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The Media Wizard

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Everything posted by The Media Wizard

  1. "Show me." Prince Amaesil Vuln'miruel felt the words catch in his throat. He did not need to actually speak when communicating with his woodland companion, but it felt right to break the silence of the Hinterlands this day. With a leap, the elven prince mounted his stag and the two bounded off into the great unknown. It was twilight when he found her. Amaesil knelt by the shallow pond and watched the lifeless form of his marhaelun drift in the inky liquid. The chorus of frogs surrounding the pond echoed out across the woodlands in a sorrowful tone. Amaesil permitted himself to weep. An hour passed before Amaesil wrapped Briar Taliame'onn in a white, silk sheet and rested her atop Estelavern the Stag. The pair walked home to the stone walls of Amathea. The bells rung only once this day.
  2. I thought I might include some of the pictures we released of the rebuild, too!
  3. Good morning! This is a short teaser trailer for the rebuild that we in Elvenesse have been hard at work on for the past few months. We are nearing the completion of the project, and I thought it would be fun to do a small teaser trailer to show off the skyline. The only shot of the rebuild is the final one. We are also hard at work on some lore videos and a story trailer. It has been incredible working with everyone on this project and I am so glad that you all finally get to see the final stages of something so great. Stay tuned and enjoy!
  4. Amaesil Vuln'miruel would nod toward the ranger that had brought him this news. He traces a crack along the table with his index finger in thought. A mutter escapes his lips. "Honorable beyond measure."
  5. MUSIC [Trust me on this one.] (Created by Zilldude) 4th of the Deep Cold, 39 SA The day had been clear. No clouds had floated through the western skies. Then, as the sun began to set, onyx storm clouds formed above the Summer Sea. Soon a torrent of rain crashed into the southern woodlands. The great city of Amathea flooded. The streets turned into rivers and the seawall groaned as massive swells crashed into it. Despite this commotion, one sound rang out in the night above all the rest: the sound of a woman’s screams. Then, the screams were replaced by high-pitched wailing — the wailing of an infant. The rain near-instantly faded away, and the storm clouds scattered into the southwestern sky. The stars began to shine down on the woodland once more, and Prince Amaesil Vuln’miruel stepped out into the waterlogged clearing. He held a small bundle of red cloth that writhed around in his arms. Tears stained his cheeks as he looked skyward. He soon found his target — a cluster of thirteen stars. “Yulnayl Vuln’miruel is your name,” the elf-prince said, looking down at the newborn baby girl in his arms. The child hiccuped. “You are named in honor of the Amber Druid Zolvan, and you are the daughter of Amaesil Vuln’miruel and Visenya Sylvaeri. Our little princess. My Little Fox.” He soon returned his gaze to the constellation. “Yulnayl, the Fox Princess, is what I name you henceforth. Serve my daughter well. Give her light when nobody else can.” (Created by FandomFoxx) Amaesil then turned around and returned to his partner, Visenya Sylvaeri. He placed the infant in her arms and sat at her bedside. The candles of the clinic withered. A great gift had been delivered to the Mali. A new Fox had arrived. (Created by myrkvidrs) Amaesil For the Next Year (Created by Amayonnaise)
  6. Prince Amaesil frowns. He looks toward the eastern horizon with his Haelun'or-style telescope. "... What?"
  7. Prince Amaesil reads the missive with a frown. As he completes it, he folds the parchment and sets it at the edge of the table. "Let this be the rallying cry. I pray my kin of the Silver State — those that are ne monsters — find the path of righteousness."
  8. ... She killed him. Prince Amaesil Vuln'miruel lowers the paper slowly. His brown eyes turn misty and distant. His hand begins to tighten slowly into a fist. The paper crumples to mulch. Tears begin to roll down his cheeks, but his face remains stern. Wrath fills the young elf's features. "... Haelun." With that, Amaesil rushes for the Grove.
  9. "Good riddance," Prince Amaesil Vuln'miruel says. His eyes betray him, though. He wished to be the one to bring death to the Accursed Beast. So many had called him foolish for following his heart and standing by his conviction. Yet the Hound, despite its words, still faced him. His fist tightened. "Damn you, Hound."
  10. THE ESTEL ELVES ~ A Short Player's Guide ~ INTRODUCTION So you want to play an Estel? That is fantastic news! This guide is a short, easy-breezy guide to styling yourself and your roleplay around the simple concepts of the Estel elves. First, though, who are the Estel? The Estel — or the trusted — are elves who reject the bindings of a subrace. They are “trusted” due to their loyalty and dutiful service to the High Prince of the Elves. They wear fine clothes, worship the natural world and stand as a beacon to all others of elfdom. How do you play one? PERSONALITY and PERCEPTION The Estel are a lordly, ethereal people. They seek to represent the goodness of the world through their actions and take every opportunity to serve their nation and kin justly. Rather than explain in detail through text, I have elected to share some videos that help to explain how the Estel represent themselves in roleplay. WISDOM and SINCERITY The Estel aim to be a wise people instead of a purely intelligent one. They seek to synthesize information and brandish their foresight as their wit and charm. Despite this, they also aim to be sincere and kind to all races. They see value in everyone and are loving people. In this clip, we see a heartfelt conversation between Elrond and Bilbo. Despite the kind words, the elflord still enjoys the sincere and foolish moment he shares with the hobbit. Likewise, the Estel strive to be seen as keepers of wisdom and enjoyers of goodness. In this clip, too, we see a dinner scene within Elrond’s home of Rivendell. He jests with Gandalf, recounts the history of the weapons found by the party and is stupefied by the silliness of the dwarves without becoming enraged. Likewise, the Estel are known to be kindhearted and foolish themselves, but not as much as other races. Their playfulness is subtle. TRADITION and REGALITY The Estel hold grace and tradition above all else. They aim to present themselves as strong, ancient people capable of great acts of heroism and inspiration. They give gifts and trust in the will and strength of all who give them a reason to. In this clip, we see the elves of Lothlorien giving advice, inspiration and gifts to the Fellowship of the Ring. Likewise, the Estel aim to provide insight and power to others who travel to their lands with good intentions. POWER and DECISIVENESS Despite all else, the Estel are a strong people. They are subject to envy, fear and ruthlessness so long as it is served alongside justice, though. They act quickly and spare little time for voting or group-think. Each Estel strives to be a leader and to protect their kin no matter the cost. In this clip, we see Thranduil and his company of elves interrogating an orc prisoner who raided their lands. There is fear that drives Thranduil to act, but it is a strong front that he provides to his enemies. Likewise, the Estel are not peaceful by any means. They will act ruthlessly if they are threatened, but they are no brutes. In this clip, we see the soldiers of Lothlorien coming to support the men of Rohan in their defense of Helm’s Deep. Their arrival inspires and surprises the Men present. Likewise, the Estel aim to be life-long friends to those in need and to provide their services and soldiers when needed. They are trusted for a reason. ATTIRE and FASHION The Estel aim to represent themselves in beautiful clothing and armor. They wear extravagant robes, dresses, sashes and anything else that make them stand out in a crowd of gambeson-wearing humans. Below are some skin references of my own character as well as FREE-TO-USE skins that I believe may fit the culture well. MALE FASHION FEMALE FASHION FREE-TO-USE SKINS NOW WHAT DO I DO? Basic personality? Check. Skin? Check. Now what are you supposed to do? The next step is to come roleplay with us! The Estel are primarily housed in Elvenesse at the west hub. Its your time to travel to us and start shaping the future of the city and the Estel culture. This guide includes building blocks to starting out, but you roleplaying the character is what is going to make it the most fun. There is more to learn about traditions, religion and culture, but those will be discovered through roleplay. This culture is not meant to be overbearing or dominant in any way. It is a crash-course into some of the great elven roleplay we are cultivating in the southern woodlands. If you enjoy it, come on down and meet us. You can also read THE ESTEL | Elves of a New Dawn if you want to learn more about the general idea of the Estel. You can also reach out to me on discord to be added to the Elvenesse discord chat: Zilldude#0478. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Good luck out there, players.
  11. Prince Amaesil Vuln'miruel smiles and nods. "No others I would trust with this task. Make us proud, Ke Kai'len."
  12. THE ESTEL ELVES OF A NEW DAWN The city was empty. The woodland realm that had been constructed and inhabited by the Irrinites had become a desolate ruin of its former glory. Seed halls laid in shambles and the famous square had become overgrown with weeds and roots. Standing above it all was the great Citadel of the Sea Prince. It was to this iron-clad fortress and the dockyard that the remaining Elvenessi had retreated during the Great Schism. The majority of these elves were not Irrinite, Almenodrim or Aegrothonian, though — they had become something entirely new during the course of Elvenesse’s reign. They had become the Estel — elf-lords of an older time. H I S T O R Y After the election of High Prince Evar’tir Oranor, the elves that had formed Elvenesse began to fracture. Political ambitions and nostalgia for the past had led many kin to splinter off in search of other prospects. Many of the Irrinites, for example, began a mass exodus to the wilds in order to construct a new community akin to Siramenor of the past. As such, the only elves left behind would be those who were too young to have seen the prior glory of the Irrinite village and who had been raised to the culture of Elvenesse. What came in the aftermath was an incredibly powerful community. Many of the former Elvenessi rebranded themselves the Estel — or “Trusted” in the common tongue — and began to pursue a style of life not seen in the realm for many centuries. The Estel began to wear more extravagant clothing and armor similar to that of Malinor. While many kept their tribal tattoos as reminders, many found peace in family titles and Houses once more. It did not matter what background you came from: high elf, wood elf, snow elf, dark elf, almenodrim. All who adopted the ways of the Estel were, themselves, Estel. An age of prosperity began from the ashes of Elvenesse and a new people had been born. The Estel reigned supreme. A R C H I T E C T U R E After the passing of the Irrinites, the Estel began to retreat back into their Citadel and docks. The new city became akin to one massive seed hall — an elven house for elven folk. Homes were created throughout the Citadel and dockyard and given to elves of import and duty. House halls were constructed and repurposed to the great seeds and clans: Taliame’onn, Valin’dar and Hawksong. The new construction style borrowed much from both the Almenodrim and Irrinites, but it had become wholly new. Great gardens of wild trees and bushes sprouted alongside and enwrapped large buildings of stone and red paint. The Citadel became reminiscent of elven cities of old with its great towers and the Warden Keep. The gardens would bring envy to any Irrinite and the sprawling towers would sour any high elf’s mood. Borrowing from the roots of the Citadel, the homes and settlements of the Estel would often be suspended atop large cliff sides and mountain tops. Gone were the days of underground mudhuts and burrows. The Estel were a proud folk and intended to share their abundance of beauty and pride high above the canopy. F A S H I O N The fashion of the Estel borrows heavily from the Almenodrim, but it incorporates a subtlety that was boasted by the Irrinites. Elves wear robes and armor that express elegance and grace. Lavish cloth and decorative sashes, belts and circlets bring a relaxed and cultivated appearance to all Estel . The long-lived elves use their clothing to reflect their mastery of crafts and arts. For men, they are encouraged to wear robes that cover the majority of their bodies, but there are no restrictions on such. Males show their strength and dignity by carrying arms at their sides at all times and are ever-ready to strike and defend should the need arise. Boots have become prevalent, too, in the wake of the Almenodrim. As they spend most of their days meandering through stone halls, the need and desire for boots and other footwear became increasingly favorable. For women, they are encouraged to wear lavish dresses and other decorations such as jewelry, circlets and sashes. Women, too, show strength by carrying weapons at their sides and joining their male counterparts in the defense and offense of their city. The Estel are also often seen wearing lavish armors with great cloaks and sashes. They do not have a “warrior culture”, per say, but the elves of the southern woodlands are incredibly strong of will and might. They express this through their armors and weapons. C U L T U R E The Estel have a very distinct set of cultural practices and beliefs that set them apart from other elves. These are not religious practices, but simply traditions that bring pride and courage to the hearts of young Estel throughout the Citadel and abroad. THE GREAT HOUSES THE WILD FAITH RITES OF PASSAGE ALL RANGERS. ALL SOLDIERS. ALL GUARDS. E L V E S O F A N E W D A W N The creation of the Estel was a necessity in maintaining the unity and might of the former Elvenessi. As such, the term “Estel” is not meant to describe a race; it is meant to describe a people. This united, visionary culture was not a combination of others, but an influenced act of care and simplicity. Simplicity. That describes the Estel well. They are a community more than a nation and their influence will become well documented in the centuries to come. Their unity sprouted from similar goals rather than similar beliefs like the Irrinites and Almenodrim of old. This singular vision will allow the Estel to become independent and strong. [OUT-OF-CHARACTER]
  13. Amaesil Vuln'miruel stands upon the cliffside and looks out across the burning dockyard. The fires reflect in his brown orbs and glints off of his silver armor. His long, blue robes billow in the wind as ash forms a long, winding spire into the stratosphere. It is there that the elflord weeps silently. Justice had been dealt this day, but such never brought him any comfort.
  14. Upon reading this news, Amaesil nodded once. "These Uruks came to our city the other elven day and attempted to mislead us. The Raguk died and the others fled. I am glad to see the slavers were caught by our neighbors in the Summer Sea."
  15. Amaesil looks toward the island nation through his telescope. Even from the southern peninsula he could hear the drums of rebellion. "Peace in our t- wait, no."
  16. The Lord Exarch reads the invitation with a warm grin. He writes a response and has a courier deliver it up the hillside to his brother. Brother. Of course I will attend. I am overjoyed at this news, brother, and I will bring with me enough Vuln'miruel blood to flood the venue. You are of the highest caliber of elf and so, too, is the woman you have come to make your bride. I look forward to the lineage established by Hawksong and I hope that our Houses will forever be entwined. I love you, Aerendyl. HIS LORDSHIP, Amaesil Vuln'miruel, Lord Exarch and Estelaurir of Elvenesse
  17. Feeling a tingle on his neck, the elflord slowly lowers the telescope and looks out toward the high elven radical.
  18. Amaesil reads the declaration with a grim expression. As he reaches the end, a low sigh emits from his lips. He folds the letter and sets it down on the table beside himself. He gathers his cloak and makes way for the upper ramparts of the Citadel. Once at the top, the elflord unfurls the high elven telescope and peers across the realm toward the distant island nation. His lips thin and he speaks softly to himself: "I pray my cousins learn sooner rather than later that their pursuit of war against Almaris will be met with immediate destruction. I will pray for their safety and eventual realization that they no longer represent anything more than an island nation on the far edges of the map.
  19. Amaesil's eyes widen as he reads the declaration. "Oh. Oh."
  20. Amaesil reads the letter. An amused smile forms. "As expected. My son of twenty was too much for the leader of the extremists. I am a very proud father."
  21. Adreniel Elibar’acal — You marched to the woodlands with a rally of silvered thugs. You challenged us and declared war on our kin. You called us insects and affirmed your desire to slaughter all elves of our lands and beyond. My valiant son, Malin Vuln’miruel, challenges you to single combat to the death. You will come to Elvenesse on an agreeable day with your legions of half-rate Ferrymen and fight in the sight of all like the proud mali’thill you say you are. Deny this challenge if you wish to demonstrate your cowardice. You have three elven days to respond. Ame nae evareh. HIS LORDSHIP, Amaesil Vuln'miruel, Lord Exarch of Elvenesse, Estelaurir of Amaethea, High Warden of the Order and Lord of Kindle OOC
  22. Amaesil reads the rain-drenched missive underneath the cover of a lone set of trees. His noble steed stands at the edge of the shade and shakes its antlers toward the thundering heavens. The pair would be located on the side of a mountain somewhere in the northern peaks of Urguan. "Perhaps not the best route, lari'onn," the elf muses to himself. He folds the missive and tucks it into his cloak. His eyes scan the northeastern horizon. With a flash of distant lightning the elflord would catch a glimpse of the floating city. A scowl forms.
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