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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Sky


    Was this the inactive one that was around in the fringe? Also, hit me up if you need someone to play one (if this gets accepted?).
  2. Holy crap, that was entertaining and made my day.


    If you haven't played any of the Batman games, then I highly recommend them.

  3. How do you claim a bear to make it ride-able?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sky


      Thanks guys.

    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Step One. Ask the bear kindly

      Step Two. Sit down on the bear

      Step Three. If the bear is angry and attacks you, try to talk to it. Don't run away!

    4. LatzMomo


      You have to b a furry, and then use your mating call to calm it with some nice erp.

  4. While I thoroughly enjoy our little talks, Dr. Fate, I'm afraid that this will have to be my last response to you as you may start to feel that I am attacking you rather than actually giving you responses, in light-hearted and more so, jovial fashion that you enjoy giving out to others but then in-turn dismiss said claims. How fun, but shall I simply suggest that you speaking upon the behalf of the majority of the server is, quite laughable? Of course you'll most likely dismiss this, but if you think about it, no one can speak on behalf of the majority of the community and thus, stating you can is simply ridiculous and only trying to appeal through use of numbers/majority, which in this case is non-existent to your argument. Unless of course you can show your evidence, however I heavily doubt that any such evidence even exists and you're pulling these 'facts' out of thin-air and claiming them as completely factual. As someone who claims to be educated, you're falling rather short of giving an educated response to what is being given, other than anecdotal responses on how you've yet to experience something, therefor it isn't an experience for anyone, and so on and so forth, even here stating that you're speaking on a large proportion of people simply because you yourself have yet to be involved in any sort of antagonist events relating to necromancy, and that's simply a laughable case, because I can assure you that there has been some player ran events involving necromancers, but they mustn't exist due to your lack of involvement. Now this thread is about the creature's known as Ghouls being revised to a better state than where they were, indeed necromancers are involved in the process but it's not the place to be talking about such, you can argue about necromancers not being played the way you want, or how you feel they should be played, all you wish but take it somewhere else and for the matter, we aren't in a world where everything is shaped using generic 'Necromancer' cookie cutter shapes, or anything of the sort, so that sort of thinking falls into place of oppressing people into doing something that you feel they should be doing and if that's how you truly feel, then please simply read some literature or play an MMO, hardly ever do they fall out of your thinking lines and you may find peace within those pages, or code. Originally I assisted helping Shadowmage with the ghoul writing, though more so an editor to correct his grammar mistakes and after reading through the revision, I cannot see any reason why it would be denied and is actually a well written, and well done piece of work. Good work KBR.
  5. You got us! We have hundreds of grabbed-by-the-ghoulies under the Johannesburg city, just waiting and thank the lord you're here, because thanks to your top-tier villainy, we were able to go unseen this entire time, but since you disappeared we once again must hide in the shadows like the proverbial nocturnal owl that awaits for their precious shrew to show itself in the darkest of nights. Hahaha, no, they just don't have to show you ****. Just cause you ask to know what a group is doing, doesn't mean they need to show you, you entitled manchild, you. Using buzzwords such as circlejerking, is cool too. Anyway, putting away all other fantasy related mambo-jumbo (cause we're in lotc here nothing else) the necromancers aren't inherently evil at all, even first generation necromancers aren't (though do do chaotic **** cause iblees), heck my undead character wasn't inherently evil. The best role-play with a necromancer I've come across with, is one who believed they were saving these people from death but hey, yes they MUST be chaotic! I like this revision very much my friend.
  6. Make the cool-down for soul stones five minutes, please.

    1. Man of Respect
    2. Ducklingator


      Make them an RP thing with detailed lore while you're at it!


  7. Yo man, I'd love to create events with this, **** yeah.
  8. A ten meter tall flower that has liquid that simply heals, with the negative of being stained purple. Personally, I'd say make it a meter or smaller, as well as either explaining what exactly it can (and cannot) heal, or having a bigger negative effect (such as maybe, muscles become paralyzed for sometime after, or something).
  9. The Tahn Hound Habitat: Only found on the island of Tahn. Description: Several breeds of the Tahn Hound can be found all over the isle, the only difference in all is their fur coating (IE. Sandy brown in Canyons, Deep grey in Plains, White in Forest, and Deep brown in Desert.). Apart from their coats, they stand roughly from twenty inches, to twenty four inches, and would weigh anywhere from thirty-five pounds to sixty pounds. The most striking part of their appearance is their eyes, a striking shade of blue ranging from a dim-sapphire to a sparkling-arctic blue. The size of their teeth and claws vary depending upon their age, however they never grow longer than your average wolf for their size, and their fur coat while not terribly long, is able to become shaggy when not clean. Their strength, in terms of claws, teeth and jaw-power, is no different to that of a wolf their size. Author: Sky. LM Approval Required: Probably not.
  10. Sky

    Druidism Explained

    Druidism, what is it and where does it come from? Well, it’s classed as a deity magic, as the magic itself originates indirectly from a trio of deities, known as the Aspects. The Aspects are, Cerridwen, Cernunnos, and Nemiisae, each being individual representations of differing parts of nature, and have been known to be changed around within differing in character beliefs. Now the Aspects themselves would be technically considered ‘Lesser Aenguls’ but not in the sense that they aren’t true Aenguldaemons, more so in the sense that the natural energy-pool (energy, read as mana) size for a regular Aengul, is instead split up among the three and making each theoretically holding the power of a third of another Aengul on their own, but is balanced by the three keeping close ties with one another. Like other Aengul’s, the Aspects too have a general task that they follow through using whatever they can and their task, to put simply, is the preservation and protection of the natural plain, including all natural life within it. Unlike some other deities, the Aspects have a severe dislike for the void as it’s classed as the most unnatural thing to their perspective, and due to this they choose wholly to rely upon their own pool of natural energy to fulfil their task. Unfortunately, due to the size of their pool, it would of been a very slow process for the Aspects to endure, however they continued to persevere and through such, showed great dedication to their task at hand. Due to this, Nature and the Aspects, formed an unbreakable bond with each other and for the greater good, did all of nature agree to pool their own natural energy for the Aspects to tap into as to fulfil their task at a more easier, albeit still difficult, pace. Now once someone is attuned, they are having their own natural energy pool connected to that of Nature, thus explaining how they immediately are bombarded with the voices of it all, as this would be the most personal connection one could form with another. From this, it also explains how communing is neither simply talking to an animal, or a plantation, but something much more intense, and also explains their ability at a more experienced level to be able to control various natural things. However, that explaining both communion and control, it doesn’t entirely explain how nature’s healing, nor blight healing. With them two, instead of simply drawing from the pool that Nature is assisting with, the druid in question is pushing past that, and connecting directly into the Aspects personal energy flow, thus explaining how it’s such a difference from simply communicating with nature, to being able to manipulating the differing elements of plantation. Shapeshifting, in a sense, is completely disconnected from this whole ordeal as it’s surrounded by a ritual, rather than just the connection of a druid. This entire thing, would explain many things about the druids, that otherwise simple existed without reason. For one, the Aspect Stones, instead of the Aspects creating them for no intent purpose other than, more power. This would give them the idea that the Aspects were aware of their limited pool, but also knowing that overtime it regenerates back into their being, thus creating these for the druids to be able to tap into, if the need arises. Another, would be the Faerie Rings, where the area is simply a place where the energy-pool is at it’s thickest and seeping through for those to experience how it would feel if connected, because at that moment they are in a sense. The following is a professional drawing of what I am getting across;
  11. From an out of character perspective, this will add a whole new layer and would be an amazing thing to implement.
  12. Thought this sounded familiar... Wild Wild West, wonderful movie, should watch it if you haven't.
  13. Never click sketchy links, here's a link that's not such! http://tinyurl.com/jffad65

    1. Elfen_


      Because tinyurls aren't sketchy. /rollseyes

  14. I should explain the druid part. If a druid is strong enough, they can actually convince an animal to skirt their instincts but not all, such as attacking their master, or another druid. However, the major red-line that has always been a thing was that they are unable to force a parent animal to abandon it's child at infancy, or prior to when they leave it on their own accord. It's completely subjective though, say the Wolf Druid wished for a Ker pup and decided to ask the mother, due to his experience and strength with the magic, I wouldn't be surprised if he was successful but that's someone who's been a druid since... Asulonish?
  15. Magical limbs already exist, I believe this is just to reaffirm it? Not like it can be denied due to how long limb-replacements have been an active part in the server.
  16. I need names for the following nation leaders, if any could fill in the blanks or correct my mistakes that would be amazing!


    Oren: DibliusMaximus
    Urugan: Ziko

    Laurelin: _Leric_

    Ebonglade: Dakirennis

    Uzg: Smawton

    Sutica: SquirtGun

    Aethermoor: NordLord1


    1. excited


      Haelun'or Caelria

      Dreadlands: DPM 

      Haria is faiz

    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      aethermore is faiz

      haria is sidnasty

    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      aethermore is under the sultanate of Sharaff, which is basically the majority of vandoria. v

  17. The big 22.

    1. Anawkin


      Congrats brodude

    2. Space


      happy birthday

  18. 1. Yes he would, if he is the carrier of the disease and a mosquito doesn't make viruses, or diseases, magnify just because they drink from you and store it within their body. Besides, the likelihood of the disease passing from a mosquito would be extremely rare (in the 0.01~% chance) due to the fact that if it was so potent, the bug itself would die from it (their immune systems are no where close to ours). 2. Yes, I did read it through. Again, you'd succumb if your blood was so riddled with this disease that all you'd have to do is shoot arrows with your blood on it, but that doesn't even put into account several thoughts. A), lets say you didn't succumb, you'd be too weak to properly shoot an arrow with enough velocity to do much damage. B), arrow heads wouldn't be able to simply be imbued with your blood so it'd be laced in it, and assuming you are strong enough to shoot an arrow to do some damage, chances that the environment (wind, weather, etc) would cause the blood to not remain upon the arrow head to make the journey. C), assuming it got passed the three prior points, who is to say that the blood cells upon the arrow head contained the virus to begin with? Because damn, if every single one of your blood cells had the virus riding it, and are still standing with the ability to shoot an arrow, you're one strong ass monkey. In all seriousness, it's a silly concept and plagues aren't entirely enjoyed by the playerbase, consider the fact that hardly anyone acknowledges the plaguelands the Uruks have created (already talked about this before, not going to get into it, simply an example) and what about the plagues prior, who can forget the mechanic plague of The Fringe? So yeah, no I'm not in support for this and believe it's not going to help any sort of role-play. Thanks for reading.
  19. He would of succumb to the plague himself, rather than be alive long enough for mosquitoes to take blood sample, and even if so it's very unlikely for it to actually spread it. It's be very rare, rare enough to not cause a plague.
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