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Your Favorite Impure

Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Your Favorite Impure

  1. Hey Canadians of the server! I'm trying to put together a care package for a friend who lives in Canada, and I'm wondering what sort of candy/snack foods that you guys don't have compared to the US. I've looked online of course but I'm still curious. Much obliged!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shmeepicus


      wtf Papi u missed me

    3. DahStalker
    4. shay


      did you just doxx to the patrons of the elite minecraft roleplay server, the lord of the craft, that i live in canada, papi_pollo?? this is private information. nobody knows that i'm canadian. nobody can tell.

  2. I think it's safe to say most people have had both negative and positive interactions with mental illness IRP. Unfortunately though, I feel as though the negative experiences far outweigh the positive. It's not a poor thing to have in a character at all though, as you did say it pretty well that the world of LotC is pretty fucked. I believe the issue arises when people use it as a crutch or use it as the one thing their character's personality revolves around, or just simply try and get attention for it. Other than that, I don't really have an issue with it being portrayed IRP at all
  3. I just remember people hating the aviary plugin back in Anthos since it was much more of a hassle than it was worth. People thought it would be beneficial but it ended up being a detriment. I'm not opposed to lining out more defined rules regarding birds for combat situations (as other people have mentioned), but if the goal is to ban birds overall, another, more viable solution needs to be presented first and be ready to go.
  4. For all that's good and holy, please
  5. I remember a time where there were many of your kind. I, too, sign. Filavandrel
  6. I think I can sum it up pretty well by a gif I made last year All the memes aside, LotC will always have its up and its downs, but good memories were made on here, despite it all, and I hold those memories dearly with a strange fondness.
  7. I'm in the same boat pretty much. 14 when I joined, 24 now x.x
  8. A grizzled elf glances upon the missive, his inquisitive eyes scanning each line with a furrowed brow. He shudders slightly as memories of a previous vassal state under the high elves crosses his mind from long ago following the Descendants' exodus from Anthos "This usually only ends in one of two ways... Should be interesting to see what comes of it, however."
  9. Aenor strokes his beard in contemplation, glancing over to his sheathed blade resting in the corner of his abode "The time has come again, it seems. For Irrinor."
  10. Name of the club: Dominion of MalinWhat type of club is it? (Public, Private): Public What is the theme of this club? (Politics, group, etc.): Nation Group Why should this club be created? What is the purpose of this club? Does it add something not already fulfilled by an existing club?: Allows for newer players not keen to joining Skype groups to go about asking questions and getting comfortable with the elven playerbase Who will moderate this club?: Myself and the other leaders of the DominionDo you understand that failure to moderate your own club to their respective rules can result in FM interventions?: Yea boiAre there any exemptions to the rules that you would like, if so why? (N/A if open club or none needed.): M-muh freedom of speech
  11. Aenor begins to have flashbacks of Anthos, with all the new circles sprouting up.
  12. Would an FM be so kind as to pin this?



  13. I'll quote my good bud Leowarrior14 here from your previous thread: As far as I'm aware, granted I could be mistaken, the three month cooldown between each CB does not restart after it lowers (I.E. Three months have passed, drops down to Tier 3, cooldown of three months restarts), nor can you hold one CB for three months, then start another one, three months, and on and on. So, granted all that happened nine months ago, the last time those could be valid was a whopping 5-6 months ago. In regards to the whole "blaspheming the Spirits", one of our Princes is actually a shaman, and is allowed to practice their art freely. Once more, if Nazdus would like to step in to elaborate on the whole "Conflicting religious views" thing, I'd be more than happy to discuss that once a chat is made to discuss this, if one is actually made. However, even if that CB does go through, it would drop to a Tier 3 WC, making it a simple "Pillage" WC. Dammit Leo, you responded in the middle of me typing this. I'm posting it anyways.
  14. Hey, so excuse the low-effort response but I just returned from work while on two hours of sleep and wish to nap for a few hours. If a response is given in the time that I sleep, I'll respond. Otherwise, I'll elaborate on this post when I wake. You stated you wish for this to be a Tier 2 Warclaim, but I fail to see where the Dominion has acted on any of the CBs for a Tier 2 Warclaim. The Dominion has stayed neutral in all conflicts of late, and have no treaties with any factions, knocking out the first "bullet point" for Tier Two CBs. We have not raided you, and most definitely not consistently, eliminating the second CB. Thirdly, I would find it humorous if an orc had a claim to the throne in the Dominion, which they do not, eliminating the next CB. Fourth one, orcs have never owned Dominion land. Fifth CB: barely any elves of the Dominion, and definitely not any of importance, have committed crimes in the orcish lands recently. Moving onto the "Proxy" CB, the Dominion has not done any of what is mentioned in the terms for the CB, and lastly the only one I could possibly see being a reality is in the Tier Three WCs, and that is a clash of religion. Though, with enough eloquence and words, one could argue that all the religions of Axios clash. Also, we're no vassal <: Anywho, time to go pass out. Edit: So, it would seem in typical me fashion, I went ahead and elaborated anyways, despite writing I'd do it after I woke up. Oh well, saves me a bit of time.
  15. Twenty-one minutes, a record!

  16. Fifteen minutes. A record!

  17. I love coming across things like this while wandering c:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      yeah that place is pretty ******* sick. would love to see a dwarven city in that type of cavern

    3. sullincollivan


      Is that prismarine? I like the color palate alot 

    4. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Yea, it's near Sutica @Sythan
      I have to agree with you there @Space. Dwarven or Dark Elven city in something similar would be pretty ******* awesome. coughnextmapcough?
      I'm like 99% sure that's prismarine. Could me mistaken though, as I don't build a lot @sullincollivan

  18. Since when was this implemented again? Or have I just been completely oblivious of late?


    1. mitto


      unstoppable force meets immovable object

    2. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      And 'lo, a confrontation written in the very fabric of time has come to pass, the fowl and the elf parting as equals.

  19. Even though it's already in the loremag, I must say I am intrigued by this piece of lore and it has my support currently and in the future with any revisions that may come to be. Definitely +1
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