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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Officially the first Arcane Shielder on LOTC!!! Dem feels!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      I shielded Arcane people for months. :I seewatidedthair

    3. Lark


      Arcane shielding looks cool. Teach me oh great one.

    4. cruzazul


      Psh alteration shielding with wards is better ;)

  2. Oh hey Izzy. Least derpy of ... well virtually everyone :P

  3. Oh hey... Just swaggin' around with this cool name.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      It looks cool but it is a bit confusing to read. For people who don't know me it might make things difficult for them, whatever circumstance they are in.

    3. V0idsoldier


      It's not confusing to read at all. I say keep it, looks kewl :3

    4. BrandNewKitten
  4. Oh look...The fire alarm goes off when you burn food... hmmmm

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Again... it goes off....

  5. Oh Minecraft! How I have missed you these 2 1/2 weeks...

  6. Oh why thank you :3 I had to rewrite it because I got an error message and forgot to copy it but I think it's only natural that a high elf would stick to their RP nature. It should be instinctual. At least that is how I am RPing it.

  7. Oh. I didn't know that we were actually going to the island. I built that too.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Sorry if you find unfinished things. The antag island was abandoned last summer until now.

    2. Wobbajack
    3. BrandNewKitten


      Thanks. Tho whoever cleaned up the last bit of the island did a nice job.

  8. Old art. Its baaaahhhdd but funny Ha! found some old art. God... I am so much better with pencil. http://imgur.com/a/J91CS

  9. One day. I will have magic. One day...

  10. One lucky enough to gaze upon Lin'evaral might notice a few new additions to the beloved cihi: http://imgur.com/FbtE1mh,gi7qzXu,MzDAvU5,I7YlD5e,p1I9zPq

  11. One of my repeated event creatures. An earth Imp: http://i.imgur.com/35mLgmp.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Reminds me of the little Deku guys from Zelda: Wind Waker!

    3. meg


      So cute ;~;

    4. BrandNewKitten


      @Soda: Except it doesn't talk and is an earth evoker. :P

  12. Only if someone wrote lore for bardmancy like bard from lol. Now if you do it you will look silly!

    1. Space


      Current Bardmancy is pretty ok. Not used, but ok.

  13. Please PM me if you needed to report something about the war instead of modreqing. Thank you.

  14. Post your favorite part/settlements of the Fringe so far. Personally My favorite parts are the swamp where the dwarves are, the stone domes and the waterfalls into the sand pit.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Also a second mordor please.

    3. Cloakedsphere


      Dwarves, high elves, and the mushroom biome. Best areas.

    4. osumanduas


      I'm really liking Krugdanistan at the moment.

  15. Posts about high elven genocide = publicity. Publicity = more new players. Post about high elven genocide = counterintuitive

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      It's like when people tried to mock us with Magic missile!

      Get ALL the publicity!

    2. Katherine1


      If the genocide were to actually happen, I'd have to defend you guys. EW! xP

  16. PVP Defualt: http://i.imgur.com/EVGx2H4.png I am actually quite indifferent and I know that magic is an exception. I just found some comical humor in this. Let's just go with the flow guys or else I will need to post more awful drawings.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      Please post more awful drawings.

    3. Urahra


      I giggled.

    4. Insomnic


      haha oh dear.

  17. PvP me brah http://gyazo.com/88b2ef640eabc375883515cbb66e4e08 (Testing event commands)

    1. hellfiazz
    2. Dreek


      i had double that during the special harb antag map. ;)

    3. ShameJax


      Your on mate.

  18. Ready for some fun

  19. Ready for some fun

    1. Nug


      awwww yiss

    2. BrandNewKitten


      heeelllll yeshhh. We might see the return of Taco.

    3. Llir



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