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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

  1. Seriously considering buying a new account with the R capitalized in my name...

  2. I actually find it helpful at times when status is spammed... saves me the trouble of trying

  3. I sincerely apologies for how long that took T.T

  4. Offline longer than expected >.

  5. Offline for a few days

    1. Timmeh!


      No. Stay.

    2. Redbaron™


      I have no interenet T.T I'll be checking my phone all the time for forum stuffs however.



      Salvus needs dah lancel. :c

  6. Offline for a few daya

  7. All Hail Telanir

  8. 1999 posts.... ideas on my two thousandth?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
    3. VonAulus


      Opinionated thread on nepotism

    4. SparehoeCakes


      You should make a post asking people what you should do for your 2,001st post. :3

      Maybe an AMA?

  9. Any old old old LOTCers remember the bounty hunter pluggin at the start of Aegis?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TeaLulu
    3. Ever


      Daaaamn, that was a long time ago.

    4. Redbaron™


      Ari, you're apparently drunk, go lay down ;)

  10. You don't need your full title in your name. Let people figure out what you are through RP and don't nickname yourself, let other people nickname you for your IC actions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      One title is nice. A line of them is not.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      My mains full title would be: Delver regent of force, royal guardian and illusionist Art. My /setname is Art.

    4. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      I'd rather there be no title. I find it strange that some leaders of groups insist that their group bares the title in their IC name.

  11. Wet and cold day

    1. Bircalin


      You can't escape Britain, my friend.

      You can't.

    2. Kilgrim


      Well you could move out of britain, just saying.

    3. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      You could move to the place where jokes are drowned out by FREEDOM.

  12. Can someone set me to Gold VIP for the forums please? >.>

    1. SparehoeCakes


      PM one of the admins, Danny usually says to pm him.

    2. Redbaron™
    3. SparehoeCakes
  13. I am really liking this pre-war RP. There is a new feel in the air in Oren.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      That might be the stench of the decaying bodies ^w^ It's common there.

    3. Braxis
    4. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Thats a Fact.

  14. This is gonna be fun

  15. What age should Lancel start getting grey hairs?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Excluded


      Considering the stress, I'd say about 27-ish

    3. Amorphbutt


      Humans now live for 1000+ years, so around 900

    4. Redbaron™


      Ohhh good idea Vardak.

  16. Looking for a new kitchen wench, mine gives me cold medicine and 'sewer brew'. You get paid .01 minas an Elven week.

    1. Aptrotta


      How about a deaf halfling? Will that do the trick. Bartley lives in lenfarthing, but he can travel

    2. Nummy


      only catch is you have to wear a ryder approved uniform. ..

    3. Redbaron™


      Damn it, offer revoked. ;)

  17. This is the weirdest RP I've ever been involved in

  18. Apparently it didn't get out why I left >.> I never quit, just had to leave for an extended period of time on a rugby tour through Europe.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skippy
    3. aron.


      Aron is lost without you...

    4. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      Aron is lost without you, heck. I'M LOST WITH YOU! -cough- -cough- 'Hem..

  19. I have access to a computer for a few days... tempted to log on...

    1. Hanrahan
    2. argonian


      Why'd you leave anyway?

    3. Braxis


      Lancel would be proud of his son, and probably wanna smack him

  20. Bye people :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Haelphon
    3. PH4NT0M


      Aw, well it was fun role-playing with you. Cya later. :(

    4. rukio



  21. Anna Kendrik, we're getting married some day.

    1. EmeraldStag


      In sorry but that is impossible, we are to we'd to bring peace to the Red and Green kingdoms, my betrothed.

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