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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. cats are inherently right wing

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Dogs are communist spies

    2. HurferDurfer1


      cats dont work for cops

  2. chinese reached taipei this morning but they forgot to modreq first

    1. TreeSmoothie


      Rookie mistake, they didn't even emote for breaking locks or raid ladders

  3. concerning development as a number of users decide to make their feedback posts patreon-exclusives

    1. Polysemic


      Boutta make my comments Patreon exclusives. Wonder how many people will pay for my shit takes

  4. Crazy how armies can tp across nations within an instant but not between them

  5. devastated today to learn OnlyFriends is copyrighted and my business idea is ruined

  6. disabling warclaims but having war raid-rules sounds like a nightmare


    does anyone rly want 2 months of endless raids to end the map

  7. discords need way less channels


    and yeah ik i can mute stuff like #skins but what sucks is when there are like 20 general channels and people alternate between them


    why do people do this

    1. Heero


      I miss Skype :(

  8. do u get the money if u vote while ur offline?

  9. do we have war rulesyet

  10. Does anyone have a tile map of lotc

  11. does anyone know any crp hacked clients? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wyrvun


      try grammarly


    3. ronin_champloo


      advanced chat mod -- it comes with chat corrector for spelling errors, and structuring

    4. K_rusader


      Try the olog client 

  12. downloaded an alpha resource pack and damn i’d forgotten how much better the old music was. 

  13. Edelweiß, Edelweiß

  14. elves live long so they should be smart but instead theyre dumb and smelly


    why is that

    1. satinkira


      some of them are smart

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      it's because you can't rlly play a character smarter than you are irl and most lotcers aren't 200 year old super geniuses 

    3. monkeypoacher


      elven dementia is a real thing

  15. elves, despite being the longest living race, have the worst history keeping

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jonificus


      ancient elves arise

    3. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Yea I'd have to agree with you. I actually enjoy giving history lessons as I've been playing my elf since late 2012/early 2013 and it's fun telling tales of what he's been through

    4. Laeonathan
  16. Even if they changed warclaims to 100 1v1s, the lag would still be unbearable for each fight. 1.9's just utter trash, we need to downgrade to 1.8 if we ever want decent PVP again.

  17. even with 4 people online it takes me about 5 minutes and a crash to open a chest. that’s ridiculous even for 1.14, there’s definitely more at play here 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Babadooks


      try quitting, worked good for me

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      no chunk loading issues for other 1.14 servers though

    4. squakhawk


      there’s certainly more to it than 1.14, and im sure a part of it must be 1.14, but the lag issues have lead up even since 1.12 and 1.13, there certainly must be a plugin that’s causing extreme memory problems or something of such, I’m no dev but working with vanilla & modded servers for nearly a decade now I cannot imagine 1.14 alone, or even in majority, is causing the bulk of our problems. The War Server on 1.13 had around 50-60 consecutive players during the battlegrounds and ran smooth as butter, and now even with a decent amount of plugins and commands unloaded it couldn’t hold 20/30 for the test we had not long ago- but Korvic may have been testing something. 

      It is ultimately regardless of the point and a huge mistake (Both objectively and opinionally) that we are not reverting. Factually, Telanir has been missing for quite some time and assumed the role of two administration positions, and will likely continue to be missing, with the (factual) habits of him disappearing for months at a time, then coming back with a grand change.

      This post does not break any forum rules, complain objectively and state hard evidence upon why this is wrong and ultimately a horrible choice for the server, to try and “tough through” an update which is with no contest an extreme detriment to the server, with incredible chunk lag, a halted war thats gone on incredibly long, and a dwindling playerbase where players encourage others to just not play due to the update. Any amount of days in a reverted update with data/items/whatever lost is worth taking the server back to something at least playable. If I was a new player and wanted to join a server, and for a grueling month and a half the server was dead and unplayable, I’d leave- as many have in our time. 

      I am disappointed and want to see change. My criticism is constructive and I just wish to see things better, when I know they could be.

  18. finally unbanned


    would like to thank my mother, father, seannie22 and whoever zachosnacko's main is for this


    we did it boys 🥲

  19. gee whizz i wonder why horses are banned

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