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Status Updates posted by Legoboy7984

  1. Been on the server for 10 years. Almost 11. First time I ever heard the name Xan. 

    1. UnusualBrit


      Legoboy the Paladins were your vassal are you a dumbass

    2. Legoboy7984


      @UnusualBritYou really expect me to research on what the Paladins are and do besides hunt darkspawn. You're sadly mistaken lol

  2. Happy Easter! Christ has risen!

  3. When we all had our weekends back. One man decided to change that. Smh.. the disappointment is real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Warclaim attendance is optional, not mandatory

    3. femurlord
    4. UnusualBrit


      Mio what the hecc dude!

  4. Hello new players!! #DWARVES!!!

  5. If only I wasn't at work... either or Oren still gonna lose.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. grnappa


      Gold Corps Legokid is infinitely better than Urguan Legobaby

    3. herculean_wud
    4. Legoboy7984


      @grnappa @herculean_wud Nice way to show your guys age 👍

  6. Been Gold VIP on LoTC for a long time now. Still not updated on forums don't know who to talk to anyways, #GetTaxed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HogoBojo


      It’s through freja in-game. Shoot me a pm and I’ll walk you through it. 

    3. Myleres


      /freja sync 

      In game 

    4. Legoboy7984
  7. I plan on taxing everyone! #GetLegoTaxed

    1. HogoBojo


      As you should. As the former Treasurer of Haense, I understand and smile upon your need to tax. :)

  8. Glad that the Admins and Tech team found out the reasoning behind all the lag it seems. Now we can get back to wars on the server again.

  9. Oren just getting smacked around when the server worked.

  10. That moment when you become Emperor of Oren and could've ended the war yet decided to continue it.

    1. drfate786


      Tbh, it's too late now. They stirred the hornet's nest and now they won't stop until the dissolution of Oren happens. I just hope that this time it's final, I don't know why everyone has to keep beating the same old horse every map.

    2. Harold
  11. Last nights forum was weird with it being thin. Come back after work and it looking niooooce.

  12. Vortex giving me bad Nexus flash backs.

    1. antiopa


      its literally just nexus with some **** changed 

  13. Gn.. it’s 3:08 am

  14. Any forum moderator wanna get rid of my warning point from 2013? Just asking, lol.

  15. This war is probably the most boring war I’ve been in within my 6 years of playing on the server as well as it being the most toxic of them all. Then again the majority of this maps wars has been rather toxic but not like this one if I’m honest.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Legoboy7984


      What the?... shut up with that, lol.

    3. sergisala


      Not all the people who halt you are toxic but I agree with you @Legoboy1024 ?

    4. ferdaboy


      if its so boring then attack

  16. We can all agree that we are thankful that the war is over now.

    1. rukio


      I woke up early for the WC though : (

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      shittiest possible ending to the war


  18. as I was waking up this morning it suddenly hit me that Fili Grandaxe, and Fimlin Grandaxe are the best Grandaxes

    1. ryno2
    2. Quirkyls


      which one is better? you can't have both @Legoboy7984

  19. Narvok oz Urguan

    1. UnusualBrit


      Congratulations legoboy 

  20. Falum'Lur new Rex! ?

  21. Let us hope Humanistic becomes Rex, so the orcish race will be saved

  22.   +1 Hail Falum'Lur!

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