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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Gone till Sunday! Bye!

  2. Good Morning early birds on the East Coast! Enjoy the beginning of your spooky weekend!

  3. Guide update incoming today. Hopefully we start getting some more crystal power on the server here soon! #celestialism

  4. Guys! Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete is on GOG.com for 3.50$ atm. I got it and it would be cool if others did to as I believe it is multiplayer! Also the site is like humble bundle and they have awesome deals atm. Currently looking for people to play either this or Project Zomboid or Don't starve! Hit me up! I will respect the **** out of you.

  5. Guys. Skyrim Special Edition. Got it in the mail today! THE HYPE!

  6. Half the server is high elven atm. 4/8 people

    1. mitto


      thats also all the active high elven populace

    2. Mariek


      If only we could attract them all to the city.  (Heres hoping the new city does).

    3. BrandNewKitten
  7. Has anyone found a way to change text spacing since that awful site update? I found out how to not have my format ruined (sort of) but it does not respect the 1.15 spacing that I desire in my writing. 

    Example: Check out the spacing of section 1 of this guide and the spacing of section 2 


  8. Hear me out LoTC... next map... DINOSAURS ? ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorcerio


      T-Rex attack? Yes please!

    3. Dakirennis


      Lizardman race, it’s needed.

    4. BrandNewKitten


      No. Just Dinosaurs. We can only do one thing at a time.

  9. Hello lovey people ? The east coast has treated me well but I cannot wait to be home on the west coast. Many happy thoughts from the tepid boy adorned in many sun-toasted freckles. ☺️ See you soon. 

  10. Hey ? Anyone know any good art commissioners? I have a few past DnD characters I would like art for. 

    1. _NotChris



      He does some awesome stuff, artwork and skins. Hit him up 

    2. Arkelos


      Numirya#5929, shes AMAZING.

    3. Korvic


      Blue Budgie#9655 Does great semi-realistic/concept style artwork.

  11. Hey ? dibs again this year for valday. K, ttyl, babe. 

  12. Hey friend! Hope all is well!!

  13. Hi, you are still my favorite druid. ? I hope life is being kind ☀️ 

    1. Birdwhisperer


      Aw, thanks. I’m doing well! Teaching middle school full-time, working on a master’s degree, doing some creative writing. I hope you’re doing great!

      Edited by Birdwhisperer
  14. High Elven Sporadic man is back and I hope he does this server justice. JUSTICEFOR SPORADIC

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Your Favorite Impure
    3. drfate786


      Hopefully he was serious about removing Nexus. 

    4. oblivionsbane


      sporadic justice incoming

  15. Holy ****. Hou-Zi lore so good. How did I miss this? Good job Leo!

  16. Homophobic Roleplay on LoTC is way too normalized and it ******* sucks.


    Can’t wait for the next installment where we discuss how fun rape and genocide can be to RP! smh. I’m out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jentos


      I can agree with how hard it is to achieve historical accuracy, but without wanting to go too far from the topic at hand, “grim dark” can be much more than peasants spitting, and has to do with much more than language. Obviously this depends on the hand which wields it, and we all have different opinions and tastes, though some such as homophobia might be deemed unacceptable, and limiting its use might create further controversy in a roleplay community that already has staff deeply involved in most conflicts. 

    3. AlphaMoist


      Okay but to be fair it’s kind of lotc’s own fault for making homophobia extremely likely among elves. A mostly infertile race would be extremely unwelcoming to those who refuse to try and increase their population. It just makes sense for them to be less welcoming to gays. If people want to explore that aspect of rp, it’s fine. As long as they don’t take it oocly, I don’t see a problem. 

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Genuinely appreciate the thoughts and opinions shared on my status. As a gay male I have advocated for using homophobia less and less since joining LoTC. It makes me uncomfortable & I don’t think is necessary for roleplay. 

      And I also advocate for less extreme uses of racism & sexism as well. A snow elven prejudice built from story scenarios seems okay but homophobia  started as an OOC religious concept that is forced down ***** throats time and time again. We come here to exist in a fantasy universe. It’s just shitty that people replicate the most traumatic parts.

      I understand that the issue isn’t an easy fix but I’d rather be vicious in my reaction to it so you know how angry it makes me than to let it continue to silently fester. 

  17. Hop on my salty train

    1. Panashea


      What's wrong friend

  18. I am not a bad person. D:

    1. AGiantPie


      [citation needed]

  19. I am on. Guess you chumps can't handle THE GLORIOUS MIGHT OF MY CRYSTALS 

  20. I am working on a piece that provides a logical evolution for Arcanism in the hopes of addressing the need to balance spells as well as providing a the next chapter to the story of the magic. 

    The thing I want to make clear is that I want each and every current Arcanism user to have access. Are there any current users who absolutely need their feedback heard? I understand. PM me. 

  21. I assume horses that I can saddle and ride but can't perm are meant to be like that?


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