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Status Updates posted by rukio

  1. Owyn was a farfolk it is known

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crevel


      It is known, Khaleesi.

    3. Islamadon


      Entry level lore take. Owyn was actually a Farfolk from the future timeline where Adunians completely ruin Human RP. He had an animii arm and went back in time where he was adopted by Godwin, the half-elf son of Horen who suffered from infertility (same with Joren and Harren). Owyn thus created a new line of "Horen" that became the main line of Horen. Further, he went back in time to stop the Adunians before they got out of hand.

    4. UnusualBrit


      @IslamadonOwyn is his own grandfather

  2. You're so vain you probably think this song is about you



    1. Crevel


      I got a probiotic yoghurt ad trying to watch that video

    2. rukio


      I think they're worried for ur gut health crevel 

  3. We don't need cleric magic, we have waters of life

    1. megavoltar



  4. https://youtu.be/nwlrPErIeWM

    Before I say another word
    Just know that my intentions were pure
    But you can't stand to be in silence
    All you can hear is your own voice
    Always annoyed at me for no reason, and I'm just
    So sick of backing down that I might just spill it all
    And if I do you won't give a shit, just another empty promise
    Are you not sick of playing games? Sick of giving blame?
    Sick of ******* living like the world has never given you a life-defining day?
    And I can't relate
    I've buried this and it's evident
    You won't change, won't change
    (I feel nothing)
    My mind is torn
    I hate it but I long to feel what I felt before
    But you just keep negging me
    What do I do? What do I say?
    Can you kindly just refrain
    What's here for me, why hide the truth?
    It's too late, too late
    I've buried this and it's evident
    You won't change, won't change
    (I feel nothing for you)
    Broke away and you'll be starving for closure
    Seam together but you know that I know ya
    Know this is real, this is real
    It's too late, too late
    I've buried this and it's evident
    You won't change, won't change
    I feel
    It's too late, too late
    I've buried this and it's evident
    You won't change, won't change
    That I feel nothing for you
    I feel nothing for you


  6. Where's that post bro

    1. Statherian


      Ask me again in 6 months

    2. Crevel


      Six months? I want to see a Community Team exposé now!

    3. Statherian


      The anticipation.....the people require their essay

  7. To be fair tasty, Hnor's community hanged itself with bad alliances and inactivity. Haense ruined their ability to have a tile, not twi 💅

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Privet


      "Ooc: Hello! I'm sure this wasn't expected. Yes, I have been working with Twi and Mmmonkee the entire time this has been happening. To my friends who didn't know: I had to keep this silent for fear of these plans being revealed.

      Before I even rejoined Haelun'or, my goal was simple, to get Sohaer and allow Twi to be able to rise to power.

      This community has been one of the absolute worst I have ever been in regards to Haelun'or. And I was on the council during Ankan's era. The sexism, racism, and bullying within the community was disgusting.

      Yes, I was on her side the whole time, yes I lied to you all. And yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat if that means I could rid the server of power hungry players who sought nothing but their own glory." - Kiwi, April 2022

      strange that the only people who were banned out of this whole ordeal were kiwi, twi, and mmmonkee, despite the accusations of toxicity, etc

    3. rukio


      Wow that's a lot of typing I'm not going to read but I'm either happy for u or sorry that happened to u

    4. Privet
  8. I believe the age old saying about all of my enemies remains true even here...



  9. I wonder if Maltamoss has tried talking to Eddyw irp about getting unbanned from Petra discord! 

    1. DeusVult


      I hope eddywilson tells maltamoss he's cool to his face then goes behind his back and bans him from the discord, that would be really cool!

    2. rukio
    3. AnonymousAlexa


      Orenians never change

  10. Name a more iconic polarizing person (on lotc) than me


    (Don't ******* namedrop banned players on my status update, they don't count) 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Borin


      My good friend P0lar1z1ng (he plays a dwarf thats y u dont know him, not many of them) (thats an urguan is dead joke)

    3. TreeSmoothie


      You're polarizing?

    4. rukio


      I hate (literally) all of you

  11. Palebeast

    1. meowmaxer



  12. God bless the admin team.


    I love me some ironic justice. 

  13. Hey bro stop looking at @TheBigBubbles's profile!!! 


  14. Hello can u not warclaim on sunday thank u its an almaris olympics day 

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