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Everything posted by Sky

  1. devs please for future reference only add perks for Iron to Diamond, consolodate everything above down and simply give the higher ranks '/kill' (be sure it only kills them) so they can kill themselves @Evocress agrees with me too

  2. 9016d27d48dd615e50e9c9096566abe8.png someone explain???

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO
    2. SpodoKaiba


      the devs have ruined my mineman...

    3. Chthonian_


      the people require their pixels 

  3. what is with the constant disconnections?

  4. Sky

    On the Heavens

    Genuine question, and unsure if answered but if so please re-itterate for me, what exactly is the purpose of this lore? Is it simply to add depth to the universe we inhabit, or does it have alterier motives attatched? Also, is this all able to be learned through in-character means? If so, how and what impact would it have (apart from, 'i have more knowledge, cool' sort of deal).
  5. Jaeden: Help my daughter ruin her life http://www.strawpoll.me/13624527

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      i voted on all the options

      **** you if you dislike it **** you twice if you do not like this comment

      i'm not kidding h33333ha4hheaahaou

      how do i type on the forums

  6. Not single handedly, so I am unsure how they can notch that on their measuring stick but hey, do you.
    1. Arkelos


      Happy belated birthday, man.

    2. EPICBEAST6209


      I work at pizza hut. It blows don't do it

  7. Moved to completed blacklists.
  8. Today I learned, just like opinions, everyone has their own moral compasses. Wowee.
  9. You keep saying that many boundaries are arbitrary but it's gotten to the point that I genuinely don't believe you know what that word means. We all live in a society and culture that dictates things differently, due to our differing histories. The animals we choose to kill and eat, heavily fluxuate depending upon which culture you are apart of, and majority of the time it's quite a simple concept. Is the animal bred to be eaten? Then eat it. Is the animal not bred to be eaten? Then don't eat it, unless of course it's very sick. Your arguments seem odd and quite forced, so far I see 'Animals bred are good? Well slaves bred for slaves do slavery good!' to which is a very- Odd argument, because you are taking a perspective from foreign place and shoving it into our face as if to say that because another culture does it, that our culture too must agree with it but clearly we don't, because we don't have slaves. The other argument is 'If you would skin a cow, you would skin a dog' to which I say, yes and no. You don't eat anything that gives you benefits, you don't bite the hand which feeds you and for milenia animal companions (such as dogs, cats, etc) have been bred to be household pets and many studies show they actually benefit the person mentally. At the end of it, it's all about one's culture and where they see the line drawn, it's not arbitrarily drawn in the sand just '**** it', but done out of experiences and what the culture needs to do to survive.
  10. happy birthday @Jaeden one year closer to death 

  11. Villain Blacklist Mcname(s): HugeWud, Raguk Why he/she is blacklisted: Breaking raid rules. Conditions of blacklist (temporary, permanent, until appeal, etc.): One week, no appeal required.
  12. He means in terms of a magic implimented into this server, but good job trying to shame someone, kudos.
  13. Alright, you both have me. One of you add me into the Warclaim Skype group, and lets get to discussing.
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