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Status Updates posted by Sagwort

  1. Just wondering...can bedrock vips delete posts on their own threads? I could use it for the trash pit of the Mages Guild's thread.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. K33MST4R


      You can, go to the bottom of the post and an option labeled "post moderation" will show up, from there you can lock/delete topics

    3. K33MST4R


      You can, go to the bottom of the post and an option labeled "post moderation" will show up, from there you can lock/delete topics

    4. Sagwort


      Too bad my bedrock vip title was taken away for some reason...

  2. And so I have tryed to bring back the Mages Order from the dead.

  3. Who likes history and writing about it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman


      Absolutely. I enjoy writing about mainly early twentieth century history.

    3. Angmarzku


      Someone called on me? Are we starting with Ancient Egypt or The Roman Empire hmm? Antiquity! 

    4. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      My historian senses are tingling 

  4. Who would say they have a pretty good grasp of how the economy works on LotC? (Or what little economy their is)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      Materials used for PVP such as iron etc dominates the market. Followed by stuff that enhances your standard PVP items like potions and enchanting. 


      RP Artifacts are outliers that can go for a huge amount of money sometimes.


      Otherwise the economy is pretty much borked.

    3. Bvie


      Oh, you silly silly people. XD

    4. Wrynn


      talk to um Jonificus

      he trades

  5. So I took my tracks on Soundcloud and gave them better sound quality, I plan to make an Asulon Soundtrack. Check it out: http://soundcloud.com/sagwort

    1. 0000



    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I personally favored Iron and Steel, but Whisper of the Woods was equally fantastic! :)

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I personally favored Iron and Steel, but Whisper of the Woods was equally fantastic! :)

  6. Ladies and Gents, the moment you have all been waiting for......MAGIC

    1. Lym


      To follow the trend of my previous status update comment:

      Saggy has spoken!

      Still, you forgot all the Undead players in the Current Magic User List under Necromancy ;D

    2. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus

      I'm confused aswell.

    3. Druid Jameson Tarus~

      Druid Jameson Tarus~

      Yesh! Although we still have to test the plugin Ambros. :I

  7. So I made this new signature, should I change it, or keep my current classy one?

    1. ThanksChris


      I thought that your signature was a bit lackluster. I'd bet someone such as yourself would have ample quotes and character pictures to fill a nice signature. ^_^

    2. Sagwort


      Well...my new signature is the same thing with a different picture.....

    3. Sagwort


      Well...my new signature is the same thing with a different picture.....

  8. Anyone else having problems logging into the wiki?

    1. everblue2er101


      It's still down, no one can log in or edit.

    2. Agnub


      I gave up on the wiki. The formatting for it is atrocious. Should just use a simpler wikia template.

    3. Skippy


      Hightower, after a while you get used to it. ;)

  9. Am I the only person that thinks: If all mages got into a situation similar to Dragon Age Origins and then leading up to Dragon Age 2 would be the most badass thing in the world?

    1. Raptorious



    2. Telanir
    3. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      YES! Although there's no centralize organisation to pull this off.

  10. Been writing some music for LOTC, check this out: http://soundcloud.com/sagwort

    1. Eleatic


      Ambros, go back to dodging Ogland's fireballs =D

    2. 0000


      Followin' you. Nice music :)

  11. I hear of Ender Chests in the next Minecraft update. When you have tow ender chests and you put an item in one, the same item will be found in the other chest even if you destory the first. For some reason I think those will be banned from LOTC...

    1. Anore


      hehe... I now start the Asulon Postal Service

    2. Sporadic


      The entirety of Asulon would share excactly one chest around the entire land, though. Hardly useful except for trolling.

  12. I still don't know what this mage college should look like..... help?

  13. What do you think? A walking castle for the Mages Guild!

    1. gingernut97


      Howls moving castle much? :3

    2. Clockwyrk


      Sounds neat, actually.

  14. Moody lighting feels so much more rp than bright lighting, ya'all should try it.

    1. yekim8


      Bright is best brightness

    2. Lago


      Kal Azgoth looks better on Moody because you can make out the lights.

  15. Anyone else notice that the Welsh language and names work great for elven names and such?

    1. argonian


      Mhm. Welsh and Elven both have a lot of Ys and Ws.

    2. The Lion

      The Lion

      I'm pretty sure that was one of the languages that inspired Tolkien's languages

  16. I think I shalt come back to see how 4.0 turns out.

    1. Lym


      We'll be Challenger Division by then doe.

      Ain't nobody got time fo dat LotC

    2. excited


      Please do! I miss you! ;-;

  17. With my mage powers I have brought back Drplat's Mushroom People idea. Tell me what you think on the thread.

  18. I posted my picture on the Show Yourself thread.....I might have been high at the time.

  19. So I have two new images for the forums on my account. However I don't know which one to use. One of them is my profile picture while the other one is my avatar. Care to put in input?

    1. Dante


      I like your avatar, but it's kind of small :/

  20. Remember the true meaning of Christmas, "Friends, Family, and Facial Hair"

    1. gingernut97


      And food! Don't forget food!

  21. -Dips foot in water, shivers-

  22. That was a nice trip to LOTC, tips hat

    1. Salamandra


      I miss you again.

  23. Would someone PLEASE fix the wagon to the docks? I can't go into that thing without dying upon teleport.

    1. Lark


      I'll fix it when I get home, no idea why its acting up all of a sudden

  24. Jumper cables and a coffee maker...lovely...

    1. Rilath


      What a wonderful pair of gifts

  25. How long does day last on lotc and how long does night last?

    1. Mephistophelian


      One day and night combined is an hour long. So a 'day' is 30 minutes and a 'night' is 30 minutes.

      Unless they changed it, in which case idk.

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