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Everything posted by Tentoa

  1. In Opposition of Iniquity Lector Turnfield’s First Confessional Preamble I am Lector Trevor Turnfield, as of beginning this recollection I have just passed my 70th year and as I continue on in service of our Lord GOD I have borne witness to the woes and wonders of shepherding my fellow descendants and beyond; the bounties of loyal servitude to GOD and the trials that accompany this loyalty. I have without a doubt witnessed the scrolls’ messages thousands of years old ring true even to this day and it is with humility I profess that without the guidance of my Lord GOD I would be among the iniquitous for it is faith alone which has sustained my hope in goodness at many points in my life. I will recount for you dear reader and my brothers and sisters in GOD’s service the things I have witnessed in my fifty years as a man of the cloth. I shall have to do so in several parts however as the good Lord has seen fit to ensure that I continue to live in interesting times. “And I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My trials are the holy trials, and My cure is the virtuous cure, and all the reliefs of the Virtue are open to the righteous forbearer.” (Virtue 3:10) I was born to Ivan and Louise Turnfield of Haense. I am grateful for the childhood I had and my mother’s insistence that I should be educated; She and my sister Eleanor taught me to read using the scrolls, particularly the Gospel of Godfrey. The labor expected of a farmer’s son is consistent and serious and I labored from my sixth birthday onward in the fields and animal pens but since my mother was a devout woman I enjoyed weekly mass as an opportunity to relax. Life was very simple until I was seventeen and made a journey to the Holy See to begin my study as an acolyte within the church. I spent two years in study, finishing a thesis on charity and working toward ordainment; initially it was my want to become a bishop or cardinal within the church in the interest of working down to establish charitable operations within the church but since I write this as a Lector of Owyn you may safely assume this never came to fruition. “But GOD’s is the eternal power, the mysterious power with no part nor piece, no lowly anatomy.” (Spirit 7:6) I was ordained at the age of nineteen, when a young man is paradoxically the most assured of his brilliance and at the height of his foolishness. Upon exiting the Old Providence Basilica newly frocked we came across a frightful specter of a young woman closing upon a playing child in the basilica yard. Coward though I was, I faced the specter with prayer, wielding a hefty lorraine; I pressed the aurum rosary against the temple of the lost soul and drove it away from the child. This was my first encounter with the forces of the deceiver in their rawest form. I was blessed enough to consecrate the Abbey of Saint Robert at the crossroads prior to the eruption of the war and it was what I believe to be a blessing that through my travels as a missionary I met the Cohort of the Flaming Covenant in their camp at Ramsfield; Paco de Mantequilla, Dante de Denesle, Isaac Jebediah, and at the time novitiate Dario de Mantequilla (also known as Dharas). The Lectors invited me to dinner and shared what little they had in the shadow of Luciensburg, the city they had taken from them; even as refugees and on the losing end of a war against demon-worshiping rats there was still the wealth of spirit among them to share with a guest. “And you shall give your fellows the abundance of the spirit, which is My Word. For the abundance of the spirit is never divided, but multiplied.” (Virtue 2:8-9) Padre Paco had made mention of his efforts to spread the faith into the nation of Yong Ping with little success, though in a meeting with then Zhu Tianrui Ren I had made progress in the repeal of anti-missionary laws within Yong Ping and had gone on to aid a convert by the name of Oijin Kato from Yong-Ping. The first major blow to my spirit came at the hands of my own self-interest, due to savoyard persecution and crucifixion the name of the faith was soured like vinegar to the Pingers and hopes of establishing friendly relations and repealing laws was dead on arrival. During this time I too began to sour on the rhetoric of the church as the dealings within canondom had become increasingly political in nature; I turned to physical exercise as a way to reckon with my anger and undertook the path of Owyn to reckon with my doubt in a centralized church. My first day upon the path I became separated from my pilgrimage party and spent several days wandering the woodland staving off starvation; it was not until I had wandered to the outskirts of providence that I was found by Padre Paco de Mantequilla who upon seeing me burst from the woodland in a confused stupor shot me with a crossbow. During my recovery I partook of day two in Du Loc wherein I was assigned to maintain a flaming altar to GOD for seven saints hours. The flesh pit of Du Loc- the gibbering living flesh of the alien heart that had been planted beneath the city burst from the earth during my watch of the altar. It took the shape of the citizens of Du Loc and opened a great maw in the heart of the city leading into an acidic pit at the bottom. My first experience with combat was with these creatures, delving with the Lectors as a Proselyte into the under loc where that wicked flesh had begun to create monsters out of corpses to defend itself. To this day I shudder to think of those shambling creatures, their boiling blood, and the blades of bone that had burst from their mangled corpses and slew a city watchman. I took up a sword to defend an injured Lector and applied Tippen’s Root to the weapon and cut open a film of flesh that had blocked the escape of the party ahead. “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall keep fast to your word and station, and aspire not to greatness among men, but to My glory.” (Virtue 6:8) I was not a part of the mission that saw the end of the flesh pit but during my novitatehood I was a participant in many battles against supernatural entities that had sought to target Du Loc. None serve as a better example of the typical Du Locian problem than the metallic vessel that fell from a tear in reality that contained a warrior in strange armor; following shortly after him came down a strange flying insectoid creature that shot Lector Dharas with lightning born from a oddly shaped staff, shortly following this a second portal tore itself open; slaying a flying bird and birthing a bipedal crab demanding wergild for a slight; I kicked him back into the portal and pulled Dharas’ unconscious form away from the metallic vessel the dying warrior landed in before it exploded, sealing the portals behind. In retrospect I understand this tale is farfetched and my expectation of what battles are to be expected against iniquity is deeply skewed by the many unusual battles I have partaken in. What sealed my decision to join the Lectorate was the aid offered to me by two members to traverse into the dark swamps between Yong Ping and Vortice when a cannibal tribesman ambushed me during a personal sabbatical and stole from me a rosary gifted to me by my mother. Danzen and Dharas were with me, serving as my battle brothers in an effort to reclaim this gift. While in the swamp I encountered another poltergeist amidst the portion of the swamp infected by the tomblands, a crackadonk, and finally the Rougaroux I had written about in a report titled: “A Horror Hunting the Faithful.” Which can be found in the owynist archives. The trials of the swamps brought me new clarity and purpose; a keen understanding of the Lectorate and my role as a shepherd of GOD. It was not enough to dispense wisdom unto the flock for wisdom offered little to men torn to pieces by werebeasts and vampires. It was the role of the shepherd to bear the crook and the sword; to fight the wolves sent by the jealous deceiver to rip them away from GOD’s pastures. “And you shall be without pretense or conceit, for before the mountain, the ant and the aurochs are equally small.” (Virtue 7:7) Taking the mantle of a Lector came with certain challenges, I elected to abandon the facade of greater sophistication as it was conceit- I spoke as I would on the farm again and allowed myself to be what I am; the son of a farmer who took up GOD’s word and steel to defend my parish. I spent my earlier years among the Lectorate in transit, I’m drawn to the outdoors fairly regularly but discovered the Hexer lodge of Savoy when Dharas joined them for a hunt; I should preface that there are few organizations I loath so much as Hexers so take my recollection with a grain of salt for I cannot be certain if my memory has not been twisted toward representing them more fouly than they truly were. After escorting Dharas I had a brief conversation with an elder hexer whom I regarded as sour and conceited for his supposed greater understanding of the world. When during their hunt Dharas was injured they did not send for us, my brother’s legs were crushed and amputated by a crowdrake due to the Hexer’s own failing in planning and they did little else beside cauterize his legs and toss him outside the tent to work on their own; I carried my injured brother in a harness upon my back until his legs were capable of carrying him again. Despite access to mutations themselves and greater forms of healing alchemy by their own profession the Hexers hoarded their knowledge in favor of turning a profit hunting disruptive monsters with no interest in morality or preserving secular lives; I find them to be as distasteful as the magi women they surrounded themselves with. “So I find that you seek impossible knowledge not for the good of your fellows, or precious wisdom, but in the desire of power.” (Spirit 7:11) Alchemy and Its charitable applications have always been a purview of the Lectorate, Danzen is the most talented doctor I have ever seen and were it not for his quick intervention when I suffered a chest injury I would not be here today; it was Danzen whom during a training session had a flash of inspiration amidst the vampiric outbreak for an alchemical cure to the ailment; I watched with curiosity as my fellow Lectors delved into the lab in a frenzy to formulate Saint Humbert’s Quintessence and drafted up a statement later in the saint’s week to begin a clinical trial of the supposed cure. I was blessed to witness the first successful test of Saint Humbert’s Quintessence upon an orc from the Horde. I witnessed as among seizures upon the medical table his fangs shrunk into normal teeth and his vampiric claws gave way to short nails, all tests proved him a normal orc again. After a few more successful trials I sat with Dharas to make several copies and distributed them by hand. It was the development of the cure that convinced me of the worth of alchemy, in truth. I came to recognize it as a technology of great benefit so long as it was wielded with the intent to do righteous acts and oppose iniquity where it reared its head; my fellow Lector’s desire to spread this knowledge and use it to perform medical care further convinced me that it was a worthy endeavor. “And verily you must find satisfaction in service of your own realm, and the realm of all men.” (Spirit 7:15) In the interest of brevity I share one final tale from the Lectorate’s days in Du Loc before the close of this first chapter - that being the invasion of a strange magician. It was an attack on Lord Brae’s tower in which a strange boar-man of tremendous stature baring salt white fur and strange tattoos that in retrospect were more than likely thanhic in nature. This strange wizard moved through walls and doors without care, not breaking them down but rather having made no indication that solid barriers held any bearing to it at all. My brothers and I broke through the myriad doors of Brae’s tower and down the lifts to his vault, trails of strange dust left in the wake of this beast as though it had aged the world around it, a theory I developed when as we approached the final door barring us from the beast we found ourselves slowed, the world moved at a snail's pace but try as we might to fight it we couldn’t break through this strange spell; our voices and bodies slowed but my mind knew that it was restrained. All in attendance shared in this experience and when our world sped up again the boar-man had absconded. I know not what creature broke into Brae’s tower but if it has the means to read this, I should say I hold no anger for you strange swine wizard and would invite you to explain your theft, I believe there was some deeper meaning to your acquisition and invite you to share it and repent if necessary.
  2. Father Trevor sat within the sanitorium with the morning news in hand among it the latest bull; upon scanning it he looked up and said to himself: "Reckon we'll busy then." The Cleric sat aside his news and reached out for some paper... "S'pose ah'll remind him about Avenel next we speak."
  3. Hi there I'm Tentoa, I've been involved in the LGBT sphere for practically half my life now; I was in the original LOTC LGBT skype chat. I'm Pan myself, non-binary. I gotta' say the idea that we should expect people to unanimously agree with our choices and not hold a separate opinion is completely asinine. I am in full agreement that it is everyone's right to go without harassment and go without being DM'd nasty things or made to be unsafe or targeted by OOC vitriol. However, it is absolutely not our place to blanket spaces such as LoTC where writing is a shared hobby to align solely with our political ideologies. IF you feel that you cannot persist in a space where people are indifferent to your lifestyle and don't go out of their way to be welcoming because they inherently don't agree with what you stand by its your choice to leave that subset of the community and find a more accommodating sphere (As there are many). It is well within our rights to feel safe, it is not within our rights to be unquestionably supported. If inclusivity requires dissenting opinions to be silenced then it's not inclusivity, it's just a status quo of violent silence but with a new coat of rainbow paint. Pursue justice for harassment when it is real, but if someone simply disagrees with your viewpoints but makes no effort to engage you with hostility let it go and find somewhere else.
  4. Rigatoni early in the morning after feeding his quail opens his copy of the Owynist Observer, peering through It's contents until the news reaches him. "Ah hell." The musin quietly remarked before folding the paper and calling out: "C'mon kids you're gonna' go visit Uncle Oijin for a while."
  5. Reserved for Edit Log 7/26/2022 - Tidied up some wording in the redlines to make it more comprehensive and gave Mason's Malleable the ability to manipulate carbarum to add a mundane method of sharpening the material. 8/31/2022 - Fixed a typo in the redlines of stockshock that said 'nor is it incapable of disabling someone' when it should have said 'nor is it capable of disabling someone'. 9/7/2022 - Clarified size of net effected by one dose of Sailor's Special, removed the ability to manipulate carbarum and ST signed materials, specified the number/size of objects capable of being manipulated by a dose of Mason's Malleable before expiry, reduced the emote count that a continuous exposure to stockshock remains effective from 4 to 2.
  6. THis is a really well formatted and well-inspired lore piece, the only thing I would change is that Vaasek does not ever reveal himself to mortals because he is afraid they're going to kill them. Instead I'd suggest you make it so they act as spies for Vaasek, peering into the business of mystics and ne'er-do-well witches to keep a network of spies.
  7. That's ruff buddy

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      lol i get it because of what he did as a dog 

    2. megavoltar


      chainsaw man

  8. Lector Turnfield's Trade Alchemy Idle hands are Iblees' playthings! CREDIT Thank you for your consultation: @Titanium430 @Norgeth @Battle Unit [T2] Mason’s Malleable [Open] Background Developed by Lector Trevor Turnfield for the Lectorate Science Faire in an effort to improve the lives of artisans and tradesmen alike after the suggestion came up in conversation with Lector Mathurin and BAR-L, the Lectorate’s labor automaton. Recipe Base: Aqua Vitae Water | Grace x 1 Water | Lethargy x2 Mundane | Strength x3 Creation The concoction must be both made and kept at a tepid temperature (no greater than 79* F) or else it will lose Its potency, water symbols must be added first and earth symbols must be added last. Effects This murky blue liquid has the rather unique property that any stone (barring ST-signed materials/ores) or gemstone can be completely submerged in and soaked within a vat of this material over the course of a narrative day, when removed from the liquid they will be malleable as artist’s clay, capable of being sculpted and shaped into pottery, statues, jewelry, bricks, et cetera with relative ease. After being given six narrative hours in a non-humid place to dry the material will lose its prior malleability and return to Its natural rigid state. Gemstones can also be fused together to create larger versions of the gemstone or combine them into multi-colored gemstones, mundane ores such as gold and iron can also be utilized by Mason's Malleable. Redlines: This cannot be used to topple or weaken stone defenses, walls, or structures. The entirety of the stone must be submerged into the fluid so you cannot just apply it liberally upon a structure to weaken it. Though gemstones can be combined they cannot be fit into regular stone interiors, merely added as surface décor; this is to prevent people claiming they have diamond-rod reinforced walls incapable of being broken down by any means. Bars of gemstones such as diamonds will shatter with force comparable to that which it takes to break open steel; rendering diamond/gemstone bars mechanically representable by Iron bars and follow the same OOC rules and regulations as regular iron gates/bars. One brew of this lasts for twenty-four OOC hours, enabling projects involving gemstone work to be done over the course of one narrative month before the liquid within would need to be replaced; losing potency after 1 human-sized object or 2 halfing-sized objects, or 4 bust-sized objects, or 8 statuette sized objects is created with it. This is not meant to replace transfiguration’s ability to mold and shape objects, it only works on stone and is specifically meant for sculptures, bricks, statues, jewelry and so forth to be made with greater ease.
  9. Trevor sat atop Felder's Rock with a bottle in hand after snuffing the eternal flame, letting the smoldering ashes waft smoke into the air to carry his fallen brother-cleric into the Skies. He knew that Ioannes would go to join Paco, Bessol, And Isaac for an eternal joy amidst the skies and though Ioannes was not a man he saw eye-to-eye with in many instances, he was certainly a good man, he was certainly his brother, and he was certainly one for whom the old cleric would cry. Dialectics and debate had been Ioannes forte but the old man did not forget that he was quick to lend his aid to a combatant in need, he remembered meeting him in Savoy just before a foray into the palace to hunt a specter, that Ioannes as his fellow novitiate had lent him his alchemical lens before he'd received his slayer helmet. It was Ioannes who had inspired him to farm again, when he got around to it...He'd name that farm after his brother in Owyn.
  10. From atop his throne in the sanitorium Trevor read the news of the new pontiff he puzzled over the idea for a while and commented. "Ah'ma miss that last pontiff, fella' had a good head 'bout 'is shoulders. S'pose ah should try an' meet with this new fella, see how he thinks." The Lector sat the missive aside then and reached for some paper, business had to be taken care of.
  11. Builds will now become max height and exceptionally ugly to counteract raid ladders.
  12. The list part I do agree with though; a more comprehensive list wouldn't go amiss
  13. There are over 6 kinds of curse across the dark magics; and those who have moral reason IC (Canonists) or are enemies with them (Heralds/Spooks) Have no means to combat them. If there are 5 active paladins around at any given time but more and more alchemists then it falls on 5 people to do very repetitive curse purging RP as well. We saw this with corcitura that having only one avenue of curing created such a backlog and workload that the paladin playerbase and those unaffiliated with them got plain sick of dealing with it on an OOC level. As someone who played a paladin: It would get very annoying to stop my RP and walk somewhere every day to do 3 repetitive curse-purging emotes; effectively making my warrior of the light a holy pez dispenser. This also enables witchy-type alchemists to offer up cures in exchange for favor as well as more scientific alchemists/doctor archetypes to do the same. Furthermore if you're worried about something you inflict on other players without their consent majority of the time being too easy to cure IRP, maybe you're more concerned with t he power you have over their characters ooc than constructing a narrative that's fun.
  14. Purely hypothetical and also irrelevant; Corcitura's capacity for affecting the soul transforms the blueprint of the soul itself and the same goes with malflame. With what you say Dark Shaman curses act as a parasite attachment to the soul and still would be subject to the effects of he potion. Malflame is soul-damage and a direct edit. Witch-doctor curses don't do the same thing.
  15. God almighty do I love witch-themed bullshit +1
  16. Hi, Siliti and blood mage here. Take it out, doesn't need to be in there.
  17. You don't need a peak sstrength metal arm and a flamethrower. I support this.
  18. "And I would've gotten away with it too! If not for those loose-lipped ilia and their stupid leader!" Cried a wicked Vampire, aware she now had to give up the Hag Persona.
  19. Seethe about being cucked out of PVP all you want  the only people actually crying about it are those that treat RP as a vehicle between PVP sessions

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pancakehz


      cap you're delusional 

    3. Tentoa


      @NotEvilAtAllI hope  it's  torture. I hope every 'we're here  for ur loot >;3' goon group flounders and dies. I hope this leads to higher standards for RP quality between antagonistic and protagonistic parties. Most of all I hope that if you're here to play OOC risk and change the server with characters named John 'slaphands' Banditmon and can't adapt that you leave. 

    4. Unwillingly


      ur not afraid to say what u think (and what we're all thinking) and i respect that

  20. This is just needlessly sarcastic and unhelpful. Much like real flame retardant gloves it will prevent your hands from being caught on fire by accidentally dropping flame or oil off of it; you can avoid being caught on fire by accidents but you can't stand in the stream of a flamethrower without succumbing to the heat.
  21. I don't like the addition of the Striga PK mechanic to a race previously thematically imposed to be the only true immortal being thus killing that thematic gravity and simultaneously cheapening the threat of imprisonment; Nor do I find the new hexalogue particularly compelling or necessary. The rest of the mechanics I'm for but the addition of a method of inter-siliti PK isn't something I forsee fantastic RP out of, it just encourages OOC scheming and welcomes a kind of conflict that won't be done in good faith. I prefer greatly we have to be more careful IC about who we pick up because there's a tremendous consequence to having them become Siliti and be unprepared.
  22. To His Holiness, Yaromir I Please release an official statement in the papal bull regarding Owyn being a farfolk, the other priests are sending me racially charged letters via courier. They are paying extra to assure that they are delivered directly to Kaer'lassar on foot rather than by bird, they are quite passionate in their denial. Some of these letters have been quite hurtful despite their immaturity. -Father Trevor.
  23. A theory on The Origin of Godwin’s people: The Farfolk Published 1st of Harren's Folley, 1859 ┯━━━━━ ●●● ━━━━━┯ Within the past few years it has come into question what farfolk peoples Ex. Owyn may have resembled whether he be Oyashiman, Southeron, Qali, or Li-ren; however I think there is an answer to this question we need consider: What if none of those descriptors are apt for the Exalted? Humanity has spanned the world since creation and it should be considered that in that time since our creation when the sons of Horen were divided many events which have served to divide our people into many kingdoms and cultures have ensued. It is without question that Exalted Owyn was a farfolk, only a fool would seek to claim otherwise however the people of Aaun were divided and scattered or brought into the fold of Harren’s forces following his conquest of Godwin’s lands. Being that Ex. Owyn was a farfolk and his father served as ruler Aaun it stands to reason that Owyn’s people were also farfolk themselves. My theory proposes the possibility that they were a people prior to the farfolk rather than farfolk as we know them today and following Aaun’s conquest were scattered into separate tribes which grew in difference greatly following the Millenium o’ Silence. The combination of Iblees’ introduction of strange practices and the generations of beauty standards leading to certain traits outpacing the others ah believe that along with their physical division so too did the tribes of proto-farfolk experience aesthetical and cultural divisions leading to the many different farfolk we see today, far removed from their distant ancestor’s appearances and practices. While the highlander, harrenite, and heartlander populations have remained rather stagnant in our development of differences in skin tone and fashion and historically the developments of such can be traced readily between our rather congealed peoples the Godwinites of Aaun were divided by war and disconnected from one another by years of separation amongst vastly different environments, leading in turn to isolated and vastly different cultures as well. Further evidence of this proto-farfolk is provided to us by the scroll gifted to Ex. Owyn as well as he addressed his scattered people: “Verily, brother, the Lord GOD has given no compulsion in faith. And verily you are commended for your virtue, for your people keep fast to their fealty. But a tremendous sin arises in your home. The Lord GOD is the Lord GOD without peer, but you sons of Godwin give Him a vulgar and worldly name, and ascribe to Him many partners. And this is a sin of tremendous quality, for none but the Lord resides in the Seventh Sky, and it is His throne. Even Horen, who spoke the Virtue, falls short of GOD.” (Spirit 1: 3-8) What is noteworthy about this is the mention of the virtue of fidelity which is seen in many farfolk cultures such as the Qali and Oyashimans to be the highest honor one may ascribe to. However the Oyashimans serve as a perfect example of ascribing GOD many partners for their own Kami are a division of the power of the Lord and many Kami are wed to one another; while some may call this evidence of proto-farfolk in the scrolls themselves to be anecdotal when out of context to consider the Millennium of silence and the meddling of Iblees among these pieces of evidence renders credence to the theory. In conclusion I would like to say that the suggestion of Godwin’s people being a proto-farfolk is one worth considering. Furthermore if one should falsely believe that this division of appearance should make the farfolk lesser to we of Joren and Harren I would go on record to state that this is a considerable misconception and that these divisions of appearance do not at all suggest any inequality among the farfolk to we descendants of Joren and Harren and they in-fact suggest the opposite: The farfolk are unequivocally human and unarguably children of GOD, they are simply the scattered descendants of Godwin’s kingdom and thus the people of Ex. Owyn who we should seek fellowship with in the name of the unity and virtue that GOD wished for the sons of Horen. - Father Trevor Turnfield ┷━━━━━ ●●● ━━━━━┷
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