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Status Updates posted by SortedJarhead

  1. how many petitions would i need to rp defualt

    1. Kaelan


      Many have tried before. All those heroes have fallen to PVP default and it's logic of it being a quick way to deal with conflict without creating more conflict...


      You may try, though I fear you will end up with the same fate of those before you.

    2. SortedJarhead


      no i don't believe in fate i am an atheist and enligtened and according to quantum entaglment i know it's possible as in anything. it's possible even we are neighbors according to quantum einstein.

    3. Kaelan


      But are we actually neighbors?

      I do not believe that we are unless you expand your definition of neighbors to include the distance between our homes.

  2. what i believe is only natural to the development of lotc society will be the rising up of the roleplayers against the greedy pvp class who only care for mina gain, and exploit the grinders and loremakers of our society. this current mc mechanical society is unstable and only benifet pvp'rs! this will not change by lobbying rule change but only by complete server revolution by the roleplayers, comrades!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Equinox


      Large roleplay servers get progressively worse as times go on unless stricter rules are put in place, but that won't happen due to the amount of whiners the community has. 


      More then likely, a change of admins and a new pocket group will break the pvp default thing in the next coming years.

    3. SortedJarhead


      that is the revolutionary spirit comrades !

  3. is there anyone who would be kind & make me a skin thanks : )

    1. Lima


      what sort, I could whip up something absolutely average/terrible?

    2. Nyxxa


      I can if you message me what you would like, though I use steve skin template which most on the server do not anymore.

  4. +1 if pvp riads and all combat should be removed from lotc. +1+1+1+!1111

    1. Nug


      grr someone has a different opinion than mine, this status will show them

    2. Dohvi


      Next map will be giant tavern. :))))))

  5. why do people complain bandits always attack them when you don't give them your items! like if u were mugged irl you'd just be stabbed so. & if you get bandited a lot deal with it in rp such as road police/hiring guards. moving your materials is a risk u took like wtf. thats why irl merchants had guards.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Keldrith


      Honestly banditing is going to happen no matter what, although id encourage not using murder rp or pvp.. Just be a good bandit and make the rp as fun as you can for both sides. If you are a jerk about it and you just run up and do any bad thing you can without breaking rules...then its a problem and it should be dealt with accordingly.

    3. youlovesocks


      ayy live by the bandit RP

    4. Joe_Blackman


      bandit rp can be fun but not when i smell the memes

  6. hello lotc i come to you with a proposition to bring back rp default what do you think? #rpdefault

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      @Christian You really want to try and call uruks out on this? It is not the uruks fault that we just get pissed off when injured. So ya wanna go m8y?

    3. Gunner



    4. Ilikefooddude


      A character-limited status update is not the right place for intelligent debate. Thank you.

  7. Want to have fun RP in a serious environment? Always wanted to RP a fat scottish lady? RP my children pls. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127127-ooc-clan-armas-looking-for-players/

    1. SortedJarhead


      skype is 'sortedjarhead' if you're interested

    2. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      Would you be interested in marrying one of your daughters to me IRP? I'm looking for a gf

    1. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      That is tempting, but i cant genderbend :(

    2. SortedJarhead


      two female roles are open if you really feel that way #burrrn

    3. SortedJarhead
  8. +1 if u miss adunia (i do)

    1. Guest


      -1 sroted harjead

    2. VonAulus


      -1 if you dont(i dont)

    3. SortedJarhead


      guys im #justtrolling ok

  9. Is the server dead?/

  10. Is the server dead?/

  11. The only time I try and to be serious and I **** up. All I wanted was to become a serious player.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      'Ey, at least he's trying to change, trying.

    3. SortedJarhead


      Cyndi, I payed the price for that sin. 3 days in Valhalla. And yes, I'm trying hard to change. It's hard when every time I do something I get banned.

    4. WuHanXianShi14




  12. just like jesus 2000 years ago, today i rise from dead. i am unbanned!!!

  13. charles the bald is what happens if u do marajuana just once... #dontlegalizepoison !!!!1.

    1. Aislin


      i tried marijuamango once

      then i became a pvp troll

      my family disowned me

      my dogs ran away from home

      my boss killed himself.

      dont do it

    2. Rassidic



  14. i watched vikings season 1 in a day

    1. Missandryst


      Welcome to the Dark Side.

  15. I'm SortedJarhead, and I like to play on Premium Minecraft Roleplaying Servers

    1. Rassidic


      You're in the wrong place then lol.

  16. if you really think bly and lukky are the same persona ur dumb

    1. Archbishop
    2. LukyLucaz


      Hello, my name is Lu- I mean Bly. I live in Belgiu- I mean Portugal and I run a server with my best friend Bl- I mean myself. *Cough Cough*

  17. I want George R. R. Martin to plan my wedding.

  18. buy my slaves OK

    1. oblivionsbane


      I really hop you make actual good slaves, the kind that take a couple days IRL to train and break. Not just one torture session and sell type BS, feel like I am buying offbrand half the time.

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