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Status Updates posted by Nekkore

  1. Is that even possible?
    1. Valdis


      if you know whats going to happen you could use the momentum of the front hitting the vehicle and do a high powered flip as he did, so yes its possible

    2. Nekkore


      Funny how it's an Asian guy.

  2. Bring Me the Horizon :3

    1. Gemmylou


      Seeing them in the summmmmmer. I only like their new album though.

    2. Nekkore


      Waaahhh I want to see them too I love their new album aswell, They did a really good job.

  3. 4 more days until I'm off school...

    1. gingernut97
    2. Bucky_24


      You two need better/worse schools... I have been out for close to 6 weeks

  4. So... What's new? :)

    1. excited


      temp map.

    2. Nekkore


      Thanks! Didn't know that.

  5. If I were to join the Raine Academy as a teacher. I would go full ass Asian on all my students. "Why no A prus?!" *whips out a stick.

    1. Ibn Khaldun
    2. Nekkore


      ? that fact that I'm asian... :/

  6. Does Ice Cream exist in LoTC? If not. It should be :D

    1. SortedJarhead
    2. idiot


      ye. More food to mush in Seyer's face when he is drunk

  7. Never again am I going to volunteer to take my blood pressure readings 6 times for an energy drink can...

    1. argonian


      why not sir?

    2. Nekkore


      Because your right arm goes numb and it has a very weird effect on it later on the day. Plus it prevents me from trying to drink the energy drink anyways.

  8. If I see one more drake vine...

    1. Moochael


      dat hotline bling doe

    2. Pureimp10


      That could only mean one thing...

    1. Pureimp10


      You gotta be me.

    2. Nekkore


      What losing half your body?

      Don't kill meh... :(

  9. Do chess rp, use chess website to help with chess rp, win chess game, find out that you won against a random person and not the person you were rping with...

    1. Chimp
    2. Moochael


      Liek if u cri ever tim 

  10. Remember guys I have Applied for AT and wish for feedback Thank you:

    1. Vesalian


      "Day 420 - Still no feedback..."

    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      I think I already gave you feed back; but i'll go check.

  11. Well congratulations to those who got accepted to FM. Cleanse this forum off its salt. :)

    1. Onslaughted


      They can never take my salt away! Grr flays!

    2. Treaty


      Forums without salt is like LOTC without memes. Just wont happen. EVER.

  12. Congrats dude. Pocket some of my events? ;)

    1. idiot
    2. TeaLulu


      *lowers binoculars, loads sniper gun*

      Just try it, punk...


      See how fast you get done...



  13. I'm not usually the one to step up and speak out but what is going on is ridiculous.

    They need to pull their socks off and just use their two eyes that they've been given to actually do something with everyone's feedback.

    1. Telanir


      Speak up about what, if I might ask?

    2. mmat


      Ahem telanir please listen to the community xox

    1. Harri
    2. Nekkore


      tfw they get rid of azir's w on towers. yeah can't push because everyone is ap LOL

  14. Since I'm bored and I can't rp due to pc crashing to hell.


    How's everyone tonight?

    1. Moochael


      Good, how about you?

    2. Nekkore


      Fine fine. Just wished my pc didn't crash.

  15. grinding exp on nexus is fun. hahahahahahahahah......................................................

    1. Golin'Dar




      fun fun fun

    2. Nekkore


      AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahaha...agagga someone save me. Afk whilst waiting for stuff to finish is driving me insane

  16. How's everyone today

    1. Ducklingator


      Thinking about the old memes we left behind. 

    2. Nekkore


      Your memes were absolute **** bruv. We should brain storm for dank ones.

  17. Oh my lord all these amas while I'm gone. Stop, please @Calioos

    1. Ducklingator


      That's just our bodies slowly decomposing in a pile of questions.

    2. Vege


      ask. me. anything.

  18. There has been a grave mistake

  19. God that volcano is annoying and dangerous :/

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      I believe I don't need to say anything...your avatar says it for me ^^

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