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Status Updates posted by firespirit44

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avacyn


      ive seen enough hentai...

    3. ScreamingDingo


      goddammit kai, what did I tell you about the tentacles

    4. Knox213


      RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. cant believe that im getting bullied for being a boomer

    1. Wretched


      boomers unite, the youth cant stop us

  2. Get money quickly in one quick way

    Or get your lore refunded right now

  3. Ghost hunting is back on the menu: 



    1. Urahra


      event was very cool, kai! thank you for your hard work!

  4. Hey all, ST Events are going on break for a week. 

    We need to lie down lol

    1. AnonymousAlexa


      Bruh you all deserve it. Great event yesterday besides the fact that my rp husband was simpin for squak's aengel... @Coolcod77 o_O

    2. Bawg


      Take your break, King!

  5. Hey all, we’re working with a new format for planning Inferi events. We’ve still got time on Friday if anyone wants to do an event with us! Click on my status to take a look at the timeslots

    Also yeah we’re very booked out lol


  6. how exactly do I request an event? I cant seem to see a event request forum anymore

    1. AlphaMoist


      ET no longer do event requests, however you can visit the DIY Event post to learn how to run a player event yourself. 



    2. firespirit44


      ah a shame. many thanks thealphamoist

    3. Treshure


      @firespirit44 If you join the Story Team Discord, there is a channel for event suggestions. That would probably be the fastest way to get feedback on your idea. You can find the link to the Discord here.

  7. I’m a straight boomer so I dont know how to navigate the forums at all. How can I filter the content to what I want to see? I dont want to read the whitelist applications. 

    1. Urahra


      I don’t think it’s possible


      but then again I barely understand the forums. 4/5 of my posts are probably in the wrong forums and everyone’s too nice to tell me

    2. Scuba


      That is a good idea 

    3. SoulReapingWolf


      There might be a chance you are following whitelist applications, they are not on the forums part of the site. Let me know what I can help you with. 

  8. Some screenshots of the event today courtesy of @Heero




    No more 5am events for me tho

  9. whats a good place to find people during aussie time nowadays? 

  10. You back too zeb? What dragged your carcass back here lol

    1. Zebanamana


      Laziness honestly. Bloodnrose and Burniston and I like all came back at once and were ******* around.

    2. firespirit44


      Next thing you'll be telling me is nitholiak is hanging about 


    3. Zebanamana



      So he did return for the new map and there is a Von Schlichten family. He had a character as second in charge of Chambery in Lorraine, but he's been gone for awhile again. I was playing with Burniston and bloodnrose for awhile back when the map change happened

  11. -Fixed your signature where the Alice in the Wonderland was not hidden by the spoilers-

  12. Am I supposed to know you?

  13. Anabella's Grace? Thats quite a unique concept. My praise to whoever thought of that.

  14. Are you still willing to trade gunpowder?

  15. Beyond the shattered realm their descendants stumble. Fate not altered, time hath fumbled. After a time of Draakar's ire Cover the fringe, torrid winds and fire. Traverse the the maker's mark and seek. A truth that Ancestors beseech

  16. BoxofDog your signature is literally half a page. Please minimise your signature size for the convenience of other players. Thank you.

  17. Can you get online around now? I'm in a rush and I'm not sure about tomorrow :/

  18. cant post on roleplay forums? o_o

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