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Status Updates posted by Samler

  1. School and forums. +1 :3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JoakimVonAnka


      -moves to Denmark-

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      You should do that, we need kind souls over here. : >

    4. Timmeh!


      Stats are pretty boring;

      livestream and forums

      are keeping me awake!

      (And MC on a lan server

      with friends)

  2. I never expected this lately conflict to help activity amoung the high elves.but we have gained quite the number of new members, maybe it's the promise of PvP?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Activity never really went up until Aesterwald folded and Raptor gathered a few of his crew to the HEs.

    3. LPT


      #1 immerse fcitons server.

    4. Tirenas


      Out of curiosity, how did you look at such statistics? (The ones displayed in the screenshot, I mean.)

  3. Malinor has the best contests ever! Golem vs Golem, staring match!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dromui


      I have my minas on SirSmithers

    3. Baconthief


      I go for smithers

    4. Samler


      Amipher won! Smithers started to patrol which is all Khel's foult! <3 Now give me my minas~

  4. On vacation, the company that rents out houses is called "Dayz", I am dissapointed, no zombies!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antharin


      Haha nice.

    3. Cresaran


      ^Is doing the same as Alex

    4. Cresaran


      ^Is doing the same as Alex

  5. Almost maked a monk hit me, why do everyone gets to angry then speaking to high elves? We are cute :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shay


      Sethykins is an ugly foll though.. Gosh

    3. shay
    4. shay


      *Almost made a Monk hit me, why does everyone get so angry when speaking to High Elves? Gooosh. Grammer mann

  6. The guy which just died in Malinor by an Enderman to the face, could you PM me to get your stuff back?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin
    3. Cyndikate



    4. Lym


      Lesson learned, do not try and fight an Enderman with leather armor only

  7. Is it just me or did the server crash?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samler


      Good. Scared that I left that poor guy alone in the bakery, not knowing my secret yet!

    3. AgentSunny


      kinky secret i bet

    4. Samler


      Not really, but it would be about the baker!

  8. i think i am a killer magnet, 5min on the server and a dude wants to kill me, why? WHY!?

    1. Lucas


      lol, Just your bad luck! :P Unless your name is something like "Ezio", then I can completely understand.

      You seemed mightly lonely on this page, so I decided to drop by :P

    2. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Thanks for your support with my first Application, I'm very happy for it.

    3. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Thanks for your support with my first Application, I'm very happy for it.

  9. Was supposed to be a high elven wedding 13 mins ago... Thanks DDOS...

    1. Eoin :/

      Eoin :/

      DDoS'er objects :/

    2. Praetor


      I c wut u did dere.

    3. Goldd


      Will you be rescheduling the wedding?I am sorry for your wedding's cancellation

  10. A little bit of feed back to the antag after this event, since I don't feel it's big enough for a post.. Please make it a bit more "friend-foe" visable. Got killed by someone and I thought untill PMs after that he was a non-RP-killer, taking advantage of the event. So this is my 5 cent.

    1. Neri
    2. 5678


      Thing is, we had some undercover elements during the battle.

    3. Cyndikate


      I don't want to be meta'd

  11. In school, and on the forums, suddenly school is not that bad. :3

    1. Fid


      Ha! Awesome. My school has blocked everything... :3

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      And I'm sitting three meters away from you :3 Haaa~

  12. Hmmm... Sleep or Skype/Forum RP?... So hard!

  13. Skype RP, you saved my LoTC down day.

    1. Samoblivion


      Skype... RP?

      Mind = Blown


    2. shay


      The problem with this sethykins, is that skype rp succcckkkkssss.

  14. So much trouble I would get into if my teacher did play on LoTC and knew who I am by my forum name. :3

  15. I did buy VIP a long time ago and first now I think about making my forum account actual VIP (I got the title IG), what do I need to do to get mah VIP?

    1. Sporadic


      Ask nicely :D

    2. Sporadic


      specifically here

  16. #ShiftNative4GM2013

    1. Samler


      Why not? :O

    2. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      #ShiftNative4Admin2013 *

  17. I might have killed a BNL, is the safe free from crahses forever now? -puppy eyes-

    1. Aislin


      You killed BrandNewLiri?

    2. Samler


      In some kind of event, yes. With many other guys. Not sure who got the last hit since he suddenly putted on God Moad and wrote emotes of him dieing.

  18. Is there something wrong with the server? No one is online and I can't log in.

    1. onm224


      the same for me

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Me neither, idunno.

  19. You guys know what is a shame? No one is playing a performance magician!

    1. kingnothing


      you don't look very hard do you

    2. Samler


      I speak of people like we have in real life, no magical magic, just slight of hand types.

  20. What is up with the server lag?


    1. Shalashask


      Where do you think you are?

    2. Samler


      Lord of the Lag. :)


  21. whaaaat? i cant log in on the donation page!

    1. Samler


      ahhhh found out how to do it now just waiting to get into the server and get my donate

  22. I would be happy if anyone that wanted to play my child girl, name would be Elleyu, elven for "The Beauty" and a high elf, contact me if you are intrested.

    1. shay


      I think Karmmy should kill her :@

  23. Always then I go and look ony my profile, it says a girl looked at my profile one day ago, is that a good sign or bad?

  24. The first time I have seen a dragon being compared to Knox and losing.

    1. Swgrclan


      Mental gymnastics win battles, not wars!

  25. Was supposed to be a high elven wedding 13 mins ago... Thanks DDOS...

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