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Everything posted by SharpString

  1. "Our uniteh es our strengt'..." The dwarven sorceror murmurs, nodding approvingly as he saw the signatures of the Goldhands.
  2. ᚾᚪᚱᚠᚪᚳ ᚩᛋ ᛁᛖᛘᛖᚳᚪᚱ ᛁᚩᚦ ᚩᚳ ᚩᚳᚱᛁ×ᛘᚪᚱ To all those dwedmar who strive to honor Yemekar in their pursuit of craftsmanship! Bring your best work for this trio of contests of blacksmiths, jewelers, and masons! The beautiful works will be displayed in the Yemekar’s Workforce guild hall for all to see, and a prize is to be awarded to the champion of each of the three categories, as judged by Durin Hammerforge, and Tuzic Mossborn! All dwed are encouraged to compete! Smithing One melee weapon of any kind, for each person, can be included in the competition. (Swords, Axes, Hammers, shields, etc…) Winning Prize: 400 minas Jewelry Craft One of any type of typical jewelry can be included in the competition per person. (Necklaces, Rings, earrings, beard jewelry, etc..) Winning Prize: 400 minas Stone Masonry One of any kind of stone carving may be included in the competition per person, as long as it is small enough to be carried without assistance. (Statues, Busts, anything carved from stone.) Winning Prize: 400 minas Each contestant can include one entry into each competition! Feel free to try your hand at all three! OOC Info:
  3. Tuzic nods... You know i'm not missing a drinking contest, he thinks to himself as he cleans his Ogradhad themed drinking glass...
  4. Tuzic nods slowly as he reads over the written form of the vote the council had taken "mmm" he hums "Ah onleh 'ope such cahn 'elp mend relashuns en tha capital... weh s'ould beh one people.." he sighs, placing the missive in his files.
  5. Tuzic takes a deep breath.. "Ah know ah can do et... wit' tha 'elp of mah kin, ahnd tha forge fatha.." he says with a nod, as he goes off to get to work.
  6. Tuzic reads the posting with a smile plastered on his face "Look at ye go 'sis!... Ah gotta tell Hana.." he murmurs to himself, before walking off to find her.
  7. I think lore wise this makes sense... why should the tear in the soul stop producing the mana (as an obelisk) while in motion? There doesn't seem to be any reason lore wise why it should. In terms of mechanics, I think this would be a completely fair change as well. While allies would be able to use the boost from the voidstalker, so would any caster that comes within their range (The voidstalker wouldn't be able to take away the mana boost from an enemy caster, just by moving a bit.) +1
  8. Tuzic closes his copy of the Emerald book, letting out a content sigh into The Grand Library. “Lore Mastah, Sageking… finalleh wit’ dis we can remind tha realm of yer lessons.” He returns his copy to the shelf, and walks off to the temple for his daily worship.
  9. "Aaah wow... wot grand recipes Ogradhad reveals te us..." Tuzic says with a grin, putting the cookbook back on the Grand Library's shelves.
  10. Tuzic spent A long night in the Grand Library preparing the books uncovered during the delve... "Bettah safe then sorreh..." He mutters to himself, watching the Dwarven printing press work its magic "Thank ye Lore mastah... ah truleh stunnin gift of knowledge yer uncovered fer us..." He says, retrieving the fresh copies from the press to add to the public collection.
  11. Grins knowingly at the missive, he grabs his light potions and lantern and packs them in his bag... on the way out of his house, he grabs his fishing rod "Just in case..." He chuckles, running off to his favorite spot...
  12. Tuzic nodded along with Garedyn at the Hookah table "Nae doubt, sure weh can get et all resolved nae issue" He says, as returns to blowing smoke rings around the den.
  13. Tuzic smiles as he gets the news "Good on ye mate" he says to himself as he continues his studies..
  14. I love this amendment. I have always wanted to have another type of caster other than Voidstalker, but with eminent being pretty much unusable in it's current state, voidstalker is really the only choice. I think this change will help provide different options to characters who want to go down the 'wizard' route with their character. +1
  15. Tuzic takes a deep breath... everything was going to be okay, he thought to himself. "Asketil seems t'e trust weh cahn dew et... oi 'ave te put fait' en t'e brathmordkin..." He went back to packing medical supplies onto the navy's flagship...
  16. ((OOC Information)) What is your Discord?: SharpString#3385 What is your Minecraft username?: SharpString What is the ideal time for you to partake?(Please use GMT as well as EST for convenience): Any time on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (except this upcoming friday week of 11/21/22) On other days I am also available from 11:30 AM EST - 2:30pm EST or after 11pm EST. ((Only IC past this point.)) What is your name?: Tuzic Mossborn How old are you?: 52 What is your race?: Forest Dwarf Are you aware of the rules of the College and that not conforming with them will attract consequences?: Yes I am. And of course I can understand consequences for such rules. What class/classes do you wish to enroll in, of the options? My Clan father informed me that I may learn water evocation, and alchemy at the eternal library. Why is it you wish to enroll in this class/ these classes?: I am a current student of both alchemy, and voidal magic. My alchemy teacher has not been able to give me a lesson for 2 years now, as he is a wanderer... I am hoping to find a teacher that might be slightly more able to have lessons with me, so I can aid hefrumm with my studies, especially healing. As for Water evocation I wish to learn it, along with my fire evocation studies, as I am a forest dwarf, and have epiphite friends made of wood, that I dont wish to worry about burning with such fiery abilities. Please describe yourself in a few sentences, to the best of your abilities: I am Tuzic Mossborn, Librarian of the Hefrumm Library, Prophet of Ogradhad, Scholar I try to fulfill as many roles as I can as Hefrumm recovers from a bit of an exodus of dwedmar. I strive to please my patron god Ogradhad, the lore master, the keeper of magic, with new knowledge over alchemy, magics, and anything else that I may learn of. I am a kind-hearted man, who wishes mostly to help his family, and his country of urguan with his skills, as he attempts to honor the Brathmordkin in his position as prophet. Anything else you wish to add?: As a holy man, I wish to put your mind at ease of what wishes I may have for my newfound knowledge I seek, as the dwarven gods demand kindness and respect for all descendants and living things. I wish to learn these skills to aid, to heal, and to protect my family and friends from harm.
  17. Tuzic's cheery face droops into a frown "Ah knew sommin' was wrong mah friend..."
  18. Tuzic sighs deeply, standing up from his desk and cracking his knuckles "aaahhhhh. Toime te drink!"
  19. Hefrumm Writing Contest! To all denizens of Almaris, pick up your book and quill and start writing, for Hefrumm is holding a creative writing contest to celebrate the Grand opening of its brand new library! Bring your best writings to the contest inside our beautiful new library, and win minas if you finish in the top three! Come show your prowess with the quill, intermingle with fellow writers from all across Almaris, collect prizes, and help contribute to the library's collection! Rules *Write your Entries in a book and quill, even if its short in length. * Any type of creative writing is acceptable for the contest, whether you wish to write a poem, any kind of fiction story, a song, or any other creative writing piece. *All books submitted will be added to the Hefrumm library’s collection. (Don’t /edit sign your books before the contest, that so copies can be made.) *While the citizens of Hefrumm appreciate scholarship, for this contest text books, and other books that simply list information will not be included in the contest, but may be submitted to the library for addition to the collection. *Try to keep your writings to around 30 pages or less. If you go over a bit that's okay but keep it shorter so the books can be evaluated during the contest! (If you can't be at the competition at the scheduled time, drop off your book with Tuzic Mossborn , and your entry will still be considered!) Prizes * 1st Place: 300 minas * 2nd place: 200 minas * 3rd place: 100 minas (Honorary mentions will receive a reward of 20 mina!) Date and Time: Friday, November 18 4pm EST Location: In the library, located underneath the Hefrumm Tavern.
  20. OOC ((MC Name: SharpString )) ((Discord: SharpString #3385 )) ((Timezone:Alaska )) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Tuzic Woodcoat Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? I seek to learn magic, to defend the nations of almaris from danger. I wish to expand my knowledge, and research what good can come of the use of magic in these lands. I also wish to study under a teacher at the guild. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? I have not learned to practice any art yet, however I have traveled across Alamaris, reading all that I can of Alchemy, and of the Arcane. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? I desire the position of practicus, to work under a teaching mage. When should you be contacted for an interview? RP: You can contact me at any time, I'm just continuing my studies for now. OOC: Best if u contact me after 7pm alaska time, but if you were to contact me at another time we can figure out what works!
  21. SharpString


    Tuzic was born to loving parents Sikirra and Yuzoth. From a young age they instilled in him their own fervent belief in the Brathmordakin, as worshippers of The Hearth Mother, Anbella. As a child, Tuzic was always taller, but also much skinnier than, most of his peers and from a young age he noticed he didn't have the strength. His parents provided him with the love and nurturing he needed, always with an eye in the future, wishing to be chosen by the hearth mother in Dungrimm, they were tireless in their care of Tuzic and his siblings. As such, they realized that Tuzic wasn't gaining the strength that they knew he so desired, and so they made sure to always give him physical tasks, such as doing the woodcutting for the family as needed, but such labor never seemed to put the meat on his bones that they had hoped. His parents, ever-loving as they were, didn't mind what stature Tuzic was, but from Tuzic's perspective, he could only see his lack of physical strength as a problem. As Tuzic became an adolescent, his parents spoke even more to him about the Brathmordakin, and of the auction that awaited them all in Dungrimm. Seeing that he wasn't built for fighting and hard labor, his parents tried to sway him toward their own deity, Anbella. They thought his demeanor and size would fit with that of the loving caretaker that they had fancied themselves, but Tuzic scoffed at the suggestion from the beginning. Instead at his young age of 13, Tuzic decided in his naivety that he wished to be a worshipper of Dungrimm, and fierce dwarven warrior of the legion. For the next few years he toiled with the axe, and doing daily exercises to increase his strength. Soon, he was sure he would be strong enough to defend the kingdom, and he'd show his parents what he was capable of, or so he thought... At the age of 18, Tuzic had a realization, "I'm just not cut out for this..." he thought, looking down at his scrawny physique, barely changed even after years of hard work trying to change this. He decided that he would never have the kind of power and strength needed to protect the kingdom, and decided to give up on his pursuit, after all... so much work had led to nothing. He stayed at home from then on, unless to go to the local tavern for a drink. By the time he turned 20, Tuzic was in a sad state, he had given up his hopes of becoming strong, and mostly bounced around between his parents home (his parents still provided him with the upmost care and love, as Anbella requires), and the tavern where he'd listen to the locals telling their stories, and drink away his sorrow at his failure. One day though, Tuzic heard a story that filled him with inspiration, one of a great warrior and champion, of one of the most skilled clan fathers of all time, Hiebe Irongut. The stories told of a Dwarf who was a powerful warrior, but not through strength alone, but through the use of the Arcane. "Of Course!" Tuzic thought to himself, he had discovered his path toward the strength he had so desired as a child, and even now. He would attempt to learn the art of magic, however he could. Now, Tuzic is on a quest to find any bits of knowledge that may lead him to a teacher of the Arcane who can teach him the powerful skills he desires. Tuzic dreams that one day his skill in the arcane will be such that Ogradhad himself will give him the honor of serving under him in the afterlife. Tuzic is determined to secure his place. (I actually might already be whitelisted, I just hopped on and saw that I think I am!)
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