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Status Updates posted by Cloakedsphere

  1. I accidentally cleared a high tier skill on my persona. Is there any way to revert that? Can a GM fix it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      **** my life dude

    3. Taketheshot


      what did you clear m8


    4. Cloakedsphere


      adequate lumberjack. it aint a lot. but i dont grind skills. sooo.... it was quite a bit for me.

  2. A draw is such a joke. Dreadlanders had double the amount of oreners and we still get snaked out of a win. Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Salvo



    3. DragoonCrow


      Why are you salty of glorious Teuton victory Cloaked? 

    4. Salvo


      300 dwarven screamers

  3. The problem is that people meta and they dont even know it. I remember when the server was just starting. Now people just blow off the rules and play them very loosely in my opinion. I havent seen actuall decent role play in awhile.

    1. 0000


      I have. xD

    2. Austin


      When the server started their was no rule against metagaming, powergaming, or RP killing.

    3. 0000


      Because now it's a very popular server, with more chances the rules are broken.

  4. y do people give me such bad rep :( I feel unwanted. I only thought I try to do right thing. :I

    1. danic


      It was a BIT of a over reaction on your part :/

    2. everblue2er101
    3. Cloakedsphere


      Well I took it the wrong way. But Ive had bad rep ever since my app was made to join Aegis back when it started. :I I dont get why people have been giving me bad rep since the first post ive ever had.

  5. So basically. I cant earn mina's by actually being on the server anymore. Impossible to find mobs. . . Well! Looks like I will just stay at 2 mina's all the time :D

    1. ΚΨΙΞ


      I know the feel.. and those.. bloody.. fast travels take up so much money =[

    2. Urahra


      Go into slave trading.

    3. CTap
  6. I am beyond pissed. I get no RP killed twice. First time I get my stuff back and the second time I lose everything. Like wtf LOTC? Dont go around hitting people off of boat sails that are 20+ blocks high.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Eh, I've had worse done to me lol, I would count myself lucky if thats all that happened to piss me off.

    2. BannanaToYou


      Eh. Those Dwarves killed you again? File a ban report, when they tried to steal it they had no Va's and all together the RP was un-satisfactory.

    3. ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      ~Kitty~ (Kat)

      At least you didn't get demoted from staff on a server for saying something that was built offended you and that if any members say it is offensive that it would have to be taken down..

    1. EmeraldStag


      Can an FM please delete this status?

    2. Everman111
    3. Space


      Those weren't real bullets.

  7. I just noticed this but the Media team color and the Lore master color are the exact same. . .. Hmmm. . . *impersonates being lore master*

    1. Ibn Khaldun
    2. Volutional


      I can almost pose as an Admin. I think FMs win.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Key word for Volutional. Almost.

  8. I am so pissed when people just push you off structures and you lose 1k mina's and they run away.

    1. Jay Lenos
    2. Nico
    3. Miquill


      I know how you feel, although I lose like 2-5K!

  9. Well. MC.net goes down right when I need to relog. Thanks. I was in the middle of RP.

    1. steelersfan1221


      Jeb says your welcome.

      Notch is too busy eating to say anything.

    2. Cloakedsphere


      Screw jeb. I demand Notch to get back. At least he knew how to run MC like a pro.

    3. The Womping Wizard
  10. Posting my VA for Nostariel for 2B ;P

  11. 5 posts away from 300. Jelly much? ;o

  12. Who needs IRL friends when you have LotC? Pfft. IRL friends are over rated.

    1. KoTo
    2. Cloakedsphere


      Trolo- . . . :)

    3. CraftPrime


      Yeah! Hahahah...

      Forever alone...

  13. What if I put a # inside of a #? Hmm. . . ########## Beat that hash tag noobs.

    1. Kaiser
    2. Slic3man
    3. EmeraldStag



  14. Well. Since my first request was ignored I shall ask again. CAN AN FM PLEASE CHANGE MY MEDIA TEAM RANK TO AN OLD HAT? Im no longer part of the media team. -.-

    1. KoTo


      Only Administrators are permitted to change forum groups.

    2. steelersfan1221
    3. KoTo


      Oh Stealth, you derp.

  15. Awkward turtle is awkward! Haha

  16. Holy hell half this community is batsh*t insane. o_o You guys are cray cray.

    1. Goldd


      Cray cray, all the way.~

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *laughs like a maniac*

    3. ek_knight


      It took you this long to figure this out?

  17. http://youtu.be/kYbAoBZp3PU LOL. Sex creatures.
    1. gingernut97


      What the actual hell...

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Well..that disturbed me.

    3. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX


  18. Can we please stop blowing up the volcano. . . Im tired of logging on and RP'ing, hearing ghasts 24/7 that I can no longer kill because I cant get up the mountain.

    1. Amorphbutt


      Sorry, but those halflings must burn

    2. Kaiser


      So lets stop all the roleplay that doesn't complete your asking and does as you please.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Cow, You are about as stupid as a rock. Im not even kidding.

  19. Anyone want a guild wars 2 livestream?

    1. shiftnative


      Everquest p99 > Guild Wars 2 ^o^

    2. Eleatic


      PFF. Shift is a hipster.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      GW2 is duh bomb. And I still have everquest installed. I totally forgot about it.

  20. Ok wow. I have 4 copies of Dota 2. Who would like to trade me a game or two for one or two copies of this game?

    1. Goldrim


      What if I told you I have six.

    2. Imperial Legion Soldier

      Imperial Legion Soldier

      I'll give u a hug for a copy and <3 you forever? :P

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Nice goldrim. This is the 3rd time ive gotten 4 though. Ive had this game before it was even on sale. :3

  21. Did you know that soccer is the worlds most demanding sport? A close second is Motocross. ;P

    1. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby

      What is this "Soccer"?

    2. Lita
    3. Cloakedsphere


      Actually no. ;P Your going off of fittest sport. The most Demanding in all aspects is what im basing mine off of. I can be the biggest guy in boxing and 1 hit a guy. Doesnt take anything at all to throw my hardest punch.

  22. How does the white roses have full 7+ sets of iron armor/swords? I thought it was removed from the server...

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Not items, just ores from the map

    2. Ever


      I assume like how every other race/group did: Stockpiled ores the first few days, carefully managing them since.

    3. Temp


      Yea. We don't waste iron. If a Rose is found using iron in a non-wartime environment they are punished.

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