle gets full. If you do suffer from mental health issues then seek help and support. Speak to a real homie about it. Take care of your both physical and mental health. If you are not going through any mental issues yourself it is important for you to help fight against this because a man in your life might. Show some love and appreciation to the men in your lives. A simple hug or just a message about how much you appreciate them being in your life goes a long way. Let them know they can talk about anything with you. GRAPHIC WARNING Men should no longer suffer in silence to the point where suicide becomes the only escape. Let our voices be heard.
  6. "Who in the goddamn signed my name and did it wrong?" exclaimed ''Pyetur''
  7. No fighting on my faction SMP server? Boring!!!!! -1
  8. Pyeter I of Redclyf pulled two qoutes from his late grandfather, the aesir of aesirs in old Redclyf-Rozania to display the Redclyfian spirit in response to their declaration of war yet also to poke fun at those who declared war towards them "If (Esto Buckfort) and his followers want war.. Then they shall not die in their beds surrounded by friends and loved ones but at the walls of Myrine! Their bodies will be unrecognizable for their flesh shall be made into a feast for ravens and stray hounds... Their blood, sweat, tears, and toil but most importantly, names will not be remembered but what will be remembered is how their bodies filled the fields & hills of Redclyf-Rozania! Dying in a false, useless, and foolish cause that would only lead to their own Doom!" - Sir Ragnarr "Barbarossa" Mösu in response to Esto Buckfort's claim That was the first qoute but the second one was less of a qoute and more a copy of a old and ancient message from the Mösus which was nailed to the notice boards of Norland and it's vassals, signaling the peaceful leaving of their clan. "I knew the ego of the Norlanders was fragile," He responded to Adaranth of Redclyf "But I could never imagine that they would fall as low as to spread lies about us. Eating babies? Killing women?" he chuckled "Lies that the Norlanders tell themselves to scare their children and themselves." - "If Norland had any honor and dignity left, then they would not resort to lies to gain more allies to later settle an old feud which has existed for three generations."
  9. People be crying over lantern builds now on a block game? Swear to God, only westerners find a way to make such small things a massive problem. Do something else with your time.
  10. Y'all havent tried hard enough and aint crazy enough
  11. To kill @alexmagus To delete LOTC from existence To go insane (completed) To leave
  12. Pyeter I of Redclyf signs the treaty before Ad'ah as he thought long and hard of how the future would end up. Hopefully his reign and generation would bring in a golden age for Redclyf and it's people...
  13. How does one not lose their mind after 4 years of LOTC? I lost my sanity after 1 year.
  14. Take it easy man and good luck. I promise you that you won't miss anything here or at least nothing important. To be honest with you Aehmi, if LOTC really hurts your mental health that badly, then there is only one thing I can say, which is very crude. I apologize if it comes off as aggressive or rude but it is honestly the only way I can express it. Stay the **** away from the server. It will probably never have a good effect on you considering you have taken a break from the server before and still, somehow, it found a way to **** with your mental health. From what I know you are older than me by a lot and you should use that time to do something good and fun. For some it is to build an aesthetic body, for others, it is to smash around, and for others to explore the world or study and get degrees. Don't waste those years on video games (especially not LOTC) because honestly, those years will never come back. The truth is that the real world has as much freedom and possibilities as LOTC (if not more). Sure you might not be able to be a mage or a king, but you can be a group leader, whether it be a friend group, a family, or an organization. Those friends you have on the game and on discord are nothing compared to the friends you see and meet in person. I hope that you do not return to LOTC. Not because I hate you or anything and you damn well know I don't. But rather because I think you can prosper and become much better without LOTC in your life.
  15. I wish you look in your quest to find a player
  16. RP NAME: Pyeter of Redclyf USERNAME: MisterBlitzkrieg AGE: 14 INTENDED EVENTS: everything
  17. I combind everything, writing in past, present and future tenses to make it as cancerous as possible
  18. Wlecome back. Most dark elves are in west hub although they move around pretty freely to be honest. I know there are some kers in the druid settlement in the southern continent. You should totally take a look at the Redclyfian group. Very based individuals.
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