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Everything posted by marikandaperc

  1. The fair-sighted Avalon gathered her friends and set off to spread the news!
  2. Princess Lulach rejoiced and celebrated a victorious defence with her father and step-sister
  3. A wretched witch frowned upon noticing that the new heir is a male.
  4. A Bishop whose life had not gotten any better after Failor frowned at the announcement of death. She lit up a candle for the fallen Amador, one whom she respected despite their family issues.
  5. What I meant is that you say corcituri should be interacting with the player base as villains more often, yet when they do everyone starts doing mandatory tests. You're going against your own point
  6. This you describe is the reason why salt tests are a thing
  7. "Doesn't he protect a Ghost who is a house owner in Haense? I don't get it." a puzzled beast of the night once cured murmured while coming to terms with the fact that no more blood will be tasted
  8. A friend that pious woman had only seen once rejoiced. Yet, she prepared for the work to come in the following months, perhaps this was a good opportunity for her grand plan. This missive was folded neatly, sliding in a hidden bookshelf somewhere. Ingrid-Basilia-Angelika preparing her new collection.
  9. A woman read the missive, her nails growing to an oddly and inhuman length as they destroyed the papers with a quick slash. A tear was shed for her friend, and a grin for the head inquisitor.
  10. Art credit AN INTRUDER APPROACHED “Where even am I? Why am I here? Uh, when did I leave Talar’nor?“ the voice of an icy elfess echoed through her domain which she wandered; the snowy highlands. It had been many a day since the last time she felt validated. In Talar’nor, Kasula was considered a stranger. She could take care of her garden, and spend time by the docks looking at the bolting fish, yet where was her family? Wandering the world has since become a great tool to feel accomplished. Her gaze, ever filled with curiosity, explored the essence of a new continent. With every step, a fresh tear fell from her purple eyes. “When was the last time you felt accomplished, Kasula?” Her own voice echoed as she spun upon the cold snow creep. Before she even noticed, the highlands were no more, and the air around her was ashy and difficult to breathe. She came to a halt, eyes dazing around the dry plains with a curious demeanor. “Aevos has… Vulcanic mountains and empty plains?” That elfess hollered in question, and her voice echoed. Not a soul nearby, Kasula decided to begin exploring that new, unfamiliar domain that certainly did not fit her pale aesthetic. Her gaze, purple in color, traveled from mountain to mountain, cave to cave, ‘til she finally arrived upon a strange place. “Hello?” echoed her voice, yet not a single soul picked up that greeting shout. Her hands slid with an ethereal touch upon the dark wall of the shrine, looking for a key to a secret entrance. After a torought investigation, nothing came of it, and the disappointed elfess swirled on her heel to head for a nearby bridge, which seemingly had been shaped from the very body of a mountain. Arriving at the top of the bridge, she noticed a weird tree in the distance. And so she crossed the path of stone, held by three potent columns. That woman stared, and before she could even notice it - her legs moved. She found herself pacing towards the tree, driven by slow and careful steps. Scrutinous eyes looked around the entire tree, and then slid onto its ashy surface. A hole, a lever, anything that could warrant the opening of a secret passage; yet there was none. Disappointed, Kasula gasped out a single huff and made it down the bridge. Her walk remained that of a steady researcher, she was sure there had to be something. “Why else would they put a bridge in the middle of nowhere? And a single tree, how suspicious.” wondered Kasula in her mind, a sole thought that traveled to the deepest darkest corners of her mind. Her head was slumped down onto the soil and she continued on her march, beginning to notice the fatigue of the trip. Yet, there was nothing. Then suddenly. Heat. She bolted her head up, fixating the red coat around the shoulders, likely the sole outfit she was ever seen wearing. A huge slit parted the mountain, showing the entrance to what at first glance seemed a volcano. Art credit Struck by awe, the curious Tennallar, an animal of the sea, ventured deep into the chamber of lava. A single structure floated in its center, hung from the top of the volcano, colossally imponent. A handful of bridges connected to the structure. She began her climb. Many times tripping and falling, yet raising every single time. Her hands graced every single inch of the place with inquisitive touch, looking for a hidden keyhole. In the end - she opted to climb around the wall and onto the next bridge, unable to find anything. The bridge led into the structure itself, made of dark-red bricks. Exploring further, she found herself before a Paradise lost inside a Hellish domain. Approaching the charming library, her hand slid over the cover of the books before reaching for a past Queen’s diary. A mere ten pages in, her ears flicked with annoyance, hearing the heavy footsteps of someone. Right by her left appeared the giant by ashen skin and glorious horns. Three of his eyes peered straight into her soul, and she froze. The intruder was found out and she had no way out. The diary was placed right back in its place, and she stared at the bookshelf. A gulp, full of fear, was swallowed down. Her gaze was everywhere but on the inquisitive look of the thing, whose sole ethereal being induced fear upon Kasula. They sat down by a tree, and the elfess responded to many an inquiry regarding herself. That day, a flame arose within the depths of a long-frozen heart. She returned, charmed by the beauty of the deity, and left flowers by its precious tome.
  11. do you hold any regrets for a character you may have player in a wrong way or just generally not to the best of your abilities? favorite group you've ever been part of? favorite group right now?
  12. The fair-sighted Avalon couldn't ready very well, yet she was somewhat happy of the marriage. She would make sure to honour her cousin's wedding with her important presence
  13. Memories of a long-gone past visit Ludmilla in her sleep. She sheds a single tear, recalling to her teens. When Morgan stole the lemon, when the lemon was then planted in the gardens of Adria, and ultimately when her life was threatened by the girl she rose as her own daughter. Unseen by all, she weeps. Yet, deep enough, she rejoices for Lemon Hill.
  14. A worried mother prepared for the worst. How many tears would she weep this time?
  15. "Oh man..." Ludmilla murmured dramatically upon hearing the latest Dwarven news. "I hope they won't kidnap me again. Damn dwarves." The Norlandic, dwarf-hater angrily cried out within the Edvardsson residence.
  16. Karl caressd his beard in thought upon noticing the Clan Wittenbach was not invited. After a moment or two, he simply arched his brows in a shrug - letting out a heartly laugh and placing the missive in his endless pockets.
  17. — GRAND BUREAU DU COMMISSAIRE, 1931 — Issued and averred by His Excellency, KARL LUDWIG von WITTENBACH, in the year of our Lord 1931 The Office of the Commissaire has been hard at work in order to ensure a clear guide is published regarding housing and the purpose of the office. TABLE OF CONTENTS - The Office of the Commissaire - Guide to housing - Property rules - Public ledger THE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSAIRE The Office of the Commissaire is a body of the government which manages the infrastructure of the Commonwealth, housing and its regulations. It is managed by the Commissaire, a member of the River Court. The hierarchy is very simple. The Commissaire The Deputy Commissaire The Head Steward The Stewards The Commissaire is a member of the Petran citizenry appointed by the Archduchess and vested with the power to manage the Commonwealth’s infrastructure. He works very closely with the treasurer of the realm, and together they set taxes and create the map of the commonwealth. Every major change made to one’s habitation must first pass by the Commissaire, who ought to authorize it. The Deputy Commissaire holds every duty of the offices below him. Additionally, he acts on the stead of the Commissaire for official meetings he is not able to attend. This is an important role as the department cannot run smoothly if the Commissaire and his deputy do not work smoothly together. The Head Steward is tasked with overseeing the work of the stewards and is usually an elder of the office and a steward himself. The Stewards are the core of Petra’s politics. They differ in two types; Elected Stewards and Appointed Stewards. A steward is not a simple sell house within the Commonwealth, in fact they function as representative for the people and are allowed to bring legislation and petitions to the Round Table. They manage the grand scheme of infrastructure and may plan and execute well thought projects for city expansions and renovations. GUIDE TO HOUSING In the Commonwealth, one must be a Citizen in order to first purchase a house. Once signed the papers to become a Citizen, one must contact a steward in order to be informed on current vacancies. Stewards are very friendly and will always help so long as a Citizen is polite and respectful. In Petra, payments are not upfront. Instead, there is a tax to pay every end of a Petran Cycle. While houses and shops are reserved for Citizens, anyone may purchase one of the various stalls found within the Capital City of Vallagne. The tax remains the same and no further paperwork is needed. HOUSING RULES UPDATED AS OF: Rules are few and simple, if they’re not respected there will be warranty for eviction. RULE I. The Office of the Commissaire is reserved the right to amend the following rules as they see fit. RULE II. Any building is ultimately owned by the Government, in order to change its shape or form you must first contact the Commissaire himself and have the change approved. Be mindful of the Petran architecture, as no vandalization will be tolerated. Any change done must respect the Salvian Charter of Vallagne. Changes to the interiors are allowed so long it does not affect the purpose of the building. RULE III. Taxes must be paid every cycle. If you miss a cycle, you will be sent a reminder via mail. Failure to comply with the taxation requests will see you evicted. RULE IV. Basements MUST be approved before construction may begin. Do not take it upon yourself to create a basement if not given the go by the Commissaire himself. PUBLIC LEDGER OF VALLAGNE ADDRESS AVAILABILITY TAX Commonwealth Lane Commonwealth Lane I OCCUPIED 25 Mina Commonwealth Lane II OCCUPIED 35 Mina Commonwealth Lane III OCCUPIED 30 Mina Commonwealth Lane IV AVAILABLE 30 Mina Clermont Court Clermont Court I OCCUPIED 20 Mina Commonwealth Boulevard Commonwealth Boulevard I STATE OWNED STATE OWNED Commonwealth Boulevard II OCCUPIED 30 Mina Commonwealth Boulevard III OCCUPIED 30 Mina Commonwealth Boulevard V OCCUPIED 20 Mina Salvian Court Salvian Court I OCCUPIED 40 Mina Salvian Court II OCCUPIED 40 Mina Moere Lane Moere Lane I OCCUPIED 30 Mina Temesch Lane Temesch Lane I OCCUPIED 20 Mina d'Brasca Boulevard d'Brasca Boulevard I OCCUPIED 30 Mina d'Brasca Boulevard II OCCUPIED 30 Mina d'Brasca Boulevard III OCCUPIED 45 Mina d'Brasca Boulevard IV OCCUPIED 50 Mina d'Brasca Boulevard V OCCUPIED 35 Mina Dame Catherine Way Dame Catherine Way I OCCUPIED 45 Mina Dame Catherine Way II OCCUPIED 25 Mina Old Regime Circle Old Regime Circle I OCCUPIED 35 Mina Old Regime Circle II OCCUPIED 35 Mina Rivers run market Rivers run market I OCCUPIED 20 Rivers run market II OCCUPIED 20 Rivers run market III OCCUPIED 20 Rivers run market IV OCCUPIED 20 Rivers run market V OCCUPIED 20 Rivers run market VI OCCUPIED 20 Stall of the Republic Star of the Republic I OCCUPIED 20 Star of the Republic II OCCUPIED 20 Star of the Republic III OCCUPIED 20 Prince Marketplace Prince Marketplace I OCCUPIED 20 Prince Marketplace II OCCUPIED 20 Constitution Carts Constitution cart I OCCUPIED 20 Constitution cart II OCCUPIED 20 Outskirts Outskirts I OCCUPIED 5 Outskirts II AVAILABLE 10 Outskirts III OCCUPIED 10 Outskirts IV OCCUPIED N/A Outskirts V OCCUPIED N/A Outskirts VI AVAILABLE 5 Outskirts VII AVAILABLE 5 Outskirts VIII AVAILABLE 10 Outskirts IX AVAILABLE 20 Outskirts X AVAILABLE 20 Outskirts XI OCCUPIED 25 Outskirts XII OCCUPIED 15 THE ROASTER The Commissaire of Petra, Karl Ludwig von Wittenbach The Deputy Commissaire, Saelyth Tennallar The Head Steward, Saelyth Tennallar The Elected Stewards De ‘the giant’ of Petra Saelyth Tennallar Alaris Astral An’asul The Appointed Stewards Asuryan of Hohkmat Azael Adiler Therese von Theonus Leihana Kame’eleihiwa Mariposa Flores The Honorary Stewards Her Serene Grace, Renilde ‘lioness’ I Sir Laurens Halcourt Sir Ledicort d’Azor O SAINTE RÈGNE PETRÉRE, His Excellency, Sir Karl I Ludwig von Wittenbach, Baron of Wittenbach, Lord of Witten’s end, Commissaire of Petra, Deputy Master of Chambery and Knight of the Star The Most Honorable, Saelyth Tennallar, Deputy Commissaire of Petra, Head Steward of Vallagne, Steward-Elect of Vallagne and Hohkmat
  18. LOVED YOU FROG!! Thank you for sticking around Petra :D i wish u the best of the best irl
  19. Karl von Wittenbach went out to vote for the stewards. GOVERNMENT NAME: Karl Ludwig von Wittenbach SUMMER’S OLD (AGE): 31 DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A CITIZEN OF PETRA?: Yes VOTE GRANTED TO CANDIDATE: Saelyth Tennallar @Dominic ((MC NAME: )) egirlbias
  20. Karl Ludwig von Wittenbach stumbled upon the neat missive on his way to Haense for his grand quest, he gave an approving thumbs up to the amazing flyer
  21. Ludmilla sniffled for the man she had seen a couple of times in the square, she had a good opinion of him
  22. Ludmilla frowned at the lack of an invite
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